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Civics. Daily Lessons. Homework: Ch. 12.1 Notes- Jan. 16 Ch. 12.2 Notes- Jan. 17 Ch. 12.3 Notes- Jan. 18 Chapter 12 Test- Jan. 22. In Class Work: Ch. 12.1 New Seating Chart IPad Usage Vocabulary In Class Reading- Chapter 12.1 We will use the audio from the book. Sales Tax
Civics Daily Lessons
Homework: Ch. 12.1 Notes- Jan. 16 Ch. 12.2 Notes- Jan. 17 Ch. 12.3 Notes- Jan. 18 Chapter 12 Test- Jan. 22 In Class Work: Ch. 12.1 New Seating Chart IPad Usage Vocabulary In Class Reading- Chapter 12.1 We will use the audio from the book. Sales Tax Rising Costs of Government Taxes then and now Government Bonds 12.1 Section questions Homework will be given out when the audio is finished or at the end of the period- Go over the requirements. On Line Quiz- section 1 on the overhead if time. Examination: Date and Period you will take the exam-______ Signature:____________ While you were goneCivics - Make-up AssignmentsMr. Cook/Mrs. Colvin Room 214Student-_____________ Date Absent- Jan. 15 Date Due-______Please attach your make-up work to this sheet when you hand it in!
Day #1 – Daily Requirements • This class will adhere to the school IPad policy. However we will have class rules as well. • IPAD’s can be used at the beginning of every class (5 min.) to put in assignments. • When not in use the IPad must be placed under the desk. • IPAD’s are used only when instructed to do so by the teacher. • When using the IPAD it must be flat on the desk for the instructor to see. • No Face book, email, twitter or social network to be used in class, IPAD is for instructional purposes only. • Other rules will apply as they come up. • You must decide what you are going to use for your daily assignment notebook. • You may use the IPad or a regular notebook for daily assignments. • You must have a three ring binder to put in all assignments for this class.
Room 214Cell Phone and Electronic Devices Rule: Starting Tues. Jan. 17, 2012 • All cell phones must be turned off and out of sight before you enter Room 214 • If we see or hear a cell phone, headphone or electronic device it will be confiscated. There will be no second chances. • Do not bring your headphones or electronic devices into Room 214! • All books must be placed in the book rack under each desk at the beginning of class each day. Only books/notebooks being used during class may be on the desk!
Day #1 • Homework due today- None • In Class • In Class Reading- Chapter 12.1 We will use the audio from the book and Live Ink or you may put on head phones and read to your self. • Sales Tax • Rising Costs of Government • Taxes then and now • Government Bonds • 12.1 Section questions • Homework will be given out when the audio is finished or at the end of the period- Go over the requirements. • On Line Quiz- section 1 on the overhead if time.
Ch. 12.1- Pages 294-298 • In Class Reading- Chapter 12.1 We will use the audio from the book.
Many different kinds of taxes such as sales taxes on meals, pay for the goods and services you receive from government
What is the cost of government so high? • The High Cost of Government • Recall: What is the largest cost to the Federal Government? • Contrast: Why does it cost more to run the U.S. government today that in the past?
What guidelines do governments use when taxing citizens? • The Tax System • Recall: What do governments aim to do when they set up taxes? • Explain:How does government solve the problem of deciding which programs to fund first? • Evaluate: Do you think people with different incomes should be taxed at different rates, or should rates be the same for everyone?
Other than taxes, what are two ways to pay for government? • Other Ways to Pay for Government • Identify: Name three ways that the federal government raises money from fees? • Make Judgments:Do you think that the government should borrow money to pay for projects that it can’t afford, or wait until it has funds to begin them?
Civics - Unit IV- The Citizen in Government Chapter 12- Paying for Government Homework- Section 1- Raising Money pg. 294-298
Identify the three principles of taxation and explain why each one is important.