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Enquête milieubeleid EU Derya: vader 1. What is more important, the environment or the economy? (Circle the correct answer) ENVIRONMANT ECONOMY NO DIFFERENCE I DON’T KNOW
Enquête milieubeleid EU Derya: vader 1. What is more important, the environment or the economy? (Circle the correct answer)ENVIRONMANT ECONOMY NO DIFFERENCE I DON’T KNOW 2. What do you think about the situation between the environment and the economy? Think about waste products, the economical development etc. (Circle the correct answer, 1 is bad and 5 is best).1 2 3 4 5 3. Do you think we need to improve the environment? (Circle the correct answer) YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW4. Do you think we need to improve the economy? (Circle the correct answer)YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW 5.Does the economy have a bad influence on the environment? (Circle the correct answer)YES NO I DON’T KNOW6. Do you think the governance does enough to reduce the waste products? (Circle the correct answer) YES NO I DON’T KNOW 7. Should there be paid more attention to improve the economy or to improve the environment? (Circle the correct answer) ECONOMY ENVIRONMENT I DON’T KNOW 8. Everyone wants to improve the economy AND the environment, but this is very expensive. Do you think you would spend more money to make this situation reality? (Circle the correct answer)YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW 9. Do you want the environment policy to make more strict environment-demands? In economic ways this will result in higher prizes, but this is better for the environment.YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW 10. What kind of adjustment could the minister of the environment policy make to reduce the damage costs? There should be high taxes on luxurious goods, so they can reduce the damage of it. 11. What kind of solution against the damage of the environment is the best you think?That everyone use green electricity. Enquete milieubeleid EU Derya: moeder 1. What is more important, the environment or the economy? (Circle the correct answer)ENVIRONMANT ECONOMY NO DIFFERENCE I DON’T KNOW 2. What do you think about the situation between the environment and the economy? Think about waste products, the economical development etc. (Circle the correct answer, 1 is bad and 5 is best).1 2 3 4 5 3. Do you think we need to improve the environment? (Circle the correct answer) YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW4. Do you think we need to improve the economy? (Circle the correct answer)YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW 5.Does the economy has a bad influence on the environment? (Circle the correct answer)YES NO I DON’T KNOW6. Do you think the governance does enough to reduce the waste products? (Circle the correct answer) YES NO I DON’T KNOW 7. Should there be more attention to improve the economy or to improve the environment? (Circle the correct answer) ECONOMY ENVIRONMENT I DON’T KNOW 8. Everyone wants to improve the economy AND the environment, but this is very expensive. Do you think you would spend more money to make this situation reality? (Circle the correct answer)YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW 9. Do you want that the environment policy make more strict environment-demands? In economic ways this will result in higher prizes, but this is better for the environment.YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW 10. What kind of adjustment could the minister of the environment policy do to reduce the damage costs? To inform people more about the importance of the environment and how they should treat it, so it could finally result into less damage. 11. What kind of solution against the damage of the environment is the best you think?Cars should be running on solar energy. The output of too much carbon dioxide is hazardous to the environment. Enquête: immigratie beleid EU Derya: vader 1. What do you think about the immigration policy of Europe? I think the immigration policy is very bad, because there is too much paper work. Ik vind het een slecht beleid want er is te veel papierwerk. Het duurt ook veelste lang voordat iemand een verblijfsdocument krijgt. Het is allemaal te langdradig. 2. Are there to much immigrants in the EU? Yes No 3. Should there be an ending of the migration (stream) Yes No Why? 4. Do the immigrants satisfy certain demands? Yes, like language Yes, like integration Yes, like changing of religion No 5. What is a good reason for immigrants for immigration? Political problems Economic problems Climatologically problems Bad governance 6. Do you think that Holland has to much immigrants? Yes No I don’t know 7. Do immigrants have been refused when it goes bad with the economy in Holland? Yes No Absolutely not I don’t care 8. If immigrants do something criminals, do they have to leave the country? Yes of course No 9. If people immigrate to a country, should they look to the history of these people? (If you think that is, tell why) Yes, there should surely be looked at the past, because maube the person was a terrorist in the past. It would cost a lot of time and money, but it would prevent a lot of problems. 10. Would it be a better solution if every country in Europe accept the same amount of people in their country? Yes No 11. How did you find, if the integration test would be abolished? Good Bad Something else,.................... 12. Witch country have the most immigrants? Africa Sweden England Holland 13. What are the most common reasons to migrate? I think the economical and political problems. Especially economical problems, because if it doesn't go well in a country, people want to migrate to richer countries. Also political problems, like political refugees that flee to their country because of war. 14. What could Europe do to reduce the immigration(stream) To make strict rules so it would become harder to immigrate. 15. Have you ever thought about emigrate/remigration? I've emigrated to the Netherlands in 1975 myself. In 1999 I've been remigrating to my country: Turkey. Then, I came back to Holland. Enquête: immigratie beleid EU Derya: moeder 1. What do you think about the immigration policy of Europe? I don't think we have a good policy because I've had enough trouble with it. 2. Are there to much immigrants in the EU? Yes No 3. Should there be an ending of the migration (stream) Yes No 4. Do the immigrants satisfy certain demands? Yes, like language Yes, like integration Yes, like changing of religion No 5. What is a good reason for immigrants for immigration? Political problems Economic problems Climatologically problems Bad governance 6. Do you think that Holland has to much immigrants? Yes No I don’t know 7. Do immigrants have been refused when it goes bad with the economy in Holland? Yes No Absolutely not I don’t care 8. If immigrants do something criminals, do they have to leave the country? Yes of course No 9. If people immigrate to a country, should they look to the history of these people? (If you think that is, tell why) No, it costs a lot of time. You can't research what a person from Zimbabwe has done. 10. Would it be a better solution if every country in Europe accept the same amount of people in their country? Yes No 11. How did you find, if the integration test would be abolished? Good Bad Something else,.................... 12. Witch country have the most immigrants? Africa Sweden England Holland 13. What are the most common reasons to migrate? Political reasons. Look at the war in Iraq. Most of the refugees come here because there is war. That's because of political causes (war). 14. What could Europe do to reduce the immigration(stream) Certain demands could be made less seductive, so that immigrants will not be coming. 15. Have you ever thought about emigrate/remigration? I think about remigrating to Turkey, but that will be when I will retire. Enquete Aanpassing Immigranten Europese waarden In tegenstelling met wat soms wordt beweerd, is de EU geen grote bureaucratische machine met uitsluitend economische prioriteiten. Integendeel zelfs. In artikel 6 van het EU-Verdrag wordt duidelijk gesteld dat de EU de grondrechten eerbiedigt, die worden gewaarborgd door het Europees Verdrag tot Bescherming van de Rechten van de Mens en de fundamentele vrijheden (EVRM). Dit betekent dat niet zomaar elke Staat tot de EU kan toetreden. De Lidstaten moeten rekening houden met de principes van de democratie en de rechtsstaat, de individuele vrijheden, de minderheden, de markteconomie en de vakbondsvertegenwoordiging. Zij moeten er zich ook toe verbinden het racisme, de vreemdelingenhaat, de georganiseerde misdaad en de discriminatie tussen de individuen, wat ook hun persoonlijke en geloofsovertuiging moge zijn, te bestrijden. In zijn Verklaring van het millennium legt de Europese Raad van Helsinki (december 1999) de nadruk op de grondslagen en waarden van de EU: - de grondslagen van de EU zijn de democratie en de rechtsstaat; - de EU-burgers zijn met elkaar verbonden door gemeenschappelijke waarden: vrijheid, verdraagzaamheid, gelijkheid, solidariteit en culturele diversiteit. Om de vreemdelingenhaat nog beter te bestrijden, richtte de EU in 1997 een Europees Waarnemingscentrum voor Racisme en Vreemdelingenhaat op (gevestigd in Wenen) en werkte zij een Handvest van de Grondrechten uit. Bron: http://www.diplomatie.be/nl/policy/europaFaq/faq3.asp _____________________________________________________________________________________________ * Circle the chosen answer. Derya : Vader 1. Should immigrants adapt themselves to the European values, no matter what religion he/she has? Yes No No Opinion 2. What should happen to an immigrant when not adapted to the European values in a certain time, like 2 years? He was about to get excluded and he would be facing a hard time in the country he currently lives in. This because of racism that can be caused. 3. Do you think the EU is useful? Yes No No opinion 4. Are the people that currently run the European government good? Yes No No opinion 5. May citizens with a non-European nationality be part of the European government? Yes No No opinion 6. May citizens with a non-European nationality have the right to vote? Yes No No opinion 7. Should immigrants be tested on their political knowledge before they have the right to vote? Yes No No opinion 8. As long as an immigrant lives in Europe, it should put the European values at front, and not the values of its religion/culture. True False No opinion 9. Do immigrants have to be send back if they commit a serious crime? Yes No No opinion 10. The result of too many immigrants can lead up to the loss of the European culture. Should therefore be a limit of political refugees taken in? Yes No No opinion 11. If an immigrant doesn't know an European language good, should he/she be send back? Yes No No opinion 12. There are a lot of complains about the European culture, and language by Europeans. They claim that their language and culture is disappearing. How could this problem be solved? I have no idea because I think that it’s impossible to solve problems like that. Derya : Moeder 1. Should immigrants adapt themselves to the European values, no matter what religion he/she has? Yes No No Opinion 2. What should happen to an immigrant when not adapted to the European values in a certain time, like 2 years? He/She will feel itself no longer at home. Also he have less chance to do different things. 3. Do you think the EU is useful? Yes No No opinion 4. Are the people that currently run the European government good? Yes No No opinion 5. May citizens with a non-European nationality be part of the European government? Yes No No opinion 6. May citizens with a non-European nationality have the right to vote? Yes No No opinion 7. Should immigrants be tested on their political knowledge before they have the right to vote? Yes No No opinion 8. As long as an immigrant lives in Europe, it should put the European values at front, and not the values of its religion/culture. True False No opinion 9. Do immigrants have to be send back if they commit a serious crime? Yes No No opinion 10. The result of too many immigrants can lead up to the loss of the European culture. Should therefore be a limit of political refugees taken in? Yes No No opinion 11. If an immigrant doesn't know an European language good, should he/she be send back? Yes No No opinion 12. There are a lot of complains about the European culture, and language by Europeans. They claim that their language and culture is disappearing. How could this problem be solved? Perhaps less things to take of other cultures. I don’t know.
Enquête: immigratie beleid EU • Beantwoord door ouders Dylan • 1. What do you think about the immigration policy of Europe? • Well, the only policy I can judge on is Holland's policy. I think the Netherlands is generous and stands open voor immigrants, though it may be limit the amount of immigrants they allow at the moment. • 2. Are there too many immigrants in the EU? • Yes • No • 3. Should there be an ending of the migration (stream) • Yes • No • Why? Because refugees need places to be accepted. We have to support man-kind. • 4. Do the immigrants satisfy certain demands? • Yes, like language • Yes, like integration • Yes, like changing of religion • No • 5. What is a good reason for immigrants for immigration? • Political problems • Economic problems • Climatologically problems • Bad governance • 6. Do you think that Holland has to much immigrants? • Yes • No • I don’t know • 7. Do immigrants have been refused when it goes bad with the economy in Holland? • Yes • No • Absolutely not • I don’t care • 8. If immigrants do something criminal, do they have to leave the country? • Yes off course • No • 9. If people immigrate to a country, should they look to the history of these people? (If you think that is so tell why) • Yes, we should not accept people with a criminal record. • 10. Would it be a better solution if every country in Europe accept the same amount of people in their country? • No, France should take more people in than i.e. Belgium, because it is bigger. • 11. How did you find, if the integration test would be abolished? • Good • Bad • Something else,.................... • 12. Witch country have the most immigrants? • Africa • Sweden • England • Holland • 13. What are the most common reasons to migrate? • Economical Reasons and Political Reasons • 14. What could Europe do to reduce the immigration(stroom) • Nothing, except for closing the borders. • 15. Have you ever thought about emigrate/remigration? • No. • Enquete milieubeleid EU • 1. What is more important, the environment or the economy? (Circle the correct answer)ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY NO DIFFERENCE I DON’T KNOW • 2. What do you think about the situation between the environment and the economy? Think about waste products, the economical development etc. (Circle the correct answer, 1 is bad and 5 is best).1 2 3 4 5 • 3. Do you think we need to improve the environment? (Circle the correct answer) • YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW4. Do you think we need to improve the economy? (Circle the correct answer)YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW • 5.Does the economy has a bad influence on the environment? (Circle the correct answer)YES NO I DON’T KNOW6. Do you think the governance does enough to reduce the waste products? (Circle the correct answer) • YES NO I DON’T KNOW • 7. Should there be more attention to improve the economy or to improve the environment? (Circle the correct answer) • ECONOMY ENVIRONMENT I DON’T KNOW • 8. Everyone wants to improve the economy AND the environment, but this is very expensive. Do you think you would spend more money to make this situation reality? (Circle the correct answer)YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW • 9. Do you want that the environment policy make more strict environment-demands? In economic ways this will result in higher prizes, but this is better for the environment.YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW • 10. What kind of adjustment could the minister of the environment policy do to reduce the damage costs? • I don't know. • 11. What kind of solution against the damage of the environment is the best you think?Handing out fines is the only thing I can think of. • Enquete Aanpassing Immigranten Europese waarden • In tegenstelling met wat soms wordt beweerd, is de EU geen grote bureaucratische machine met uitsluitend economische prioriteiten. Integendeel zelfs. In artikel 6 van het EU-Verdrag wordt duidelijk gesteld dat de EU de grondrechten eerbiedigt, die worden gewaarborgd door het Europees Verdrag tot Bescherming van de Rechten van de Mens en de fundamentele vrijheden (EVRM). • Dit betekent dat niet zomaar elke Staat tot de EU kan toetreden. De Lidstaten moeten rekening houden met de principes van de democratie en de rechtsstaat, de individuele vrijheden, de minderheden, de markteconomie en de vakbondsvertegenwoordiging. Zij moeten er zich ook toe verbinden het racisme, de vreemdelingenhaat, de georganiseerde misdaad en de discriminatie tussen de individuen, wat ook hun persoonlijke en geloofsovertuiging moge zijn, te bestrijden. • In zijn Verklaring van het millennium legt de Europese Raad van Helsinki (december 1999) de nadruk op de grondslagen en waarden van de EU: • - de grondslagen van de EU zijn de democratie en de rechtsstaat; • - de EU-burgers zijn met elkaar verbonden door gemeenschappelijke waarden: vrijheid, verdraagzaamheid, gelijkheid, solidariteit en culturele diversiteit. • Om de vreemdelingenhaat nog beter te bestrijden, richtte de EU in 1997 een Europees Waarnemingscentrum voor Racisme en Vreemdelingenhaat op (gevestigd in Wenen) en werkte zij een Handvest van de Grondrechten uit. • Bron: http://www.diplomatie.be/nl/policy/europaFaq/faq3.asp • _____________________________________________________________________________________________ • * Circle the chosen answer. • 1. Should immigrants adapt themselves to the European values, no matter what religion he/she has? • Yes No No Opinion • 2. What should happen to an immigrant when not adapted to the European values in a certain time, like 2 years? • The immigrant should be warned or send back to its originated country. • 3. Do you think the EU is useful? • Yes No No opinion • 4. Are the people that currently run the European government good? • Yes No No opinion • 5. May citizens with a non-European nationality be part of the European government? • Yes No No opinion • 6. May citizens with a non-European nationality have the right to vote? • Yes No No opinion • 7. Should immigrants be tested on their political knowledge before they have the right to vote? • Yes No No opinion • 8. As long as an immigrant lives in Europe, it should put the European values at front, and not the values of its religion/culture. • True False No opinion • 9. Do immigrants have to be send back if they commit a serious crime? • Yes No No opinion • 10. The result of too many immigrants can lead up to the loss of the European culture. Should therefore be a limit of political refugees taken in? • Yes No No opinion • 11. If an immigrant doesn't know an European language good, should he/she be send back? • Yes No No opinion • 12. There are a lot of complains about the European culture, and language by Europeans. They claim that their language and culture is disappearing. How could this problem be solved? • Immigrants should be following courses to learn the language and culture.
Enquête: immigratie beleid EU • Gregor's moeder. • 1. What do you think about the immigration policy of Europe? • Its not going well, there are to many problems and it need to be solved quickly, before the problems will get worser. • 2. Are there to much immigrants in the EU? • Yes • No • 3. Should there be an ending of the migration (stream) • Yes • No • Why? • 4. Do the immigrants satisfy certain demands? • Yes, like language • Yes, like integration • Yes, like changing of religion • No • 5. What is a good reason for immigrants for immigration? • Political problems • Economic problems • Climatologically problems • Bad governance • 6. Do you think that Holland has to much immigrants? • Yes • No • I don’t know • 7. Do immigrants have been refused when it goes bad with the economy in Holland? • Yes • No • Absolutely not • I don’t care • 8. If immigrants do something criminals, do they have to leave the country? • Yes of course • No • 9. If people immigrate to a country, should they look to the history of these people? (If you think that is so tell why) • Well if they got a criminal past, it's logic that they can get rejected. • 10. Would it be a better solution if every country in Europe accept the same amount of people in their country? • That will solve alot of problems that we have at the moment. It will be better for everyone. • 11. How did you find, if the integration test would be abolished? • Good • Bad • Something else,.................... • 12. Witch country have the most immigrants? • Africa • Sweden • England • Holland • 13. What are the most common reasons to migrate? • -political reasons. • -economic reasons. • -war • 14. What could Europe do to reduce the immigration(stroom) • They need to reject more people before there are more immigrants then europeans in europe. • 15. Have you ever thought about emigrate/remigration? • Yes, but i'm happy with Holland, so i won't emigrate in the comming 5 years. • Enquete milieubeleid EU • 1. What is more important, the environment or the economy? (Circle the correct answer)ENVIRONMANT ECONOMY NO DIFFERENCE I DON’T KNOW • 2. What do you think about the situation between the environment and the economy? Think about waste products, the economical development etc. (Circle the correct answer, 1 is bad and 5 is best).1 2 3 4 5 • 3. Do you think we need to improve the environment? (Circle the correct answer) • YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW4. Do you think we need to improve the economy? (Circle the correct answer)YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW • 5.Does the economy has a bad influence on the environment? (Circle the correct answer)YES NO I DON’T KNOW6. Do you think the governance does enough to reduce the waste products? (Circle the correct answer) • YES NO I DON’T KNOW • 7. Should there be more attention to improve the economy or to improve the environment? (Circle the correct answer) • ECONOMY ENVIRONMENT I DON’T KNOW • 8. Everyone wants to improve the economy AND the environment, but this is very expensive. Do you think you would spend more money to make this situation reality? (Circle the correct answer)YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW • 9. Do you want that the environment policy make more strict environment-demands? In economic ways this will result in higher prizes, but is this better for the environment.YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW • 10. What kind of adjustment could the minister of the environment policy do to reduce the damage costs? • More rules and bigger punishments if you damage the environment • 11. What kind of solution against the damage of the environment is the best you think?Higher prices on products that damage our environment • Enquete Aanpassing Immigranten Europese waarden • In tegenstelling met wat soms wordt beweerd, is de EU geen grote bureaucratische machine met uitsluitend economische prioriteiten. Integendeel zelfs. In artikel 6 van het EU-Verdrag wordt duidelijk gesteld dat de EU de grondrechten eerbiedigt, die worden gewaarborgd door het Europees Verdrag tot Bescherming van de Rechten van de Mens en de fundamentele vrijheden (EVRM). • Dit betekent dat niet zomaar elke Staat tot de EU kan toetreden. De Lidstaten moeten rekening houden met de principes van de democratie en de rechtsstaat, de individuele vrijheden, de minderheden, de markteconomie en de vakbondsvertegenwoordiging. Zij moeten er zich ook toe verbinden het racisme, de vreemdelingenhaat, de georganiseerde misdaad en de discriminatie tussen de individuen, wat ook hun persoonlijke en geloofsovertuiging moge zijn, te bestrijden. • In zijn Verklaring van het millennium legt de Europese Raad van Helsinki (december 1999) de nadruk op de grondslagen en waarden van de EU: • - de grondslagen van de EU zijn de democratie en de rechtsstaat; • - de EU-burgers zijn met elkaar verbonden door gemeenschappelijke waarden: vrijheid, verdraagzaamheid, gelijkheid, solidariteit en culturele diversiteit. • Om de vreemdelingenhaat nog beter te bestrijden, richtte de EU in 1997 een Europees Waarnemingscentrum voor Racisme en Vreemdelingenhaat op (gevestigd in Wenen) en werkte zij een Handvest van de Grondrechten uit. • Bron: http://www.diplomatie.be/nl/policy/europaFaq/faq3.asp • * Circle the chosen answer. • 1. Should immigrants adapt themselves to the European values, no matter what religion he/she has? • Yes No No Opinion • 2. What should happen to an immigrant when not adapted to the European values in a certain time, like 2 years? • Give him another 2 years. • 3. Do you think the EU is useful? • Yes No No opinion • 4. Are the people that currently run the European government good? • Yes No No opinion • 5. May citizens with a non-European nationality be part of the European government? • Yes No No opinion • 6. May citizens with a non-European nationality have the right to vote? • Yes No No opinion • 7. Should immigrants be tested on their political knowledge before they have the right to vote? • Yes No No opinion • 8. As long as an immigrant lives in Europe, it should put the European values at front, and not the values of its religion/culture. • True False No opinion • 9. Do immigrants have to be send back if they commit a serious crime? • Yes No No opinion • 10. The result of too many immigrants can lead up to the loss of the European culture. Should therefore be a limit of political refugees taken in? • Yes No No opinion • 11. If an immigrant doesn't know an European language good, should he/she be send back? • Yes No No opinion • 12. There are a lot of complains about the European culture, and language by Europeans. They claim that their language and culture is disappearing. How could this problem be solved? • They need to discuss this point at a meeting with different leaders. So there will be a solution. • Enquête: immigratie beleid EU • Gregor's vader • 1. What do you think about the immigration policy of Europe? • Its going well at the moment but we need to make some straight borders and more rules to make sure that everything will go better. • 2. Are there to much immigrants in the EU? • Yes • No • 3. Should there be an ending of the migration (stream) • Yes • No • Why? • 4. Do the immigrants satisfy certain demands? • Yes, like language • Yes, like integration • Yes, like changing of religion • No • 5. What is a good reason for immigrants for immigration? • Political problems • Economic problems • Climatologically problems • Bad governance • 6. Do you think that Holland has to much immigrants? • Yes • No • I don’t know • 7. Do immigrants have been refused when it goes bad with the economy in Holland? • Yes • No • Absolutely not • I don’t care • 8. If immigrants do something criminals, do they have to leave the country? • Yes of course • No • 9. If people immigrate to a country, should they look to the history of these people? (If you think that is so tell why) • Yes, u don't want people with a criminal past in your country, we need to do that to avoid problems. • 10. Would it be a better solution if every country in Europe accept the same amount of people in their country? • That will solve alot of problems that we have at the moment. It will be better for everyone. • 11. How did you find, if the integration test would be abolished? • Good • Bad • Something else,.................... • 12. Witch country have the most immigrants? • Africa • Sweden • England • Holland • 13. What are the most common reasons to migrate? • -political reasons. • -economic reasons. • -war • 14. What could Europe do to reduce the immigration(stroom) • reject immigrants. • 15. Have you ever thought about emigrate/remigration? • Yes • Enquete milieubeleid EU • 1. What is more important, the environment or the economy? (Circle the correct answer)ENVIRONMANT ECONOMY NO DIFFERENCE I DON’T KNOW • 2. What do you think about the situation between the environment and the economy? Think about waste products, the economical development etc. (Circle the correct answer, 1 is bad and 5 is best).1 2 3 4 5 • 3. Do you think we need to improve the environment? (Circle the correct answer) • YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW4. Do you think we need to improve the economy? (Circle the correct answer)YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW • 5.Does the economy has a bad influence on the environment? (Circle the correct answer)YES NO I DON’T KNOW6. Do you think the governance does enough to reduce the waste products? (Circle the correct answer) • YES NO I DON’T KNOW • 7. Should there be more attention to improve the economy or to improve the environment? (Circle the correct answer) • ECONOMY ENVIRONMENT I DON’T KNOW • 8. Everyone wants to improve the economy AND the environment, but this is very expensive. Do you think you would spend more money to make this situation reality? (Circle the correct answer)YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW • 9. Do you want that the environment policy make more strict environment-demands? In economic ways this will result in higher prizes, but this is better for the environment.YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW • 10. What kind of adjustment could the minister of the environment policy do to reduce the damage costs? • The prices of prodcuts like oil need to be higher so many people will refuse this • 11. What kind of solution against the damage of the environment is the best you think?More rules so it will be clear for everyone that something need to change. • Enquete Aanpassing Immigranten Europese waarden • In tegenstelling met wat soms wordt beweerd, is de EU geen grote bureaucratische machine met uitsluitend economische prioriteiten. Integendeel zelfs. In artikel 6 van het EU-Verdrag wordt duidelijk gesteld dat de EU de grondrechten eerbiedigt, die worden gewaarborgd door het Europees Verdrag tot Bescherming van de Rechten van de Mens en de fundamentele vrijheden (EVRM). • Dit betekent dat niet zomaar elke Staat tot de EU kan toetreden. De Lidstaten moeten rekening houden met de principes van de democratie en de rechtsstaat, de individuele vrijheden, de minderheden, de markteconomie en de vakbondsvertegenwoordiging. Zij moeten er zich ook toe verbinden het racisme, de vreemdelingenhaat, de georganiseerde misdaad en de discriminatie tussen de individuen, wat ook hun persoonlijke en geloofsovertuiging moge zijn, te bestrijden. • In zijn Verklaring van het millennium legt de Europese Raad van Helsinki (december 1999) de nadruk op de grondslagen en waarden van de EU: • - de grondslagen van de EU zijn de democratie en de rechtsstaat; • - de EU-burgers zijn met elkaar verbonden door gemeenschappelijke waarden: vrijheid, verdraagzaamheid, gelijkheid, solidariteit en culturele diversiteit. • Om de vreemdelingenhaat nog beter te bestrijden, richtte de EU in 1997 een Europees Waarnemingscentrum voor Racisme en Vreemdelingenhaat op (gevestigd in Wenen) en werkte zij een Handvest van de Grondrechten uit. • Bron: http://www.diplomatie.be/nl/policy/europaFaq/faq3.asp • * Circle the chosen answer. • 1. Should immigrants adapt themselves to the European values, no matter what religion he/she has? • Yes No No Opinion • 2. What should happen to an immigrant when not adapted to the European values in a certain time, like 2 years? • They need to get a last warning or when there reason for the failed adapting is good they can get a second chance. • 3. Do you think the EU is useful? • Yes No No opinion • 4. Are the people that currently run the European government good? • Yes No No opinion • 5. May citizens with a non-European nationality be part of the European government? • Yes No No opinion • 6. May citizens with a non-European nationality have the right to vote? • Yes No No opinion • 7. Should immigrants be tested on their political knowledge before they have the right to vote? • Yes No No opinion • 8. As long as an immigrant lives in Europe, it should put the European values at front, and not the values of its religion/culture. • True False No opinion • 9. Do immigrants have to be send back if they commit a serious crime? • Yes No No opinion • 10. The result of too many immigrants can lead up to the loss of the European culture. Should therefore be a limit of political refugees taken in? • Yes No No opinion • 11. If an immigrant doesn't know an European language good, should he/she be send back? • Yes No No opinion • 12. There are a lot of complains about the European culture, and language by Europeans. They claim that their language and culture is disappearing. How could this problem be solved? • Better rules.
Enquête: immigratie beleid EU • Beantwoord door ouders Kenrick • 1. What do you think about the immigration policy of Europe? • I don’t know their policy. • 2. Are there too many immigrants in the EU? • Yes • No • I don’t know • 3. Should there be an ending of the migration (stream) • Yes • No • Why? • 4. Do the immigrants satisfy certain demands? • Yes, like language • Yes, like integration • Yes, like changing of religion • No • 5. What is a good reason for immigrants for immigration? • Political problems • Economic problems • Climatologically problems • Bad governance • 6. Do you think that Holland has to much immigrants? • Yes • No • I don’t know • 7. Do immigrants have been refused when it goes bad with the economy in Holland? • Yes • No • Absolutely not • I don’t care • 8. If immigrants do something criminal, do they have to leave the country? • Yes off course • No • 9. If people immigrate to a country, should they look to the history of these people? (If you think that is so tell why) • Yes, to see if they don’t have a criminal history. • 10. Would it be a better solution if every country in Europe accept the same amount of people in their country? • No • 11. How did you find, if the integration test would be abolished? • Good • Bad • Something else,.................... • 12. Which country have the most immigrants? • Africa • Sweden • England • Holland • 13. What are the most common reasons to migrate? • Economical Reasons. • 14. What could Europe do to reduce the immigration(stroom) • To help other countries to improve their economics. • 15. Have you ever thought about emigrate/remigration? • No. • Enquete milieubeleid EU • 1. What is more important, the environment or the economy? (Circle the correct answer)ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY NO DIFFERENCE I DON’T KNOW • 2. What do you think about the situation between the environment and the economy? Think about waste products, the economical development etc. (Circle the correct answer, 1 is bad and 5 is best).1 2 3 4 5 • 3. Do you think we need to improve the environment? (Circle the correct answer) • YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW4. Do you think we need to improve the economy? (Circle the correct answer)YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW • 5.Does the economy has a bad influence on the environment? (Circle the correct answer)YES NO I DON’T KNOW6. Do you think the governance does enough to reduce the waste products? (Circle the correct answer) • YES NO I DON’T KNOW • 7. Should there be more attention to improve the economy or to improve the environment? (Circle the correct answer) • ECONOMY ENVIRONMENT I DON’T KNOW • 8. Everyone wants to improve the economy AND the environment, but this is very expensive. Do you think you would spend more money to make this situation reality? (Circle the correct answer)YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW • 9. Do you want that the environment policy make more strict environment-demands? In economic ways this will result in higher prizes, but this is better for the environment.YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW • 10. What kind of adjustment could the minister of the environment policy do to reduce the damage costs? • Burn prelusion for electricity. • 11. What kind of solution against the damage of the environment is the best you think?Homes and work hear each other. • Enquete Aanpassing Immigranten Europese waarden • In tegenstelling met wat soms wordt beweerd, is de EU geen grote bureaucratische machine met uitsluitend economische prioriteiten. Integendeel zelfs. In artikel 6 van het EU-Verdrag wordt duidelijk gesteld dat de EU de grondrechten eerbiedigt, die worden gewaarborgd door het Europees Verdrag tot Bescherming van de Rechten van de Mens en de fundamentele vrijheden (EVRM). • Dit betekent dat niet zomaar elke Staat tot de EU kan toetreden. De Lidstaten moeten rekening houden met de principes van de democratie en de rechtsstaat, de individuele vrijheden, de minderheden, de markteconomie en de vakbondsvertegenwoordiging. Zij moeten er zich ook toe verbinden het racisme, de vreemdelingenhaat, de georganiseerde misdaad en de discriminatie tussen de individuen, wat ook hun persoonlijke en geloofsovertuiging moge zijn, te bestrijden. • In zijn Verklaring van het millennium legt de Europese Raad van Helsinki (december 1999) de nadruk op de grondslagen en waarden van de EU: • - de grondslagen van de EU zijn de democratie en de rechtsstaat; • - de EU-burgers zijn met elkaar verbonden door gemeenschappelijke waarden: vrijheid, verdraagzaamheid, gelijkheid, solidariteit en culturele diversiteit. • Om de vreemdelingenhaat nog beter te bestrijden, richtte de EU in 1997 een Europees Waarnemingscentrum voor Racisme en Vreemdelingenhaat op (gevestigd in Wenen) en werkte zij een Handvest van de Grondrechten uit. • Bron: http://www.diplomatie.be/nl/policy/europaFaq/faq3.asp • _____________________________________________________________________________________________ • * Circle the chosen answer. • 1. Should immigrants adapt themselves to the European values, no matter what religion he/she has? • Yes No No Opinion • 2. What should happen to an immigrant when not adapted to the European values in a certain time, like 2 years? • 3. Do you think the EU is useful? • Yes No No opinion • 4. Are the people that currently run the European government good? • Yes No No opinion • 5. May citizens with a non-European nationality be part of the European government? • Yes No No opinion • 6. May citizens with a non-European nationality have the right to vote? • Yes No No opinion • 7. Should immigrants be tested on their political knowledge before they have the right to vote? • Yes No No opinion • 8. As long as an immigrant lives in Europe, it should put the European values at front, and not the values of its religion/culture. • True False No opinion • 9. Do immigrants have to be send back if they commit a serious crime? • Yes No No opinion • 10. The result of too many immigrants can lead up to the loss of the European culture. Should therefore be a limit of political refugees taken in? • Yes No No opinion • 11. If an immigrant doesn't know an European language good, should he/she be send back? • Yes No No opinion • 12. There are a lot of complains about the European culture, and language by Europeans. They claim that their language and culture is disappearing. How could this problem be solved? • ? • Enquête: immigratie beleid EU • 1. What do you think about the immigration policy of Europe? • I don’t know much abourt it. • 2. Are there too many immigrants in the EU? • Yes • No • 3. Should there be an ending of the migration (stream) • Yes • No • Why? Because there are to much immigrants. • 4. Do the immigrants satisfy certain demands? • Yes, like language • Yes, like integration • Yes, like changing of religion • No • 5. What is a good reason for immigrants for immigration? • Political problems • Economic problems • Climatologically problems • Bad governance • 6. Do you think that Holland has to much immigrants? • Yes • No • I don’t know • 7. Do immigrants have been refused when it goes bad with the economy in Holland? • Yes • No • Absolutely not • I don’t care • 8. If immigrants do something criminal, do they have to leave the country? • Yes off course • No • 9. If people immigrate to a country, should they look to the history of these people? (If you think that is so tell why) • Yes, it could be a criminal. • 10. Would it be a better solution if every country in Europe accept the same amount of people in their country? • No, bigger countries should take in more immigrants. • 11. How did you find, if the integration test would be abolished? • Good • Bad • Something else,.................... • I don’t understand the question. • 12. Witch country have the most immigrants? • Africa • Sweden • England • Holland • 13. What are the most common reasons to migrate? • political problems, economic reasons. • 14. What could Europe do to reduce the immigration(stroom) • say ‘no’ to new immigrants. • 15. Have you ever thought about emigrate/remigration? • No. • Enquete milieubeleid EU • 1. What is more important, the environment or the economy? (Circle the correct answer)ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY NO DIFFERENCE I DON’T KNOW • 2. What do you think about the situation between the environment and the economy? Think about waste products, the economical development etc. (Circle the correct answer, 1 is bad and 5 is best).1 2 3 4 5 • 3. Do you think we need to improve the environment? (Circle the correct answer) • YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW4. Do you think we need to improve the economy? (Circle the correct answer)YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW • 5.Does the economy has a bad influence on the environment? (Circle the correct answer)YES NO I DON’T KNOW6. Do you think the governance does enough to reduce the waste products? (Circle the correct answer) • YES NO I DON’T KNOW • 7. Should there be more attention to improve the economy or to improve the environment? (Circle the correct answer) • ECONOMYENVIRONMENT I DON’T KNOW • 8. Everyone wants to improve the economy AND the environment, but this is very expensive. Do you think you would spend more money to make this situation reality? (Circle the correct answer)YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW • 9. Do you want that the environment policy make more strict environment-demands? In economic ways this will result in higher prizes, but this is better for the environment.YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW • 10. What kind of adjustment could the minister of the environment policy do to reduce the damage costs? • I don't know. • 11. What kind of solution against the damage of the environment is the best you think?I don’t know. • Enquete Aanpassing Immigranten Europese waarden • In tegenstelling met wat soms wordt beweerd, is de EU geen grote bureaucratische machine met uitsluitend economische prioriteiten. Integendeel zelfs. In artikel 6 van het EU-Verdrag wordt duidelijk gesteld dat de EU de grondrechten eerbiedigt, die worden gewaarborgd door het Europees Verdrag tot Bescherming van de Rechten van de Mens en de fundamentele vrijheden (EVRM). • Dit betekent dat niet zomaar elke Staat tot de EU kan toetreden. De Lidstaten moeten rekening houden met de principes van de democratie en de rechtsstaat, de individuele vrijheden, de minderheden, de markteconomie en de vakbondsvertegenwoordiging. Zij moeten er zich ook toe verbinden het racisme, de vreemdelingenhaat, de georganiseerde misdaad en de discriminatie tussen de individuen, wat ook hun persoonlijke en geloofsovertuiging moge zijn, te bestrijden. • In zijn Verklaring van het millennium legt de Europese Raad van Helsinki (december 1999) de nadruk op de grondslagen en waarden van de EU: • - de grondslagen van de EU zijn de democratie en de rechtsstaat; • - de EU-burgers zijn met elkaar verbonden door gemeenschappelijke waarden: vrijheid, verdraagzaamheid, gelijkheid, solidariteit en culturele diversiteit. • Om de vreemdelingenhaat nog beter te bestrijden, richtte de EU in 1997 een Europees Waarnemingscentrum voor Racisme en Vreemdelingenhaat op (gevestigd in Wenen) en werkte zij een Handvest van de Grondrechten uit. • Bron: http://www.diplomatie.be/nl/policy/europaFaq/faq3.asp • _____________________________________________________________________________________________ • * Circle the chosen answer. • 1. Should immigrants adapt themselves to the European values, no matter what religion he/she has? • Yes No No Opinion • 2. What should happen to an immigrant when not adapted to the European values in a certain time, like 2 years? • Send back. • 3. Do you think the EU is useful? • Yes No No opinion • 4. Are the people that currently run the European government good? • Yes No No opinion • 5. May citizens with a non-European nationality be part of the European government? • Yes No No opinion • 6. May citizens with a non-European nationality have the right to vote? • Yes No No opinion • 7. Should immigrants be tested on their political knowledge before they have the right to vote? • Yes No No opinion • 8. As long as an immigrant lives in Europe, it should put the European values at front, and not the values of its religion/culture. • True False No opinion • 9. Do immigrants have to be send back if they commit a serious crime? • Yes No No opinion • 10. The result of too many immigrants can lead up to the loss of the European culture. Should therefore be a limit of political refugees taken in? • Yes No No opinion • 11. If an immigrant doesn't know an European language good, should he/she be send back? • Yes No No opinion • 12. There are a lot of complains about the European culture, and language by Europeans. They claim that their language and culture is disappearing. How could this problem be solved? • I don’t know.
Enquête: immigratie beleid EU • Beantwoord door Adrie Boxmeer Docent duits. • 1. What do you think about the immigration policy of Europe? • It’s going well. • 2. Are there to much immigrants in the EU? • Yes • No • 3. Should there be an ending of the migration (stream) • Yes • No • Why? • 4. Do the immigrants satisfy certain demands? • Yes, like language • Yes, like integration • Yes, like changing of religion • No • 5. What is a good reason for immigrants for immigration? • Political problems • Economic problems • Climatologically problems • Bad governance • 6. Do you think that Holland has to much immigrants? • Yes • No • I don’t know • 7. Do immigrants have been refused when it goes bad with the economy in Holland? • Yes • No • Absolutely not • I don’t care • 8. If immigrants do something criminals, do they have to leave the country? • Yes of course • No • 9. If people immigrate to a country, should they look to the history of these people? (If you think that is so tell why) • Yes, because then they can integrate better. • 10. Would it be a better solution if every country in Europe accept the same amount of people in their country? • 11. How did you find, if the integration test would be abolished? • Good • Bad • Something else,.................... • 12. Witch country have the most immigrants? • Africa • Sweden • England • Holland • 13. What are the most common reasons to migrate? • Political-Economical. • 14. What could Europe do to reduce the immigration(stroom) • Introduce a green card system like the USA. • 15. Have you ever thought about emigrate/remigration? • No. • Enquete milieubeleid EU • 1. What is more important, the environment or the economy? (Circle the correct answer)ENVIRONMANT ECONOMY NO DIFFERENCE I DON’T KNOW • 2. What do you think about the situation between the environment and the economy? Think about waste products, the economical development etc. (Circle the correct answer, 1 is bad and 5 is best).1 2 3 4 5 • 3. Do you think we need to improve the environment? (Circle the correct answer) • YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW4. Do you think we need to improve the economy? (Circle the correct answer)YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW • 5.Does the economy has a bad influence on the environment? (Circle the correct answer)YES NO I DON’T KNOW6. Do you think the governance does enough to reduce the waste products? (Circle the correct answer) • YES NO I DON’T KNOW • 7. Should there be more attention to improve the economy or to improve the environment? (Circle the correct answer) • ECONOMY ENVIRONMENT I DON’T KNOW • 8. Everyone wants to improve the economy AND the environment, but this is very expensive. Do you think you would spend more money to make this situation reality? (Circle the correct answer)YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW • 9. Do you want that the environment policy make more strict environment-demands? In economic ways this will result in higher prizes, but this is better for the environment.YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW • 10. What kind of adjustment could the minister of the environment policy do to reduce the damage costs? • More tax on products. • 11. What kind of solution against the damage of the environment is the best you think?Cleaner cars. • Enquete Aanpassing Immigranten Europese waarden • In tegenstelling met wat soms wordt beweerd, is de EU geen grote bureaucratische machine met uitsluitend economische prioriteiten. Integendeel zelfs. In artikel 6 van het EU-Verdrag wordt duidelijk gesteld dat de EU de grondrechten eerbiedigt, die worden gewaarborgd door het Europees Verdrag tot Bescherming van de Rechten van de Mens en de fundamentele vrijheden (EVRM). • Dit betekent dat niet zomaar elke Staat tot de EU kan toetreden. De Lidstaten moeten rekening houden met de principes van de democratie en de rechtsstaat, de individuele vrijheden, de minderheden, de markteconomie en de vakbondsvertegenwoordiging. Zij moeten er zich ook toe verbinden het racisme, de vreemdelingenhaat, de georganiseerde misdaad en de discriminatie tussen de individuen, wat ook hun persoonlijke en geloofsovertuiging moge zijn, te bestrijden. • In zijn Verklaring van het millennium legt de Europese Raad van Helsinki (december 1999) de nadruk op de grondslagen en waarden van de EU: • - de grondslagen van de EU zijn de democratie en de rechtsstaat; • - de EU-burgers zijn met elkaar verbonden door gemeenschappelijke waarden: vrijheid, verdraagzaamheid, gelijkheid, solidariteit en culturele diversiteit. • Om de vreemdelingenhaat nog beter te bestrijden, richtte de EU in 1997 een Europees Waarnemingscentrum voor Racisme en Vreemdelingenhaat op (gevestigd in Wenen) en werkte zij een Handvest van de Grondrechten uit. • Bron: http://www.diplomatie.be/nl/policy/europaFaq/faq3.asp • _____________________________________________________________________________________________ • * Circle the chosen answer. • 1. Should immigrants adapt themselves to the European values, no matter what religion he/she has? • Yes No No Opinion • 2. What should happen to an immigrant when not adapted to the European values in a certain time, like 2 years? • He most leave the country. • 3. Do you think the EU is useful? • Yes No No opinion • 4. Are the people that currently run the European government good? • Yes No No opinion • 5. May citizens with a non-European nationality be part of the European government? • Yes No No opinion • 6. May citizens with a non-European nationality have the right to vote? • Yes No No opinion • 7. Should immigrants be tested on their political knowledge before they have the right to vote? • Yes No No opinion • 8. As long as an immigrant lives in Europe, it should put the European values at front, and not the values of its religion/culture. • True False No opinion • 9. Do immigrants have to be send back if they commit a serious crime? • Yes No No opinion • 10. The result of too many immigrants can lead up to the loss of the European culture. Should therefore be a limit of political refugees taken in? • Yes No No opinion • 11. If an immigrant doesn't know an European language good, should he/she be send back? • Yes No No opinion • 12. There are a lot of complains about the European culture, and language by Europeans. They claim that their language and culture is disappearing. How could this problem be solved? • Is there something like an european culture? I don’t know.
Enquête: immigratie beleid EU • Nigel. • 1.What do you think about the immigration policy of Europe? • I think its good, because I think it’s good to have a multicultural civilization. • 2. Are there to much immigrants in the EU? • No • 3.Should there be an ending of the migration (stream) • No • Why? • Because I think it’s good to have a multicultural civilization. • 4.Do the immigrants satisfy certain demands? • Yes, like language • 5.What is a good reason for immigrants for immigration? • Political problems, like a dictator. • 6.Do you think that Holland has to much immigrants? • No • 7.Do immigrants have been refused when it goes bad with the economy in Holland? • Absolutely not, when they’ve immigrated they are just like the people who are born in the Netherlands. • 8.If immigrants do something criminals, do they have to leave the country? • No, They should be punished like a criminal not like a immigrant. • 9.If people immigrate to a country, should they look to the history of these people? (If you think that is so tell why) • No, they should some basic facts. • 10.Would it be a better solution if every country in Europe accept the same amount of people in their country? • No it depends on the size of the country and on the amount of people which already lived there. • 11. How did you find, if the integration test would be abolished? • Bad • 12. Witch country have the most immigrants? • Holland • 13.What are the most common reasons to migrate? • When the political situation of a country is really bad. • When a dictator has the power. • 14.What could Europe do to reduce the immigration(stroom) • I don’t know, because I don’t think it’s necessary. • 15.Have you ever thought about emigrate/remigration? • Yes, maybe when I’m old and when I’m enjoying my retirement. • Enquete milieubeleid EU • 1. What is more important, the environment or the economy? (Circle the correct answer)NVIRONMANT ECONOMY NO DIFFERENCE I DON’T KNOW • 2. What do you think about the situation between the environment and the economy? Think about waste products, the economical development etc. (Circle the correct answer, 1 is bad and 5 is best). 2 3 4 5 • 3. Do you think we need to improve the environment? (Circle the correct answer) • YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOWu8232 4. Do you think we need to improve the economy? (Circle the correct answer)ES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW • 5.Does the economy has a bad influence on the environment? (Circle the correct answer)ES NO I DON’T KNOWu8232 6. Do you think the governance does enough to reduce the waste products? (Circle the correct answer) • YES NO I DON’T KNOW • 7. Should there be more attention to improve the economy or to improve the environment? (Circle the correct answer) • ECONOMY ENVIRONMENT I DON’T KNOW • 8. Everyone wants to improve the economy AND the environment, but this is very expensive. Do you think you would spend more money to make this situation reality? (Circle the correct answer)ES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW • 9. Do you want that the environment policy make more strict environment-demands? In economic ways this will result in higher prizes, but this is better for the environment.ES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW • 10. What kind of adjustment could the minister of the environment policy do to reduce the damage costs? • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • 11. What kind of solution against the damage of the environment is the best you think?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • u8232 • Enquete Aanpassing Immigranten Europese waarden • In tegenstelling met wat soms wordt beweerd, is de EU geen grote bureaucratische machine met uitsluitend economische prioriteiten. Integendeel zelfs. In artikel 6 van het EU-Verdrag wordt duidelijk gesteld dat de EU de grondrechten eerbiedigt, die worden gewaarborgd door het Europees Verdrag tot Bescherming van de Rechten van de Mens en de fundamentele vrijheden (EVRM). • Dit betekent dat niet zomaar elke Staat tot de EU kan toetreden. De Lidstaten moeten rekening houden met de principes van de democratie en de rechtsstaat, de individuele vrijheden, de minderheden, de markteconomie en de vakbondsvertegenwoordiging. Zij moeten er zich ook toe verbinden het racisme, de vreemdelingenhaat, de georganiseerde misdaad en de discriminatie tussen de individuen, wat ook hun persoonlijke en geloofsovertuiging moge zijn, te bestrijden. • In zijn Verklaring van het millennium legt de Europese Raad van Helsinki (december 1999) de nadruk op de grondslagen en waarden van de EU: • - de grondslagen van de EU zijn de democratie en de rechtsstaat; • - de EU-burgers zijn met elkaar verbonden door gemeenschappelijke waarden: vrijheid, verdraagzaamheid, gelijkheid, solidariteit en culturele diversiteit. • Om de vreemdelingenhaat nog beter te bestrijden, richtte de EU in 1997 een Europees Waarnemingscentrum voor Racisme en Vreemdelingenhaat op (gevestigd in Wenen) en werkte zij een Handvest van de Grondrechten uit. • Bron: http://www.diplomatie.be/nl/policy/europaFaq/faq3.asp • _____________________________________________________________________________________________ • * Circle the chosen answer. • 1. Should immigrants adapt themselves to the European values, no matter what religion he/she has? • Yes No No Opinion • 2. What should happen to an immigrant when not adapted to the European values in a certain time, like 2 years? • __________________________________________________________________________________________ • __________________________________________________________________________________________ • __________________________________________________________________________________________ • __________________________________________________________________________________________ • __________________________________________________________________________________________ • 3. Do you think the EU is useful? • Yes No No opinion • 4. Are the people that currently run the European government good? • Yes No No opinion • 5. May citizens with a non-European nationality be part of the European government? • Yes No No opinion • 6. May citizens with a non-European nationality have the right to vote? • Yes No No opinion • 7. Should immigrants be tested on their political knowledge before they have the right to vote? • Yes No No opinion • 8. As long as an immigrant lives in Europe, it should put the European values at front, and not the values of its religion/culture. • True False No opinion • 9. Do immigrants have to be send back if they commit a serious crime? • Yes No No opinion • 10. The result of too many immigrants can lead up to the loss of the European culture. Should therefore be a limit of political refugees taken in? • Yes No No opinion • 11. If an immigrant doesn't know an European language good, should he/she be send back? • Yes No No opinion • 12. There are a lot of complains about the European culture, and language by Europeans. They claim that their language and culture is disappearing. How could this problem be solved? • __________________________________________________________________________________________ • __________________________________________________________________________________________ • __________________________________________________________________________________________ • __________________________________________________________________________________________ • 13.
Enquête: immigratie beleid EU • Deleram. • 1. What do you think about the immigration policy of Europe? • I think it is too soft. We’re just taking all types of people into our union, but don’t think about the consequences. • 2. Are there to much immigrants in the EU? • Yes • No • 3. Should there be an ending of the migration (stream) • Yes • No • Why? • 4. Do the immigrants satisfy certain demands? • Yes, like language • Yes, like integration • Yes, like changing of religion • No • 5. What is a good reason for immigrants for immigration? • Political problems • Economic problems • Climatologically problems • Bad governance • 6. Do you think that Holland has to much immigrants? • Yes • No • I don’t know • 7. Do immigrants have been refused when it goes bad with the economy in Holland? • Yes • No • Absolutely not • I don’t care • 8. If immigrants do something criminals, do they have to leave the country? • Yes of course • No • 9. If people immigrate to a country, should they look to the history of these people? (If you think that is so tell why) • Yes! Because you have to know, who you’re letting in. You can prevent much problems, doing it that way. • 10. Would it be a better solution if every country in Europe accept the same amount of people in their country? • No, because some countries are fuller than other countries. • 11. How did you find, if the integration test would be abolished? • Good • Bad • Something else,.................... • 12. Witch country have the most immigrants? • Africa • Sweden • England • Holland ???? • 13. What are the most common reasons to migrate? • Political/economic problems, family, make more money, lovers, fun. • 14. What could Europe do to reduce the immigration(stroom) • Make stronger selections. • 15. Have you ever thought about emigrate/remigration? • Yes, I would like to emigrate when I’m older. • Enquete milieubeleid EU • 1. What is more important, the environment or the economy? (Circle the correct answer)ENVIRONMANT ECONOMY NO DIFFERENCE I DON’T KNOW • 2. What do you think about the situation between the environment and the economy? Think about waste products, the economical development etc. (Circle the correct answer, 1 is bad and 5 is best).1 2 3 4 5 • 3. Do you think we need to improve the environment? (Circle the correct answer) • YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW4. Do you think we need to improve the economy? (Circle the correct answer)YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW • 5.Does the economy has a bad influence on the environment? (Circle the correct answer)YES NO I DON’T KNOW6. Do you think the governance does enough to reduce the waste products? (Circle the correct answer) • YES NO I DON’T KNOW • 7. Should there be more attention to improve the economy or to improve the environment? (Circle the correct answer) • ECONOMY ENVIRONMENT I DON’T KNOW • 8. Everyone wants to improve the economy AND the environment, but this is very expensive. Do you think you would spend more money to make this situation reality? (Circle the correct answer)YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW • 9. Do you want that the environment policy make more strict environment-demands? In economic ways this will result in higher prizes, but this is better for the environment.YES NO MAYBE I DON’T KNOW • 10. What kind of adjustment could the minister of the environment policy do to reduce the damage costs? • I have no idea. • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • 11. What kind of solution against the damage of the environment is the best you think?Not just a few people who are helping. But everybody, everybody has to help on a better environment. • Enquete Aanpassing Immigranten Europese waarden • In tegenstelling met wat soms wordt beweerd, is de EU geen grote bureaucratische machine met uitsluitend economische prioriteiten. Integendeel zelfs. In artikel 6 van het EU-Verdrag wordt duidelijk gesteld dat de EU de grondrechten eerbiedigt, die worden gewaarborgd door het Europees Verdrag tot Bescherming van de Rechten van de Mens en de fundamentele vrijheden (EVRM). • Dit betekent dat niet zomaar elke Staat tot de EU kan toetreden. De Lidstaten moeten rekening houden met de principes van de democratie en de rechtsstaat, de individuele vrijheden, de minderheden, de markteconomie en de vakbondsvertegenwoordiging. Zij moeten er zich ook toe verbinden het racisme, de vreemdelingenhaat, de georganiseerde misdaad en de discriminatie tussen de individuen, wat ook hun persoonlijke en geloofsovertuiging moge zijn, te bestrijden. • In zijn Verklaring van het millennium legt de Europese Raad van Helsinki (december 1999) de nadruk op de grondslagen en waarden van de EU: • - de grondslagen van de EU zijn de democratie en de rechtsstaat; • - de EU-burgers zijn met elkaar verbonden door gemeenschappelijke waarden: vrijheid, verdraagzaamheid, gelijkheid, solidariteit en culturele diversiteit. • Om de vreemdelingenhaat nog beter te bestrijden, richtte de EU in 1997 een Europees Waarnemingscentrum voor Racisme en Vreemdelingenhaat op (gevestigd in Wenen) en werkte zij een Handvest van de Grondrechten uit. • Bron: http://www.diplomatie.be/nl/policy/europaFaq/faq3.asp • _____________________________________________________________________________________________ • * Circle the chosen answer. • 1. Should immigrants adapt themselves to the European values, no matter what religion he/she has? • Yes No No Opinion • 2. What should happen to an immigrant when not adapted to the European values in a certain time, like 2 years? • Make him do it, and if he refuse, just leave. • 3. Do you think the EU is useful? • Yes No No opinion • 4. Are the people that currently run the European government good? • Yes No No opinion • 5. May citizens with a non-European nationality be part of the European government? • Yes No No opinion • 6. May citizens with a non-European nationality have the right to vote? • Yes No No opinion • 7. Should immigrants be tested on their political knowledge before they have the right to vote? • Yes No No opinion • 8. As long as an immigrant lives in Europe, it should put the European values at front, and not the values of its religion/culture. • True False No opinion • 9. Do immigrants have to be send back if they commit a serious crime? • Yes No No opinion • 10. The result of too many immigrants can lead up to the loss of the European culture. Should therefore be a limit of political refugees taken in? • Yes No No opinion • 11. If an immigrant doesn't know an European language good, should he/she be send back? • Yes No No opinion • 12. There are a lot of complains about the European culture, and language by Europeans. They claim that their language and culture is disappearing. How could this problem be solved? • Everybody has to adapt themselves to the European culture. And no exceptions.
Groepje: Derya, Dillen, Kenrick & Gregor • Ak portfolio onderdeel. • 19-11-2007.
The main question: Does the migration policy have a connection with the environment policy of the European Union. • We have seen many different answers on our questions and the conclusion that we can make, is that everyone got his own opinion about it. We can see that it’s a complicated story and that there are many problems that need to be solved before there is a reasonable solution for both sides, the environment and migration policy. • The most common solution is that we stop the migration for now and that we need to save our environment because without our environment we can’t do anything. • We hope that we can live in a healthy, peaceful world and we also hope that we don’t get any racism problems about migration. • We know we can handle both policies, and we know that we got the money for it. • Greets.