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Fall 2010. Updates to the Revised ARD Committee Decision-Making Guide to the Texas Assessment Program. Manuals Developed by the Texas Education Agency. 2010-2011 ARD Committee Decision-Making Process for the Texas Assessment Program (ARD Manual)
Fall 2010 Updates to the Revised ARD Committee Decision-Making Guide to the Texas Assessment Program
Manuals Developed by the Texas Education Agency 2010-2011 ARD Committee Decision-Making Process for the Texas Assessment Program (ARD Manual) http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/resources/ard/ard_manual.pdf Texas Student Assessment Program 2010-2011 Accommodations Manual http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/resources/accommodations/Manual2010-11.pdf 2009-2010 Grade Level Placement Committee Manual (new manual scheduled to be out by November 2010) http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/resources/ssi/GPCManual.pdf
Manuals Developed by the Texas Education Agency LPAC Manual http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index3.aspx?id=3300&menu_id3=793 (LPAC Decision-Making Manual for State Assessments for 2010-11 will be posted later this fall.) Each manual and the Texas Education Agency ARD and Accommodations Manual TETN Trainings can be accessed through the Student Assessment Division website at http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index3.aspx?id=3534&menu_id=793 .
Provide guidance to ARD committees for the 2010-2011 school year regarding how to use the state-mandated curriculum (TEKS) to make assessment decisions for students receiving special education services, as documented in each student’s IEP. This training should not replace reading the manual.
Assessment of Students with Disabilities(2010-2011) ARD Manual pp. 3-4, 8
Federal Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) Performance Calculations • The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), also known as NCLB limits number of proficient assessment results from alternate assessments that may be included in federal AYP performance calculations. • TAKS–M proficient results = cap of 2% of tested population • TAKS–Alt proficient results = cap of 1% of tested population • There are no student-level consequences (for SSI or graduation) for exceeding cap limit. • The federal cap does NOT limit number of students with disabilities who can take alternate assessments.
Texas Assessment Program: General Assessments • TAKS and TAKS (Accommodated)* are administered in English for • Grades 3-9 reading, including SSI retests at grades 5 and 8 • Grades 3-10 and exit level math, including SSI retests at grades 5 and 8 and exit level retests • Grades 4 and 7 writing • Grade 10 and exit level ELA, including exit level retests • Grades 5, 8, 10 and exit level science, including exit level retests • Grades 8, 10, and exit level social studies, including exit level retests • TAKS and TAKS (Accommodated)* are administered in Spanish for • Grades 3-5 reading, including SSI retests at grade 5 • Grades 3-5 math, including SSI retests at grade 5 • Grade 4 writing • Grade 5 science *TAKS (Accommodated) is for students receiving special education services who meet the eligibility criteria for specific accommodations.
Alternate AssessmentsTAKS–M and TAKS–Alt • TAKS–M • Administered in English in same grades and subjects as TAKS • Not available in Spanish • No exit level assessments but grade 11 assessments • Includes all SSI retest opportunities but no grade 11 retest opportunities • TAKS–Alt • Administered in same grades and subjects as TAKS • No exit level assessments but grade 11 assessments • No SSI retest opportunities and no grade 11 retest opportunities • Can be administered using any language or other communication method routinely used with student • A student with a learning disability is not considered a student with a significant cognitive disability. draft
Making Assessment Decisions for ELLs Receiving Special Education Services 11 The term ELLs is used interchangeably with LEP students • These students have special needs related to a disability as well as needs related to second language learning. • The ARD committee and the LPAC must— • work together to ensure that instruction is tailored to meet each student’s linguistic and special education needs • collaborate on assessment decisions for these students, both in terms of appropriate participation in assessments and appropriate use of accommodations during testing (19 TAC §101.1009 (b))
ELLs Served by Special Education With few exceptions, ELLs who receive special education services have the same assessment requirements as other students receiving special education services. Note that… There are some differences for: • ELLs who are LEP-exempt (an exemption on the basis of limited English proficiency) • ELLs who qualify forspecial provisions as unschooled asylees or refugees 12
Linguistically Accommodated Testing (LAT) • Is available for students who meet LEP exemptioncriteria in the following grades: • Grades 3-8 reading and grade 10 ELA • Grades 3-8 and 10 mathematics • Grades 5, 8, and 10 science • Assessment process for immigrant English language learners (ELLs) who meet eligibility criteria in accordance with state and federal law • Enables eligible immigrant ELLs to take TAKS, including TAKS (Accommodated), and TAKS-M with linguistic accommodations that help them better understand the language used on tests • LAT Participation Requirements
LEP Exemptions & LAT For more information, see the LPAC Decision-Making Process for the Texas Assessment Program manual. State regulations that went into effect in the 2009–2010 school year include extended LAT testing provisions for a small number of students determined to be unschooled ELL asylees and refugees who are beyond the LEP exemption period. 14
TELPAS 15 • Required by federal law for LEP students in grades K–12. • Composed of multiple-choice reading tests for grades 2-12 and holistically rated assessments based on student observations and written student work • Grades 2-12 reading tests are administered as an online testing program (in rare cases a paper-based administration may be approved by TEA for a student) • Because its purpose is to measure growth in English language acquisition, TELPAS should be an appropriate assessment tool for the vast majority of ELLs served by special education. • In very rare cases the ARD committee and the LPAC may determine that a student should not be assessed in one or more domains due to a student’s particular disability. • K-12 assessments of listening, speaking, reading and writing that measure the progress ELLs make in learning English • TELPAS Participation Requirements
The Four Steps in Making Assessment Decisions ARD Manual p. 10
Step 1: Review the student’s present level of academic achievement and functional performance (PLAAFP). Parent Information Additional Supports • A student’s PLAAFP is the basis of the IEP because it defines where a student is, both academically and functionally. PLAAFP statements can be created using various types of information. • Formal Evaluation Data • Classroom Data • Accommodations and Modifications • Knowing where the student is currently, both academically and functionally, will inform the ARD committee’s assessment decision.
Step 2: Review the student’s instructional plan, including accommodations, modifications, or supports the student will need in order to access the grade-level TEKS. • An instructional plan takes into consideration a student’s PLAAFP and the grade-level TEKS. It provides a detailed look at how the student accesses the grade-level curriculum, specifically whether the student is receiving instruction in the: • grade-level TEKS (with or without accommodations) • grade-level TEKS accessed through modifications (with or without accommodations) • grade-level TEKS accessed through prerequisite skills • Members of the ARD committee must be familiar with the state-mandated curriculum for each grade level. • Instructional decisions made by the ARD committee and documented in the IEP must always guide assessment decisions.
Step 2: Review the student’s instructional plan, including accommodations, modifications, or supports the student will need in order to access the grade-level TEKS. • Understanding the differences between accommodations and modifications is important when determining how the student accesses the grade-level curriculum. • Accommodations provide a student access to grade-level instruction and assessment but do not reduce learning expectations. • Modifications refer to practices that do change, lower, or reduce learning expectations; they may allow students to participate more meaningfully and productively in learning. • The chart, “Access to the Grade-Level Curriculum,” is designed to clarify the connection between the state assessments and instructional strategies that allow a student to access the grade-level curriculum. ARD Manual p. 13
Step 3: Determine the Appropriate Assessment • General Assessments • TAKS • TAKS (Accommodated) • Alternate Assessments • TAKS-M • TAKS-Alt ARD Manual p. 14
Step 3: Determine the appropriate assessment for the student: TAKS, TAKS (Accommodated), TAKS–M, or TAKS–Alt. • Choosing the Assessment Based on Student Access • Assessment decisions ARE based on individual student needs as determined by ARD committee. • Assessment decisions ARE NOT determined administratively. • Assessment decisions ARE NOT based solely on student’s disability category or placement setting.
Step 3: Determine the appropriate assessment for the student: TAKS, TAKS (Accommodated), TAKS–M, or TAKS–Alt. Participation in one of the general assessments, TAKS or TAKS (Accommodated), should be the first consideration when determining the appropriate assessment for a student. The ARD committee must address the following questions: • Does the student receive instruction in the grade-level TEKS for this subject with or without accommodations? If yes, then the student takes TAKS for this subject. • Does the student receive instruction in the grade-level TEKS for this subject with specific accommodations that are allowed or approved for use on TAKS (Accommodated)? If yes, then the student takes TAKS (Accommodated) for this subject. TAKS (Accommodated) is not an alternate assessment.
Step 3: Determine the appropriate assessment for the student: TAKS, TAKS (Accommodated), TAKS–M, or TAKS–Alt. • If an alternate assessment, TAKS–M or TAKS–Alt, is being considered, the ARD committee must review the participation requirements on pages 17-19 in the ARD Manual. The ARD committee cannot recommend an alternate assessment if the student does not meet the participation requirements. • Does the student access the grade-level TEKS for this subject through modifications? Does the student meet all of the participation requirements forTAKS–M? If yes, then the ARD committee may decide that the student’s knowledge and skills for this subject can best be assessed with TAKS–M. • Does the student have a significant cognitive disability that requires the student to access the grade-level TEKS through prerequisite skills? Does the student meet all of the participation requirements for TAKS–Alt? If yes, then the ARD committee may decide that the student’s knowledge and skills can best be assessed with TAKS–Alt.
Step 3: Determine the appropriate assessment for the student: TAKS, TAKS (Accommodated), TAKS–M, or TAKS–Alt. • A significant cognitive disability affects the overall learning potential for an individual and limits what an individual may be able to achieve. • A student with a learning disability does have the learning potential to achieve grade-level expectations; however, the individual may have difficulty reaching his or her potential due to the disability. • A student with a learning disability is not considered a student with a significant cognitive disability.
Step 3: Determine the appropriate assessment for the student: TAKS, TAKS (Accommodated), TAKS–M, or TAKS–Alt. Students taking TAKS–Alt will take TAKS–Alt for all subjects assessed at the student’s enrolled grade. • In some rare instances a student with a significant cognitive disability may access the grade-level curriculum through modifications for some subjects and through prerequisite skills linked to the grade-level TEKS for other subjects. When this occurs, the ARD committee must determine which assessment is best for this student overall, since a student cannot be assessed with TAKS–M in some subjects and TAKS–Alt in other subjects.
Step 3: Determine the appropriate assessment for the student: TAKS, TAKS (Accommodated), TAKS–M, or TAKS–Alt. • Changing the Assessment Decision During the School Year • As part of the ongoing process of monitoring the special education program for a student, the ARD committee may feel the assessment decision made at a previous meeting needs to be changed because of a change in the student’s instructional plan. This change may be due to • a change in how the student accesses the grade-level curriculum, • a revision to the student’s instructional goals, or • the addition or removal of certain accommodations. • Simply passing or failing a state assessment is not a sufficient reason to justify revising the assessment decision in the IEP.
Step 3: Determine the appropriate assessment for the student: TAKS, TAKS (Accommodated), TAKS–M, or TAKS–Alt. • An assessment decision may also need to be changed when a student is dismissed from special education services. • A student who is dismissed from special education services must perform satisfactorily on TAKS, as only students receiving special education services are eligible to participate in TAKS (Accommodated), TAKS–M, or TAKS–Alt.
Step 4: Document the appropriate assessment, including the accommodations or supports the student will need during the assessment. • ARD committees must document the following in a student’s IEP when an alternate assessment is selected: • why the student cannot participate in TAKS or TAKS (Accommodated), • why the selected alternate assessment is appropriate, and • what accommodations are necessary to measure the student’s academic achievement.
Step 4: Document the appropriate assessment, including the accommodations or supports the student will need during the assessment • For TAKS–Alt, ARD committees determine and document if a student has a significant cognitive disability and meets all the participation requirements. Instructional materials, strategies, accommodations, and supports should also be documented in the student’s IEP. draft
Student Success Initiative (SSI) • Applies to students in grades 5 & 8 who take TAKS, TAKS (Accommodated), and TAKS–M reading and mathematics tests • Does not apply to students who take TAKS-Alt or students who qualify for LAT • ARD committee* functions as the grade placement committee (GPC) to make decisions regarding appropriate assessment, accelerated instruction, and grade placement; contingency planning for grade placement prior to testing is not allowed. • ARD committee decisions do not have to be unanimous but must follow the general rules governing ARD committee decision-making as set forth in 19 TAC, Chapter 89, Subchapter AA. *In the case of an ELL receiving special education services, the student’s LPAC and ARD committee should collaborate to make assessment decisions.
Student Success Initiative (SSI) • A resource relevant to the Student Success Initiative (SSI) is indicated with in the ARD Manual. • The Grade Placement Committee Manual for Grade Advancement Requirements of the Student Success Initiative (GPC Manual)
Graduation Flowcharts • There were minor changes to the flowcharts from last year’s manual, but no policy changes. • Flowchart A: Exit level/grade 11 testing requirements for students who entered grade 9 in 2008–2009 school year, including all students who enter grade 9 after 2008–2009 • Students must pass TAKS or TAKS (Accommodated) exit level assessments to graduate under Distinguished or Recommended high school programs. • Flowchart B: Exit level/grade 11testing requirements for students who entered grade 9 prior to the 2008–2009 school year • Requirements of Commissioner’s Rules do not apply.
Graduation Flowcharts • TAKS–Alt and TAKS–M are not exit level assessments, but are grade-level assessments • Retest opportunities for grade 11 are not applicable. • Repeating 11th graders take the appropriate assessment every year they are enrolled in grade 11. • Alternate assessments are not administered to students in grade 12. • When considering dismissal from special education, ARD committees should have confidence that the student will be able to successfully complete all requirements for high school graduation, including satisfactory performance on all statewide exit level assessments.
Texas Student Assessment Program2010-2011 Accommodations Manual Guidelines for Selecting, Administering, and Evaluating the Use of Accommodations for All StudentsGeneral Education Students Students Receiving Special Education ServicesStudents with 504 PlansEnglish Language Learners This training should not replace reading the manual.
2010-11 AccommodationsManual Purpose • provide guidance about the use of accommodations on TAKS, TAKS (Accommodated), TAKS M, TELPAS, and LAT • Information applicable to ALL students who need accommodations • Outlines how to request accommodations that are not listed in this manual or that require an Accommodation Request Form Accommodations Manual p. 2
Key Changes • This icon directs the reader to additional materials • “Selecting Accommodations for Assessment” has been revised. • Procedural information for transcribing has been relocated to the District and Campus Coordinator Manual, test administrator manuals, and test administration directions. • New section titled “Accommodations for TAKS-ALT” • “Linguistic Accommodations for English Language Learners” now includes information about special provisions for unschooled ELL asylees and refugees. • Appendix D has been revised. • The accommodation of “Blank Graphic Organizer” that was located in the Accommodations by Category Chart has been moved to Appendix D as an allowable supplemental aid.
What are Accommodations • Accommodations are changes to materials or procedures that provide effective and equitable access to grade-level curriculum during instruction and testing. • Accommodations • do not substantially alter the content or performance criteria of assignments and assessments. • should not replace the teaching of subject-specific knowledge and skills. • are intended to enable students with special needs, disabilities, or who are learning English to participate meaningfully in grade-level instruction. • are not intended to provide a student with an advantage over other students.
Accommodations • Accommodation decisions should be based on the needs of individual students, not an entire group of students. • The use of accommodations should be a routine part of a student’s classroom instruction and testing. • Some accommodations may be appropriate for instructional use, but not appropriate or allowed for use on a state assessment. Accommodations Manual p. 13-14
What does “routinely used” mean? • Accommodations should be routinely used in classroom instruction and testing (pages 13-14). • “Routinely used” does not necessarily mean that the accommodation must be used during every lesson on every day. • A student must be familiar enough with an accommodation that he/she is able to use it effectively on the day of the test. • Do not provide a new or unfamiliar accommodation to a student during a state assessment. • A student unaccustomed to using a particular accommodation may be hindered rather than helped by accommodations not routinely used.
Accommodations are for…. • General education students with special needs • Students served by Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act of 1973 • Eligible ELLs who need linguistic accommodations • Students receiving special education services
How areAccommodations Selected? By educators who • are knowledgeable about the state curriculum and assessments • gather and review information about student’s needs and present level of performance in relation to • the grade-level TEKS, or • linguistic needs • are familiar with accommodation policy for each state-required assessment • involve students in accommodation selection, if appropriate Accommodations Manual pp. 14-16
When in doubt, pick up the phone & call (512) 463-9536.
Documentation: Scorable Test Booklet or Answer Document • State assessment accommodations must be recorded on scorable document • Accommodations are categorized in four ways: presentation (P), response (R), setting (S), and timing and scheduling (T) • Specific codes: large print (LP), braille (BR), oral/signed administration (OA), dyslexia bundled accommodations (DB) and Linguistic accommodations Accommodations Manual p. 17
Accommodations by Category Chart • Describes accommodations for TAKS, TAKS (Accommodated), TAKS-M, LAT, and TELPAS • Except as specified in the chart, accommodations listed for TAKS, TAKS (Accommodated), and TAKS–M are available for eligible students who participate in LAT administrations of these assessments • Conditions for use are listed below each accommodation Accommodations Manual p. 18-28