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Buoyancy Flow with Darcy’s Law - the Elder (1967) problem for saltwater concentrations. Density driven flow. Fluids pick up contaminants (natural or otherwise) in travel through the subsurface. Fluid density can vary with the contaminant concentrations producing buoyancy flow.
Buoyancy Flow with Darcy’s Law - the Elder (1967) problemfor saltwater concentrations
Density driven flow • Fluids pick up contaminants (natural or otherwise) in travel through the subsurface. Fluid density can vary with the contaminant concentrations producing buoyancy flow. • Conventional flow/transport packages deal with fluids of constant density so adding density driven flow typically means rebuilding your model with another specialized software. • In COMSOL Multiphysics, it is straightforward to add density variations to most flow/transport models. • Methods shown here for solute concentrations apply to density variations brought about by other factors, including temperature, for example.
Density driven flow – the Elder problem • Originally this density driven flow example was set up for heat transfer by Elder (1967). • Recast for salt concentrations by Voss and Souza (1987). • Used as a benchmark for testing many salt-water transport codes; e.g., SEAWAT/MODFLOW, SUTRA ... • The Elder problem is notoriously sensitive to nuances in the mesh and solution method.
Geometry and boundary conditions 150 m 150 m c=csalt p=p0 at points p=rgD at t=0 150 m c=0 at t=0 no flux all others c=0 600 m
Geometry and boundary conditions 150 m 150 m c=csalt p=p0 at points p=rgD att=0 150 m c=0att=0 no flux all others c=0 600 m symmetric
2-way coupling between flow & transport • Density dependent fluid flow - Darcy’s Law • Salt concentration – Saturated solute transport • r varies with c
Density driven flow (typically) • Darcy’s law with density terms Density appears as a scaling coefficient Accounts for change in storage from concentration p = pressure c = concentration • = density (varies with concentration) cf, cs = compressibility of solid and fluid q = porosity k = permeability h = dynamic viscosity g = gravity D = elevation
Density driven flow (the Elder problem) fluid velocityu • Density driven fluid flow with Darcy’s law 0 0 • Implementation: • Physics>Subdomain settings: • Storage coefficient is user defined as the very small number eps • Density is a scaling coefficient on Scaling Terms tab • Physics>Equation systems>Subdomain Settings: • New term in da matrix accounts for storage change related to time rate change in concentration • Options>Expressions>Scalar Expressions: • Density is a function of concentration • Directional velocities defined because divergence operator now includes extra density term
Non-reactive transport (typically) c = concentration q = porosity D = hydrodynamic dispersion tensor (see below) u = vector of directional velocities (from flow equation) • Dispersion consists of mechanical spreading plus molecular diffusion aL, aT = longitudinal and transverse dispersivities Dm = molecular diffusion; t = tortuosity factor (t < 1)
Salt transport (the Elder Problem) 0 0 0 Dispersion here is molecular diffusion only • Implementation: • Physics>Subdomain settings: • Flow and Media Tab: directional velocities are the scalar expressions u and v • Liquid Tab: aL aT set to zero • Physics>Equation systems>Subdomain Settings: • Variables tab: Set thDxx and thDyy to the diffusion component only Set thDxy and thDyx to zero defining thD as a lumped isotropic molecular diffusion
Density driven flow – Concentration Snapshots year 1 year 10 year 2 year 15 year 20 year 3
Density driven flow – Animation of Concentrations • As the water becomes increasingly saline it sinks. When the dense salty water sinks it displaces relatively fresh water, which rises to the surface.
Elder, SUTRA, SEWAT Results • The COMSOL Multiphysics results give an excellent match with the Elder results. • Differences between the COMSOL Multiphysics and SUTRA concentrations occur because COMSOL Multiphysics solves for the dependent variable and its gradients simultaneously. • figure from SEWAT/MODFLOW manual (Guo and Langevin, 2002)
Density driven flow – Animation of Streamlines • Concentrations (surface) and velocities (streamlines) show the development of several convection cells over the course of the 20-year simulation period.
References • Elder, J.W. (1967). Transient convection in a porous medium: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, v. 27, no. 3, p. 609-623. • Guo, W. and Langevin, C.D. (2002). User’s Guide to SEAWAT: A Computer Program for Simulation of Three-Dimensional Variable-Density Ground-Water Flow: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations 6-A7. • Voss, C. I. and Souza,W. R. (1987). Variable density flow and solute transport simulation of regional aquifers containing a narrow freshwater-saltwater transition zone: Water Resources Research, v. 23, no. 10, p. 1851-1866. • Voss, C.I. (1984). A finite-element simulation model for saturated-unsaturated, fluid-density-dependent ground-water flow with energy transport or chemically-reactive single-species solute transport: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigation Report 84-4369, 409 p.