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OCEANOP Project An operational system for real-time meteo-oceanographic data monitoring in areas of oil exploration and production. E&P-SERV/US-SUB/GDS. Agosto/2004. TOPICS. INTRODUCTION;. GENERAL PROJECT INFO;. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION;. PROJECT STATUS;. IMAGES;. INTRODUCTION.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. OCEANOP Project An operational system for real-time meteo-oceanographic data monitoring in areas of oil exploration and production E&P-SERV/US-SUB/GDS Agosto/2004


  3. INTRODUCTION • International Bid; • Bid Winners: OCEANSATPEG/ EMBRAOS; • Scope: data collection system supply, installation, operation and maintenance; data processing and analysis; • Income proportional to equipment service level and data quality;

  4. GENERAL PROJECT INFO • Start: December, 2003 • Duration: 3 years (3 years extension under parts agreement) • Administration: PETROBRAS Geodesic (E&P-Serv/US-Sub/GDS); • Contractors’ Scope Share; EMBRAOS Equipments OCEANSATPEG General Operation

  5. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Meteorologic Data • Wind Speed and Direction; • Air Temperature; • Relative Humidity; • Atmospheric Pressure;

  6. FSI Current Meters MIROS Rave Radar 3D Wave 2D Acoustic Current Profilers SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Oceanographic Data • Sea Current Speed And • Direction; • Sea Temperature; • Salinity; • Wave Parameters: Hights, • Period, Direction;

  7. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Applications

  8. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Applications (Cont.)

  9. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Campos Basin Data Aquisition Units

  10. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Equipment Distribution


  12. Data Collection Units PETRONET PIER IMBETIBA YOUNG P-18 YOUNG, ADCP 75 kHz, FSI 2D ACM, MIROS FPSO-BR YOUNG, ADCP 38 kHz, FSI 2D ACM P-25 YOUNG, ADCP 75 kHz, FSI 2D ACM, MIROS P-32 YOUNG, ADCP 150 kHz, FSI 2D ACM PVM-2 YOUNG, ADCP 300 kHz, FSI 3D ACM WAVE PCH-2 YOUNG, FSI 3D ACM WAVE PCE-1 YOUNG, ADCP 300 kHz, FSI 3D ACM WAVE PCP-2 YOUNG, ADCP 300 kHz, FSI 3D ACM WAVE P-40 YOUNG, ADCP 38 kHz, FSI 2D ACM, MIROS P-43 YOUNG, ADCP 75 kHz, FSI 2D ACM, MIROS P-48 YOUNG, ADCP 75 kHz, FSI 2D ACM, MIROS SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Functional Diagram Meteorologic Data Velocidade e Direção do Vento YOUNG_ST CONS I S T Ê N C Y AND p ROCESS I NG AVAILABILITY Parâmetros Meteorológicos Processados tabela METEO VAL DATION AND TRANSFER Temperatura do Ar, Umidade Relativa e Pressão YOUNG Oceanographic Data Velocidade e Direção da Corrente ADCP_ST Parâmetros Oceanográficos Processados tabela ADCP Velocidade e Direção da Corrente Pressão Temp. OCEA2D_ST Parâmetros Oceanográficos Processados tabela OCEA2D DB Velocidade e Direção da Corrente Pressão Temp. Cond. OCEA3D_ST Parâmetros Oceanográficos Processados tabela OCEA3D PARSER Subsystem Parâmetros Oceanográficos Processados tabela MIROS Ondas Direcionais tabela MIROS_ST SISMO Subsystem SIO Subsystem


  14. PROJECT STATUS DEC-03 JAN-04 FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG . . . DEZ Project Planning; Technical Visits; Prototype Testing and Project Revision Team Formation and Trainning Installation Project Elaboration; System Tunning and Validation; Sensor System Purchase; Systems Development and Integration; Equipment Testing and Integration Data Quality Control Validation Installation Works; Maintenance Works; Project QSMS Plan Implementation;


  16. IMAGES

  17. IMAGES

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