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The Lewis theory revisited. Bernard Silvi Laboratoire de Chimie Théorique Université Pierre et Marie Curie 4, place Jussieu 75252 -Paris. Is there a theory of the chemical bond?. The point of view of molecular physics
The Lewis theory revisited Bernard Silvi Laboratoire de Chimie Théorique Université Pierre et Marie Curie 4, place Jussieu 75252 -Paris
Is there a theory of the chemical bond? • The point of view of molecular physics • A molecule is a collection of interacting particles (electrons and nuclei) which are ruled by quantum mechanicsHY=EY • Expectation values of operators • Density functions (statistical interpretation) • Information is available for the whole system or for single points • The chemical bond is not an observable in the sense of quantum mechanics • The quantum theory is a paradigm
Is there a theory of the chemical bond? • The point of view of (empirical) chemistry • Molecules are made of atoms linked by bonds • A bond is formed by an electron pair (Lewis) • The (extended) octet rule should be satisfied • Chemical bonds are classified in: • Covalent • Dative • Ionic • Metallic • Molecular geometry can be predicted by VSEPR • Rationalise stoichiometry and molecular structure
Is there a theory of the chemical bond? • The point of view of quantum chemistry • Gives a physical meaning to the approximate wavefunction • Valence bond approach • Molecular orbital approach • Relies on the atomic orbital expansion • Successful for semi-quantitative predictions • Ex: the Woodward-Hoffmann rules
There is no paradigm for the chemical bond, why? • Quantum mechanics is a paradigm but tells nothing on the chemical bond • Lewis theory and the VSEPR model have no real mathematical models behind them • The quantum chemical approaches violate the postulates of quantum mechanics and do not work with exact wavefunctions
Mathematical objects Chemicalobjects Is it possible to design a mathematical model of the Lewis approach? • Find a mathematical structure isomorphic with the chemistry we want to represent • There is no need of physics as intermediate • Ex: equilibrium `[H+][OH-]=10-14
X X X X regions of space X X Is it possible to design a mathematical model of the Lewis approach? • From quantum mechanics we know that: • The whole molecular space should be filled • The model should be totally symmetrical
The answer is yes • Gradient dynamical system bound on R3 • vector field X=ÑV(r) • V(r) potential function defined and differentiable for all r • Analogy with a velocity field X=dr/dt enables to build trajectories • in addition V(r) depends upon a set of parameters {ai} the control space: V(r;{ai})
More definitions.... • Critical points • index: positive eigenvalues of the hessian matrix • hyperbolic: no zero eigenvalue • stable manifold • basin: stable manifold of a critical point of index 0 • separatrice: stable manifold of a critical point of index>0 • Poincaré-Hopf relation • Structural stability condition: all critical points are hyperbolic • That’s all with mathematics
basin2 basin 1 A meteorological example: V(r{ai})=-P
Back to bonding theory • We postulate that there exists a function whose gradient field yields basins corresponding to the pairs of the Lewis structure • Such a function is called localization functionh(r; ai) • ELF (Becke and Edgecombe 1990) is a good approximation of the ideal localization function
What is ELF? • The statistical interpretation of Quantum Mechanics enables to define density functions • it is possible to calculate the number of pairs in a given region i
What is ELF? • Minimization of the Pauli repulsion: • the Pauli repulsion increases with the number of pair region • within a region it increases with the same spin pair population • Fermi hole:
What is ELF? 0 • Curvature of the Fermi hole: • Homogeneous gas renormalization -1 r’
V(O, H) V(O) V(C, O) C(O) C(C) V(C, H) Classification of basins • Core and valence • Synaptic order • monosynaptic • disynaptic (protonated or not) • higher polysynaptic
Populations and delocalization • Basin population • pair populations • Example CH3OH
1.832 0.122 0.28 1.91 2.8 Populations and delocalization • variance (second moment of the charge distribution) aromatic antiaromatic
Subjects treated • Connection with VSEPR • Elementary chemical processes • Protonation • Unconventional bonding • metallic bond • hypervalent molecules • tetracoordinated planar carbons
Connection with VSEPR • Visualization of electronic domains X-A-X AX3 AX2E
Connection with VSEPR • Visualization of electronic domains AX3Y AX3E AX2E3 AX4E AX4E2 AX5E
12.8 6.8 0.13 0.9 0.05 8.6 11.7 Connection with VSEPR • Size of the electronic domains
Elementary chemical processes • Described by Catastrophe Theory • the varied control space parameters are the nuclear coordinates RA • The Poincaré-Hopf relationship is verified along the reaction path • topological changes occur through bifurcation catastrophes • the universal unfolding of the catastrophe yields the dimension of the active control space
Elementary chemical processes • Covalent vs. Dative bond
Elementary chemical processes • Covalent vs. Dative bond • cusp catastrophe • unfolding: (-1)0=1 (-1)0+(-1)1+(-1)0=1 - the active control space is of dimension 2
Elementary chemical processes • Covalent vs. Dative bond
Protonation • Least topological change principle
4.7 2.6 Where does the proton go? • Covalent protonation
Where does the proton go? • agostic protonation
Where does the proton go? • predissociative protonation
Metallic bond • Body centred cubic structures
Metallic bond • Face centred cubic structures
Hypervalent molecules • Total valence population of an atom A • in hypervalent molecules the number of valence basin is that expected from Lewis structures conforming or not the octet rule • In fact Nv(A) close to the number of valence electron of the free atom • P 4.99 0.6 • S 6.160.4 • Cl 6.850.45
Hypervalent molecules • Hydrogenated series PF5-nHn
Tetracoordinated planar carbon • D. Röttger, G. Erker, R. Fröhlich, M. Grehl, S. J. Silverio, I. Hyla-Kryspin and R. Gleiter, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1995, 117, 10503
Tetracoordinated planar carbon • R. H. Clayton, S. T. Chacon and M. H. Chisholm, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Eng, 1989, 28, 1523 CH2 CH2 C (OH)3Cr Cr(OH)3
Tetracoordinated planar carbon • S. Buchwald, E. A. Lucas and W. M. Davis, J. Chem., Int. Soc, 1989, 111, 397
Conclusions • The mathematical model replaces • electron pairs by localization basins • integer by reals • It extends the Lewis picture to • metallic bond • multicentric bonds • It enables • to describe chemical reactions • to generalize the VSEPR rules • to make prediction on reactivity
Acknowledgements • Laboratoire de Chimie Théorique (Paris): H. Chevreau, F. Colonna, I. Fourré, F. Fuster, L. Joubert, X. Krokidis, S. Noury, A. Savin, A. Sevin. • Laboratoire de Spectrochimie Moléculaire (Paris): E. A. Alikhani • Departament de Ciencés Experimentals (Castelló): J. Andrés, A. Beltrán, R. Llusar • University of Wroclaw: S. Berski, Z. Latajka • Centro per lo studio delle relazioni tra struttura e reattività chimica CNR (Milano): C. Gatti