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Procurement Procedure Rules 2013/2014 A quick guide to help you understand the rules. Procurement Procedure Rules quick guide to help you understand the rules. 1. What should you consider before procuring?. IS THERE AN EXISTING CONTRACT?. DO YOU HAVE AUTHORISATION?.
Procurement Procedure Rules 2013/2014A quick guide to help you understand the rules Procurement Procedure Rules quick guide to help you understand the rules 1. What should you consider before procuring? IS THERE AN EXISTING CONTRACT? DO YOU HAVE AUTHORISATION? WHAT IS THE TOTAL PROCUREMENT VALUE? HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE CORPRATE PROCUREMENT TEAM? The rationale for selecting suppliers should be open, fair, transparent and recorded for audit purposes. Evaluation should consider - References – Pre-Qualified suppliers - Specification - Environmental issues - Method statements - Equalities - Risks -Insurance -Terms and Conditions - Warranties - Payment terms. All tenders/quotations over £5k must be advertised through the e-tendering portal (In-Tend) Contact the Corporate Procurement Team for further guidance. 2. Which procurement process should you use? Up to £500 £500- £5000 £5001 - £100,000 £100,000 - EU threshold Over - EU threshold Up to £499.99 A verbal quotation will suffice £500 - £5000 Three Telephone quotations is acceptable. More quotations may be obtained where it is practical and beneficial. A minimum of three written quotations will be published via the corporate e-tendering portal (In-Tend). Min of 4 formal Competitive Tenders published via In-tend. Contact the Corporate Procurement Team (CPT) for further instructions. All contract over £172,514 for Services or Supply or £4,332,012 for works. Officers must contact and work with the CPT. EU threshold - Works£4,332,012- Supplies and Services£172,514 Any procurement above the thresholds is subject to EU regulations and the Contracts & Procurement Group must be consulted. The authorised officer must comply with one of the following options: 1. Undertake a publicly advertised competitive EU tender process seeking a minimum of five tenders. • Select a contractor from an existing EU compliant framework agreement. Where a mini competition is held, all providers who can meet the requirement must be invited to tender.
3. Who should authorise procurement? CONSIDER THE BUSINESS CASE FOR THE PROCUREMENT What do you want to achieve? When do you want to achieve it? How will this improve the quality of the service to our customers? Focus on the outcomes and the benefits. Please Note:All Tenders over £100,000 are Key Decisions and must be published on the Forward Plan by Democratic Services. Decisions to approve going out to Tender and the award of a subsequent Contract are now made by the Cabinet Procurement Committee (CPC) for all requirements over £100,000. Contact Democratic Services for a list of dates and deadlines for reports. Up to £10,000 £10,001 - £50,000 £50,001 - £156,000 £156,000 -£500,000 £500,000 - £1m £1m-£20m Over -£20m Expenditure approved by: Budget Manager Expenditure approved by: Head of Service Expenditure approved by: Assistant Director Expenditure approved by: Corporate Director Expenditure approved by: Chief Executive Expenditure approved by: Cabinet Procurement Committee Expenditure approvedby: Cabinet EU threshold - Works£4,332,012 - Supplies and Services£172,514 For the correct authorisation levels see authorisation threshold via the staff portal. N.B All contracts above the EU Threshold must be Sealed. ( All MKC Contracts over £100k must be sealed) 4. Explanatory notes DO YOU HAVE AUTHORISATION? WHAT IS THE TOTAL PROCUREMENT VALUE? IS THERE AN EXISTING CONTRACT? Check that what you are ordering is a new requirement and not already included in an existing contract or supplier arrangement. If your procurement is covered by an existing contract you must use it. Before committing any of the Council’s money, you must gain approval, from the correct authorising officer. This escalates to Strategic Directors, Members with Portfolio to Cabinet. If in doubt check with the Contracts Group before ordering. From previous experience of contracts or from preliminary research, calculate an approximate total value of the goods, services or works you require (value is for the total period of the contract, including any extension, not just the annual value). Value of Contract & Action Required NEED HELP? For more detailed instructions please contact the Contracts & Procurement Team: contracts@milton-keynes.gov.uk or telephone 01908 254688 £500 - £5000 -3 telephone quotes - £5,001 - £100,000 -Minimum of 3 written quotes £100,000 -£OJEU Threshold- Minimum of 4 formal tenders £172,514 for Service or supply Advertised via OJEU - £4,332,012 for Works Advertise via OJEU