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The New SENRAC Rule For Steel Erection This Presentation Covers… Indiana Effective Dates… Indiana Component Requirements… Overview of the Subpart R Standards… Checklist of Required Documentations… Overview of Presentation. The new Subpart R .750 Scope – who is and is not covered.
The New SENRAC Rule For Steel Erection
This Presentation Covers… • Indiana Effective Dates… • Indiana Component Requirements… • Overview of the Subpart R Standards… • Checklist of Required Documentations… • Overview of Presentation.
The new Subpart R .750 Scope – who is and is not covered. .751 Definitions. (as needed) .752 Site layout, site specific erection plan and construction sequence. .753 Hoisting and Rigging. .754 Structural steel assembly. .755 Column Anchorage. and…
The new Subpart R. .756 Beams and Columns. .757 Open Web Steel Joists. .758 Systems-engineered metal buildings. .759 Falling object protection. .760 Fall Protection. .761 Training.
Indiana Register, Volume 25, Number 4, January 1, 2002INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF LABORNOTICE OF CHANGES INENFORCEMENT OF STEEL ERECTION REGULATIONSThe federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration, effective January 18, 2002, has revised the steel erectionregulations contained in 29 CFR 1926, Subpart R. Effective 60 days after January 18, 2002, on March 19, 2002, the IndianaDepartment of Labor will be enforcing those regulations in Indiana.A number of provisions in the final rule, 29 CFR 1926, Subpart R, address the safety of certain structural components and theseprovisions are known as “component requirements.” Component requirements contain requirements for structural components tohelp ensure that the structure can be erected safely…
Component RequirementsThe new effective date, March 19, 2001, for the steel erection standards contained in 1926 Subpart R will be applied to thecomponent requirements in the following manner:(1) Where a building permit was obtained before the final rule was published on January 18, 2001, the component requirementslisted above will not apply to the work project.(2) If the steel erection work in question began on or before November 15, 2001, the component requirements of the final rule,listed above, will not be applied.
("component requirements") Contain requirements for these components to help ensure that the structure can be erected safely. For example, there are provisions that prohibit shear connectors on members before they are erected (§ 1926.754(c)(1)(i)); require all columns to be anchored by a minimum of 4 anchor bolts, which must meet specified strength requirements (§ 1926.755(a)) (there is a comparable requirement for systems-engineered metal buildings, § 1926.758(b)); set requirements for double connections (§ 1926.756(c)(1)) (there is a comparable requirement for systems-engineered metal buildings § 1926.758(e)); require column splices to be at a specified height and meet a strength requirement (§ 1926.756(d)); require perimeter columns to have holes or other devices for perimeter safety cables (§ 1926.756(e)); in some instances require a vertical stabilizer plate to stabilize steel joists (§ 1926.757(a)(1)(i)); require certain joists to be strong enough to allow one employee to release the hoisting cable without the need for erection bridging (§ 1926.757(a)(3)), and require certain joists to be fabricated to allow for field bolting during erection (§ 1926.757(a)(8)(i)).
Subpart R Steel Erection
What is SENRAC? Steel Erection Negotiated Rulemaking Advisory Committee
Scope… Generally, Steel erection activities include working on or from structural steel, steel joists, or metal buildings! Best Practice…See 750 (b)(1)&(2)
.750(a)Specifically… This Subpart does not cover electrical transmission towers, communication and broadcast towers or tanks
1926.752 • Site layout • Site-specific erection plan • Construction sequence…
.752(a) Approval to begin steel erection - To be provided from the controlling contractor in writing. Best Practice… Have Erector sign off & Keep a copy! Notification requires…
.752(a) • The concrete in the footings, piers and walls and the mortar in the masonry piers and walls must meet at least 75% minimum compressive strength. (or sufficient ASTM method) Best Practice… Maintain a copy from test lab. (2) Anchor bolts that have been repaired, replaced or modified must meet .755 (b). Best Practice… Maintain a copy from S.E.O.R.
Steel Erector must receive written notification prior to start up! .752(b) Commencement of steel erection…
.752(c) Site layout…Controlling Contractor is responsible for… (1) Adequate and safe access site roads for vehicular and pedestrian traffic (2) Maintaining an adequate firm, graded and drained work and storage area
.752(d) Pre-planning of overhead hoisting operations… To ensure that the requirements of .753(d) (working under loads) are met
.752(e)Site-specific erection plan – S.S.E.P. A qualified person may develop alternate means and methods that provide employee protection Where employers elect… Best Practice…See Appendix A.
Qualified…One who, by possession of recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training, and experience, has successfully demonstrated the ability to solve or resolve problems relating to the subject matter, the work, or the project.
1926.753 Hoisting and Rigging…
.753(a) All the provisions within subpart N apply except -.550(g)(2)“the use of a crane or derrick to hoist employees on a personnel platform is prohibited…” Best Practice… Review .550(g) (b) paragraphs (c) thru (e) of this section also apply…
.753(c) General-(1) Pre-shift visual crane inspection… (i) Cranes being used in steel erection activities shall be inspected prior to each shift by a competent person & observed during operation At a minimum shall include the following...
Competent Person…One who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to correct them.
.753(c)(1)(i) (A) All control mechanisms for maladjustments (B) Control and drive train for wear and contamination (C) Safety Devices (D) Pressurized lines (E) Hooks and latches (F) Wire rope reeving also…
.753(c)(1)(i) (G) Electrical (H) Hydraulics (I) Tires (J) Proper ground conditions (K) Leveling for the lift (L) Leveling after each move and setup
.753(c)(1) (ii) Competent person to access for deficiencies which are hazardous (iii) Hazardous equipment shall be removed from service until corrected… Tagged? (iv) The operator shall be responsible for those operations under the operator’s control. (stoppage and refusal)
.753(c) (2) Rigging shall be inspected by a qualified rigger prior to each lift (3) No headache ball, hook or load riding! (4) Cranes or derricks may be used to hoist personnel during steel erection in accordance with .550 – except for .550(g)(2)
.753(c) (5) Safety latches on hooks shall be kept operable… (i) Unless a qualified rigger has determined that the hoisting and placing of purlins and a single joist can be performed more safely (ii) When equivalent protection is provided as stated in the (S.S.E.P.)
.753(d) Working Under Loads. (1) Pre-plan routes so no employee is required to work below except when… (i) Performing initial connections (ii) Hooking or unhooking the loads
.753(d) (2) When working under suspended loads… (i) Rig loads to prevent shifting (ii) Use hooks with self-closing safety latches (iii) Only qualified riggers are allowed to rig
.753(e) Multiple Lift Rigging Procedure (1) Only allowed when… (i) Multiple lift rigging assembly is used (ii) Five or less members are hoisted (iii) Only beams or similar structures (iv) All employees engaged have been trained (v) Crane manufacture specified
Multiple Lift “Rigging”…A rigging assembly manufactured by wire rope rigging suppliers that facilitates the attachment of up to five independent loads to the hoist rigging of a crane.
Multiple Lift rigging
.753(e)(2) Rigging assembly shall have a 5 to 1 safety factor, certified by the manufacture or qualified rigger. (3) Total load shall not exceed… (i) Rated capacity of the load charts (ii) Rigging capacity of the riggers rating chart
.753(e)(4) Rigging assembly – shall be riggedwith members… (i) Attached at their center of gravity (ii) Rigged from the top down (iii) Rigged at least 7ft. apart
.753(e)(5) Set the Structural load from the bottom up (6) Whenever the load is over connectors – use controlled lowering!
1926.754 Structural steel assembly
.754(a) Stability is required to be maintained at all times during the construction process.What it’s all about!
.754(b) For multi-story structures… (1) No more than 8 stories between the erection floor and the upper-most permanent floor (2) No more than four floors or 48 ft. (which ever is less of unfinished connecting) (3) Full floor or nets are needed within two stories or 30 feet (which ever is less)… unless tied off 100%
(i)Tripping hazards shall not be attached to the top flange of the beams/joists until W/W surface has been installed (ii) Shear connectors to be installed on decks in accordance with .760(c)(8)… (using fall protection) .754(c) Walking/working surfaces… (1) shear connectors and similar devices…
754 (c) (2) Slip resistance – decking…Reserved. (3) Slip resistance – skeletal… Federal - July 18, 2006
.754(d) Plumbing up… (1) Such equipment shall be installed when deemed necessary by the competent person (2) Properly install such equipment prior to loading the structure with material (3) Remove such equipment only with the approval of the competent person