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Science 100

Science 100 Science 100 What is the Respiratory System? Science 200 Science 200 What is a lever? Science 300 Science 300 What is the water cycle? Science 400 Science 400 What is the nucleus of a cell? Science 500 Science 500 What is plate tectonics?

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Science 100

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Science 100

  2. Science 100 What is the Respiratory System?

  3. Science 200

  4. Science 200 What is a lever?

  5. Science 300

  6. Science 300 What is the water cycle?

  7. Science 400

  8. Science 400 What is the nucleus of a cell?

  9. Science 500

  10. Science 500 What is plate tectonics?

  11. Social Studies 100

  12. Social Studies 100 What is Africa?

  13. Social Studies 200

  14. Social Studies 200 What is a map legend?

  15. Social Studies 300

  16. Social Studies 300 What is Nagasaki and Hiroshima?

  17. Social Studies 400

  18. Social Studies 400 What is the Louisiana Purchase?

  19. Social Studies 500

  20. Social Studies 500 What was the French Revolution?

  21. Math 100

  22. Math 100 What are bar graphs?

  23. Math 200

  24. Math 200 What are equations?

  25. Math 300 The area of this triangle --14-- --10--

  26. Math 300 What is 70? (½ bh) --14-- --10--

  27. Math 400

  28. Math 400 What is radius?

  29. Math 500 1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34

  30. Math 500 What is a Fibonacci Sequence?

  31. Language Arts 100

  32. Language Arts 100 What is plot?

  33. Language Arts 200

  34. Language Arts 200 Who is Charles Dickens?

  35. Language Arts 300

  36. Language Arts 300

  37. Language Arts 400

  38. Language Arts 400

  39. Language Arts 500 cha·ris·man.pl A rare personal quality attributed to leaders who arouse fervent popular devotion and enthusiasm. 2)Personal magnetism or charm: a television news program famed for the charisma of its anchors. Christianity. An extraordinary power, such as the ability to perform miracles, granted by the Holy Spirit. [Greek kharisma, divine favor, from kharizesthai, to favor, from kharis, favor. See gher-2 in Indo-European Roots.] • de·moc·ra·cy   n.pl.de·moc·ra·cies • Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives. • A political or social unit that has such a government. • The common people, considered as the primary source of political power.

  40. Language Arts 500 What is the etymology of a word?

  41. Sports/Arts 100

  42. Sports/Arts 100 Who is Lance Armstrong?

  43. Sports/Arts 200

  44. Sports/Arts 200 What is “Washington Crossing the Delaware?”

  45. Sports/Arts 300

  46. Sports/Arts 300 What is a hackeysack?

  47. Sports/Arts 400

  48. Sports/Arts 400 What is a treble clef?

  49. Sports/Arts 500

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