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Hamburg. A Blueprint Community. WHAT IS BLUEPRINT?. We are a group formed by the community, for the community. We are charged with improving the quality of life in the community by enhancing recreation, art and culture, and retail opportunities as well as improving our hospitality resources.
Hamburg A Blueprint Community
WHAT IS BLUEPRINT? • We are a group formed by the community, for the community. • We are charged with improving the quality of life in the community by enhancing recreation, art and culture, and retail opportunities as well as improving our hospitality resources.
NEED FOR A STRATEGY • Hamburg must become competitive in attracting residents, businesses and visitors. • The blueprint team has leveraged the strengths of the region and is developing strategies to create a destination
Through Our Town Foundation, we are creating an attractive downtown business district which can become a pivotal center for residential and tourist activity. The Borough must expand on their revitalization efforts to encompass the entire borough. We must create a welcoming atmosphere by visually improving the gateways into town. • Hamburg needs to create additional recreational opportunities and attractions for residents and tourists and to more effectively promote the existing ones. We must develop alluring packages to encourage multi day visits.
The Hamburg area is home to many local artists (performing and visual) and crafters. We need to provide an opportunity for them to showcase their talent. • Hamburg must appeal to the creative class.
Improving the quality of life in the region is not a luxury, but is actually critical to the economic success in the region. The key to attracting employers to the area is not offering the best incentives, but rather offering a superior quality of life to the employees. By providing a distinct and valuable product in terms of quality of life, it will attract the people who enable economic success.
Having numerous recreational opportunities A vibrant central business district Open space Modern day amenities such as fiber optics and up-to-date technology Community centers Quality schools & education Safe environment Opportunities for your children Affordable tax rates Quality of life can be defined as:
Infrastructure improvements will be needed to support business expansion. • We need to diversify our tax base so there is less reliance on property owners and residents.
To turn our vision into reality we must focus on four points • Planning • Management • Design • Financial Incentives
Planning • Most important – Develop a plan and a consensus of priorities. Coordinate all activities and speak with one voice. The value of cooperation will exceed the costs associated with making our plan work. Ø Recognize things as they really are, not as you wish they might be or as we might remember them. High wages and manufacturing jobs are a thing of the past.
Creating a plan based on community needs and desires • Deal with above issues and challenges – focus on achievable opportunities • Focus on a great place to live. Focus on our assets, not our liabilities. • Must have community support of our plan
Become hospitality oriented: • B & B’s and hotels • Restaurants • Public restrooms • Public transportation • Parking • Wayward signage • Entertainment options • Address safety issues
Management • The blueprint team should be considered as a strategy board. They are responsible for: • Assessing the boroughs assets, liabilities, and current trends • Determining priorities • Researching funding sources • Seeking community involvement • Media support • Creating a plan based on community needs and desires
Sustained, effective leadership of the continued planning and coordination is required to make the plan a reality. Must have committed implementation partners to take action on the plan. • Continued planning is essential to adjust to evolving economic and demographic changes and to keep the plan fresh and relevant. • A continuius effort is required to turn the vision into reality
Administration shall be provided by the municipality or a 501c3 organization, capable of applying for grant funding. In many cases, specific projects will be led by other organizations. • The blueprint team would be responsible for coordinating fund raising with implementation partners on each program and to ensure adequate resources are being provided and adjust initiatives as appropriate. • The blueprint team would be responsible for receiving regular reports on implementation projects from partnering orgs. • The blueprint team would coordinate with all entities to track progress • The blueprint team would help in assembling a comprehensive plan for projects and access funds from public and foundation sources
Must partner with County, State, and Federal agencies. Success depends on business, government and civic leaders finding effective ways of sharing ideas and working together. Collaboration must take place between public and private sectors
Design • Create a professional plan – hire a consultant to develop a design plan and a graphical representation of the vision. • Create unified street plans such as common street furniture, lighting and paving • Develop thematic public art
Financial incentives • Because of the expense we must be sure to have an implementation structure in place through a managing organization. (must be a 501c3) • Assistance for a design plan and feasibility study will be obtained through technical assistance offered through the Blueprint program partners and their associates
Funding for implementation of specific recommended actions will be sought from public and private sources such as DCED, DCNR, Greater Berks Development Fund, USDA, etc. • Political support for the vision and implementation plan will be needed. • Financial incentives should be provided to business entrepreneurs to encourage businesses to expand or open within the Borough
MEASUREMENT OF SUCCESS • The project will positively impact residents, entrepreneurs, investors, visitors and youth. Success will be measured by: • Increase in housing & property values • New business start-ups • Amount of tourism $ being spent • Number of people on trails • Number of organizations partnering with program • Stabilized tax rates