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Bridging the Gap between the Undergraduate and Graduate Experience in Computer Systems Studies

A special class designed to introduce students to the graduate school experience in computer systems studies, equipping them with technical communication skills and research techniques.

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Bridging the Gap between the Undergraduate and Graduate Experience in Computer Systems Studies

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  1. Bridging the Gap between the Undergraduate and Graduate Experience in Computer Systems Studies Lori Carter and Scott Rae Point Loma Nazarene University June 8, 2003

  2. A Special Topics Class • Designed to: • Introduce students to the “grad school” experience • Not just more of the same • Producers, not consumers • Better equip students for success in industry and academia • Introduce technical communication skills • Introduce students to research • Teach students how to learn

  3. Class Organization • Final Project : • Java Applet Simulation of some feature of Architecture or Operating Systems • Used to instruct lower division students • Providing a target for: • learning • reading • writing • presenting • research

  4. Class Organization • Phase 1 (individual): • Java, DOS labs 30% • Technical Paper Summaries 15% • Paper/Java/DOS Quizzes 15% • Project Proposal 40% • Phase 2(group if desired): • Powerpoint presentation 20% • Progress Meetings 30% • Final project (paper, demo) 50%

  5. Class Organization • Phase 1 (individual): • Java, DOS labs 30% • Technical Paper Summaries 15% • Paper/Java/DOS Quizzes 15% • Project Proposal 40% • Phase 2 (group if desired): • Powerpoint presentation 20% • Progress Meetings 30% • Final project (paper, demo) 50% No Textbook

  6. Outline • Introduction • Motivation • Class Organization • “Learning to Learn” Using Java Applets • Technical Reading, Writing and Presenting • Weekly Progress Meetings • Some Examples • Conclusions

  7. Learning to Learn A practical guide for programmerswith hundreds of complete, working examples and dozens of trails--groups of lessons on a particular subject. Last update: May 19, 2003 Trail types: Basics| GUIs| Specialized | Online only Trails Covering the Basics: Your First Cup of Java: Detailed instructions to help you run your first program:UNIX, Microsoft Windows, Mac Getting Started Learning the Java Language Essential Java Classes User Interfaces that Swing: A Quick Start Guide Writing Applets

  8. Sample Tutorial • Create a Source File. • To create a source file, you have two options: • You can save the file HelloWorldApp.java on your computer and avoid a lot of typing. Then, you can go straight to step b. • Or, you can follow these longer instructions: • 1. Start NotePad. In a new document, type in the following code: • / ** • * The HelloWorldApp class implements an application that • * displays "Hello World!" to the standard output. • */ • public class HelloWorldApp { • public static void main(String[] args) { • // Display "Hello World!" • System.out.println("Hello World!"); • } • } • Be Careful When You Type • Type all code, commands, and file names exactly as shown. The Java compiler and interpreter are case-sensitive, so you must capitalize consistently. • HelloWorldApp  helloworldapp

  9. Sample Tutorial • What Is a Thread? • A thread--sometimes called an execution context or a lightweight process--is a single sequential flow of control within a program. You use threads to isolate tasks. When you run one of these sorting applets, it creates a thread that performs the sort operation. Each thread is a sequential flow of control within the same program (the browser). Each sort operation runs independently from the others, but at the same time. • Using the Timer and TimerTask Classes • Thread programming can be tricky. Whenever possible, you should use high-level thread API such as the java.util.Timer class introduced in version 1.3 of the Java platform. Timer and its companion class, TimerTask, are useful when your program must perform a task repeatedly or after a delay. • Customizing a Thread's run Method • Basic support for threads in all versions of the Java platform is in the java.lang.Thread class. It provides a thread API and all the generic behavior for threads. These behaviors include starting, sleeping, running, yielding, and having a priority. To implement a thread using the Thread class, you need to provide it with a run method that performs the thread’s task.

  10. Applet Modification Lab • Find the code for the DateTime applet at: http://www.kevinboone.com/java_small_progs-index.html • Run the applet ( you will have to create your own html file ) • Modify the applet so it displays seconds in addition to hours and minutes, and updates the time when you click on the applet. You will need to use what you learned about interfaces in the ClickMe lab. • _________ Dr. Carter saw my modified applet run.

  11. Turing Machine Applet

  12. Technical Reading, Writing and Presenting

  13. Technical Papers Technical Paper Analysis (Group Work)   Most technical papers (including the 3 you were given) have at least the following sections (not necessarily using these names): Abstract Introduction Background Methodology Results For each of the 3 papers, provide the actual names for these sections: • What additional sections do you find in the various papers? • For the major sections mentioned previously, what does the purpose appear to be for each section:

  14. More… • In addition, good technical papers make use of figures. • What is the purpose of thefiguresin each of the papers? • How helpful are the captions? (this varies from paper to paper) • How are the figures referred to in the text? • How would you describe the titles for each of the papers…clever…or descriptive…or? • Examine the text. • What tense is used? • What person is used? • What kinds of words are used? • How are italics and bold used? • How is the documentation (bibliographical entries) done? Are there actual quotes used? • How are the results presented? Text? Tables? Graphs? What do you think is the best presentation?

  15. How to Read a Technical Paper • Student Experience • Summarize paper • purpose • main points • conclusions • Do conclusions follow from background and data? • Strengths/ Weaknesses • Quiz • Ability to take notes

  16. Project Proposal • Abstract • As per examples in technical papers reviewed (approx ¼ page) • Introduction • Introduce the feature you intend to simulate. (¾ - 1 ¼ pages) • Background • Provide information on why the computer science community is interested in researching this feature. (¾ - 1 ¼ pages) • Methodology • Talk about the platform (Java) you will use to create your simulation. • Talk about the input/output of your simulation. • Figures with captions detailing interface • Discuss any measurements you will make, and how they will be calculated • Bibliography • Provide a bibliography as you have seen in the sample papers. • References to this bibliography should be made throughout the paper. • Your bibliography should include at least 1 text and 2 technical papers.

  17. Presentation • Student Checklist • frequent eye contact • spoke for expected time length • Appropriate visual aids • readable text • grammar and spelling • Well-formatted slides • face audience and speak slowly

  18. Presentation

  19. Weekly Progress Meetings

  20. Weekly Progress Meetings • Agenda • Milestones • Demonstrate completed items • Discuss problems, make suggestions • Rationale • Encourages preparation • Encourages sustained work • Promotes integrity

  21. Weekly Progress Meetings • Agenda • Milestones • Demonstrate completed items • Discuss problems, make suggestions • Rationale • Encourages preparation • Encourages sustained work • Promotes integrity 40% of Project Grade

  22. Final Project Examples

  23. Demo and Final Paper • CPU scheduling • How each algorithm works • optimal for turnaround and waiting • optimal quantum size

  24. Cache Associativity • valid bit, tag • spatial locality • cacheline placement • seek time, hit rate

  25. Power Dissipation • gate behavior • power dissipation • circuit layout

  26. Conclusions

  27. Conclusions • Student response • Initial Frustration – Ultimate Satisfaction • Increased confidence in ability to learn independently • Improved writing skills • 50% of students expressed increased desire to explore the possibility of graduate school • Other Considerations: • Work for professor Scaling to larger classes

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