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An Educational Development Project Funded Through FDTL Phase 4: Project 174/02

An Educational Development Project Funded Through FDTL Phase 4: Project 174/02 http://www.practicebasedlearning.org/. Why reinvent the wheel? Sharing effective resources to make practice based learning work. Janet Scammell. Overview of Presentation. Project aim and phases

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An Educational Development Project Funded Through FDTL Phase 4: Project 174/02

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  1. An Educational Development Project Funded Through FDTL Phase 4: Project 174/02 http://www.practicebasedlearning.org/ Why reinvent the wheel? Sharing effective resources to make practice based learning work. Janet Scammell Universities of Ulster, Northumbria & Bournemouth

  2. Overview of Presentation • Project aim and phases • Case study and key themes • Phase 2 developments: -Resources -Learning materials • Looking ahead to phase 3 Universities of Ulster, Northumbria & Bournemouth

  3. Project aim & phases To make practitioners more effective at supporting & supervising students in the workplace across a range of healthcare disciplines: • Dietetics • Nursing • Occupational therapy • Physiotherapy • Radiography Universities of Ulster, Northumbria & Bournemouth

  4. PHASE ONE: Case Study • Identification and documentation of good practice on how practitioners are prepared for their educational role. • Inform development of learning materials for use by practitioners. Universities of Ulster, Northumbria & Bournemouth

  5. PHASE TWO:Development of Materials Design, pilot and implement resources to: • enhance preparation of practice supervisors. • meet needs of culturally diverse health and social care teams. Universities of Ulster, Northumbria & Bournemouth

  6. PHASE THREE: Dissemination • Review developed resources. • Disseminate and embed the project outcomes in a planned and comprehensive manner within and across health and social care disciplines. Universities of Ulster, Northumbria & Bournemouth

  7. Case study & key themes • Case study methodology (Yin 1994) underpinned data collection methods used to map the current nature of practice education in each of the project disciplines. • Data collection methods included: • Survey questionnaire • Focus groups • Secondary documentary data http://www.practicebasedlearning.org/PBL_cs/pbl.swf Universities of Ulster, Northumbria & Bournemouth

  8. Key themes:commonalities between disciplines • All professions have statutory requirements regarding the nature of work-based learning within the curriculum. • All students are prepared for placement experiences. • All professions report to being under resourced in terms of time, staff, availability of placements. • All professional groups are required to function within the inter-professional learning and working environment. Universities of Ulster, Northumbria & Bournemouth

  9. Commonalties continued • Inter-professional learning is curriculum rather than work-based. • All practice educators are prepared but content, length and level vary across and within professions and do not necessarily have a statutory agreement. • No formal career pathway for practice educators exists within the professions. • All practice educators are involved in formative assessment and some in summative assessment. • Learning needs of practice educators are similar across the professions. Universities of Ulster, Northumbria & Bournemouth

  10. Key themes:Differences between disciplines • Management, organisation and location of placements within the curriculum and between disciplines. • Methods are used to determine placement quality and standards. • Titles, roles and responsibilities given to the practice educator. • Criteria for becoming a practice educator. • Recognition, accreditation and standing of the practice educator and method of reward differ within and between professional groups. Universities of Ulster, Northumbria & Bournemouth

  11. Differences continued • Volume of students; student to practice educator ratios; and models of working with students • Supervision and assessment of work based learning by practice educators. • Nature of preparation of practice educator - length, contents, monitoring. • Support for practice educators is varied and reported to be insufficient in some instances. • Divergence in student funding and reimbursement for work based learning. • Multicultural issues were not fully explored Universities of Ulster, Northumbria & Bournemouth

  12. Phase 2 developments • Web portal of resources - knowledge resources • Learning & Teaching in Practice • Supporting Learning & Teaching in Practice • Reflection on & in Practice • Assessment in Practice • Interprofessional Learning in Practice • Diversity in Practice - skills resources • Commissioned learning materials Universities of Ulster, Northumbria & Bournemouth

  13. Web portal of resources http://www.practicebasedlearning.org/home.htm Universities of Ulster, Northumbria & Bournemouth

  14. Learning materials • Supporting dyslexic students in practice • ‘Failure to fail’ • Associate mentor portfolio • Introduction to reflection in practice • Facilitating learning in practice Universities of Ulster, Northumbria & Bournemouth

  15. Looking ahead to Phase 3: Issues for Project Team • What are the most effective ways to disseminate information about the web-portal and learning materials? • What strategies might promote use of the web-portal and learning materials by those involved in practice education? Universities of Ulster, Northumbria & Bournemouth

  16. An Educational Development Project Funded Through FDTL Phase 4: Project 174/02 http://www.practicebasedlearning.org/ Why reinvent the wheel? Sharing effective resources to make practice based learning work. Janet Scammell Universities of Ulster, Northumbria & Bournemouth

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