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The Quiltmaker’s Gift

The Quiltmaker’s Gift. Open Court : Unit 6_Lesson 6. Line 1 : blackberry downhearted hummingbird homeless Line 2 : apology dialogue eulogy monologue Line 3 : enough through although rough Line 4 : countless kingdom practical quiltmaker

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The Quiltmaker’s Gift

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Quiltmaker’s Gift Open Court: Unit 6_Lesson 6

  2. Line 1: blackberry downhearted hummingbird homeless Line 2: apology dialogue eulogy monologue Line 3: enough through although rough Line 4: countless kingdom practical quiltmaker S1: The editor’s brainstorm led to a brilliant solution. S2: After he finished his extended monologue, I waited anxiously for a new speaker. S3: Even though I was feeling better, I decided to stay home. S4: A quiltmaker spends countless hours working on one quilt.

  3. shawl: a square or oblong piece of fabric, usually worn over the shoulders. My mother put her shawl over my shoulders to keep me warm. waltzing: to dance with a partner in three-quarter time by whirling and gliding across the dance floor. The couple was waltzing across the ballroom floor. perched: to settle onto a place of rest. The little bird was perched on the branch. thunderous: producing a noise like thunder. The thunderous noise woke us. rickety: liable to fall; shaky Our rickety old car barely started this morning.

  4. Spelling: Pretest • noisome • abound • holistic • laser • thyme • time • countless • kingdom • practical • quiltmaker • seen • scene • present • present • minute • minute • marshal • martial • weather • whether

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