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Aims Objectives. Review literature
1. Anaesthesia for Non-Cardiac Surgery in Patients with Coronary Stents Directorate of AnaestheticsAudit Reference 130108 AUDIT RESULTS
Dr. Anthony Parsons
Anaesthetic Department Audit Meeting 16/04/08
2. Aims + Objectives Review literature & identify best practice
Assess current practice at BHR
No. of patients managed?
Attitudes and concerns of staff
Clinical knowledge
Define the gold standard we should achieve
Produce action plan for improvement
3. Audit Format Internal survey of anaesthetic department
Anonymous questionnaire, Feb Mar 2008
22 questions
1 case history with 3 questions
Consultant Anaesthetists 24
SpRs + ST3s 6
Pre-op Assessment Nurses 2
4. Question Format A Likert-type scale
A pyschometric response scale
Respondents specify their degree of agreement with a statement
Scale of 1 7
strongly disagree strongly agree
Individual answers combined to maintain anonymity
Bipolar scaling method either positive or negativeBipolar scaling method either positive or negative
5. Question Format Each question has a correct answer
Responses 5-7 combined for yes
1 -3 combined for no
4 = neutral - added to correct answer
Percentage of correct answers calculated to provide department result
6. Defining the gold standard A traffic light assessment
[Based on NICE pre-op Ix guidelines]
> 90% correct GREEN
75 90% correct YELLOW
< 75% correct RED
9. Current Guidelines and Evidence
10. Coronary artery stents and non-cardiac surgery Br J Anaesth 2007 98:560-74
Perioperative management of antiplatelet agents in patients with coronary stents: recommendations of a French Task Force.
Br J Anaesth 2006 97 580-2
ACC/AHA 2007 Guidelines on Perioperative Cardiovascular Evaluation and Care for Noncardiac Surgery Circulation. 2007;116:e418-e499
11. Antiplatelet agents and surgery
12. Catheterisation and Cardiovascular Interventions 2004;63:141-5
- Up to 86% mortality when clopidogrel stopped for surgery within 3 weeks of PCI
Eur Heart J 2005;26:576-83
- no difference in surgical outcome or operative mortality when clopidogrel continued
J Am Coll Cardiol 2003;42:234-40
- transfusion rate 38.5% controls vs 42.6% on clopidogrel vascular/ortho/visceral surgery
Crit Care Med 2001;29:2271-5
- increased rate of re-operation for haemorrhage control in patients on clopidogrel
15. Stroke 2002;33:1916-19
7 deaths from intra-cerebral haemorrhage during neurosurgery
Br J Anaesth 2007;99:316-28
17. British National Formulary (51) Section 2.9; 127
- based on t˝ of platelet + drug pharmacokinetics
18. Anti-platelet agents and surgery
19. Long lesions, larger or multi-vessel lesions,CRF, D.M., low LVEF suggest high risk for thrombosis
Incidence, Predictors, and Outcome of Thrombosis After Successful Implantation of Drug-Eluting Stents JAMA, May 4, 2005Vol 293, No. 17
Aspirin should never be stopped
Prevention of Premature Discontinuation of Dual Antiplatelet Therapy in Patients With Coronary Artery Stents: A Science Advisory From the American Heart Association. Circulation 2007;115;813-818
Clopidogrel takes 3 5 days to maximally inhibit platelets without loading dose
Clinical Pharmacokinetics 2004;43:963-81
Hypercoagulability occurs for at least 7 days post-op
Anaesthesia & Analgesia 2001;92:572-7
20. Neuraxial blockade
21. Regional Anesthesia in the Anticoagulated Patient: Defining the Risks
(The Second ASRA Consensus Conference on Neuraxial Anesthesia
and Anticoagulation)
Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, Vol 28, No 3 (MayJune), 2003: pp 172197
22. Bare metal stents versus drug eluting stents
23. Incidence, Predictors, and Outcome of Thrombosis After Successful Implantation of Drug-Eluting Stents JAMA, May 4, 2005Vol 293, No. 17
Sirolimus versus paclitaxel stents
Circulation.2006; 113:e166-286
BJA 2006;96:686-93
Heparin alone does not provide adequate protection against thromboembolism
Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology, Sep 2006, 38/3(230-4)
Heparin alone does not provide adequate protection against thromboembolism and may actually increase it by reducing thrombus cohesive strengthHeparin alone does not provide adequate protection against thromboembolism and may actually increase it by reducing thrombus cohesive strength
26. Case History You see a 68 year old male on the day of surgery for elective Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm repair.
Past Medical History
Good exercise tolerance MET > 6
Class II A.A.A. diagnosed 8 months ago
Diagnostic coronary angiography 4 months ago. x 1 B.M.S. inserted.
ECG: sinus rhythm, no acute ischaemia
ECHO: satisfactory cardiac function
Aspirin 75mg o.d.
The patient has taken all his medications today.
(Not taking clopidogrel)
27. Case History
28. Summary
29. Comments Anaesthetists
some questions are ambiguous
Patients must be assessed individually
huge uncertainty - numbers needed for an RCT are vast
guidelines for practice would be very useful
Irrelevant to my practice I always ask the surgeon & anaesthetist
Wide variation exists between different
surgeons / anaesthetists
30. Conclusions There is a significant case-load of patients with coronary stents presenting for surgery
Practice varies
Scope exists for improvement in management
Evidence-based guidelines are necessary to guide and standardise care
31. Limitations Highly complex topic in which yes / no answer may be impossible
Patient management not directly assessed
Defining a gold standard is difficult no clear precedents exist
Not relevant to some anaesthetists area of practice (e.g. Obs / paeds)
32. Action Plan Produce formal guidelines for BHR
Involve stakeholders
Pre-op assessment nurses
Repeat audit
? prospective study of patients
Revise guidelines as appropriate