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Explore guidelines for setting up robust verification systems in developing countries, covering technical, regulatory aspects, and capacity building. Addressing best practices, funding sources, and training needs.
ITU-UNIDO Forum on Sustainable Conformity Assessmentfor Asia-Pacific Region (Yangon City, Republic of Union of Myanmar25-27 November 2013) ITU Deliverables and Guidelines on C&I Riccardo Passerini Head Telecommunication Technologies and Network Development, ITU-BDT riccardo.passerini@itu.int http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Technology/Pages/ConformanceandInteroperability.aspx
Guidelines on C&I Conformity Assessment of ICT equipment C&I Regimes: - Regulatory Framework - ICT Standards and test suites - Type Approval, Certification and Self-declaration processes • Regulatory Authority; Accreditation Bodies; Certification Bodies and Laboratories - Institutions - Flowchart MRA Principles: -Efficiency and Effectiveness -Partnership and collaboration -Mutual Benefit -Regional Development Guidance on: - Development - Implementation - Management Assessment Study Conformity Testing ITU Assistance Establishing Test Labs in Different Regions Feasibility Study
C&I Guidelines Guidelines for developing countries on Establishing Conformity assessment Test Labs in Different Regions (2012) Feasibility Study for the establishment of a Conformance Testing Centre (2013) Guidelines for the development, implementation and management of mutual recognition arrangements/agreements (MRAs) on conformity assessment (2013) Assessment Study and Guidelines on establishing C&I Regimes in Developing Countries (2013). * Complete Guidelines in 2014
1. Guidelines for developing countries on Establishing Conformity assessment Test Labs in Different Regions Guideline here
1. Guidelines for Establishing Test Labs in different Regions These guidelines presents the many elements necessary for the establishment of robust verification system. They address technical and regulatory aspects as well as the need of capacity building related to the whole conformity assessment process. • Process required for building testing labs • Best international practices • Status in the regions and needs • Funding and Training Sources • Criteria to establish Accreditation Bodies and Test Labs (International Telecommunications Testing Centres -ITTCs) • Economics and Cost Implications for ITTCs • Roadmap for ITTC rollout
Guidelines for Establishing Test Labs in different Regions (cont.) Needs in Developing Countries for Test Labs • Conformity Assessment Bodies activities contribute to create an orderly telecom apparatus marketplace • Once standards and test suites are in place, test labs can check equipment for compliance • Sharing test labs resources amongst countries and regions and must have sufficient scope to address regional priorities lowering overall costs • A robust framework (following international procedures) is needed for trust and confidence in test results and among test labs
Guidelines for Establishing Test Labs in different Regions (cont.) Recommendations • Members to: • advise the ITU of interoperability problems • establish market access requirements (regulators) • assess legislation and regulations • prioritize areas of concern related to telecommunication products and systems • Establishment of Accreditation bodies and approach to at least regional MRAs and MLAs • Establishment of Test Centres on a regional basis, wide areas and possibly common infrastructures
Guidelines for Establishing Test Labs in different Regions (cont.) Funding and Training Sources • UNIDO, major Banks in each region, specialized funding agencies for telecoms projects and others • Requirements to access funds vary from low interest loans, to grants, seed funding and cost underwriting • Repository of international telecom training organizations • Costs of training may vary from just travel to and from location, to government and supplier subsidized training, to private for-profit training.
2. Feasibility Study for building a Conformance Testing Centre (under publication) Terms of Reference here
Feasibility Study for building a Conformance Testing Centre The feasibility study describes environments, procedures and methodologies to establish, manage and maintain a testing centre covering different kinds of conformance and interoperability testing areas Different Type Approval Testing domains are considered (e.g. electromagnetic compatibility, safety, fixed and mobile networks, broadcast)
Feasibility Study for building a Conformance Testing Centre (cont.) The feasibility study addresses: • Resource management and organization • Vendor management • Test list cycle and management • Investment and cost estimation • Test campaign management • Test Plant and laboratory management • Instrumentation maintenance and management • Quality Aspects (ISO/IEC 17025) • Investment costs estimation
2. Feasibility Study Steps to an ISO 17025 Compliant Test Lab • ISO 17025 establishes a set of management requirements and systems • Lab requirements, test methods and procedures, audits, equipment handling, technical competence • Document control, calibration records and staff records • Handling of test reports and calibration certificates • Service to customers and handling of complaints
Feasibility Study for building a Conformance Testing Centre (cont.) Typical Organization Chart of a Testing Lab:
Feasibility Study for building a Conformance Testing Centre (cont.) Testing laboratory infrastructures:
Feasibility Study for building a Conformance Testing Centre (cont.) Overview 1 Broadband access laboratory (BBA): • The scope of the broadband access laboratory is to evaluate all different equipment and functionalities used in next generation access networks, ranging from the physical layer to networking aspects • In particular xDSL transmission performances and optical parameters are tested for copper and fiber solution in relation to the different architectural choices (FTTx)
Overview 2 EMC: Typical set-up for table top equipment for radiated immunity tests
3. Guidelines for the development, implementation and management of Mutual Recognition Arrangements/Agreements (MRAs) on conformity assessment of telecommunications equipment Guidelines here
3. Guidelines for MRAs • These guidelines aim at promoting the understanding, establishment and maintenance of Mutual Recognition Agreements/Arrangements (MRA), as efficient tools to promote regional development • Through the share and efficient use of conformity and Interoperability (C&I) infrastructures – as laboratories, accreditation bodies and regulatory practices – technical requirements can be harmonized and the transit of ICT goods and services can be facilitated, increasing trade and regional development
Guidelines for MRAs (cont.) Topics: • Benefits • Types of MRA • Attributes • Development • Implementation • Management • Consultation and Training • Stakeholders • Procedures for contesting the competence of conformity assessment bodies • A typical MRA operation • Recommendation
Guidelines for MRAs (cont.) Agreement x Arrangement • A Mutual Recognition Agreement is a formal legal commitment between parties for recognition of conformity assessment results for telecommunication equipment. It deals with regulatory requirements and it is referred to in the text as “regulatory MRA”. Often such agreements are made bilaterally, regionally or multilaterally between two or more governments. • A Mutual Recognition Arrangement is a voluntary arrangement between parties for recognition of conformity assessment results for telecommunication equipment. It deals with nonregulatory requirements and it is referred to in the text as “non-regulatory MRA”. An example of a mutual recognition arrangement is amongst accreditation bodies to mutually recognize the conformity assessment results from accredited conformity assessment bodies.
4. Assessment Studies and Guidelines on establishing C&I Regimes Assessment Study here Short version of the Guidelines here
Assessment Studies The Assessment Studies looks for promoting the establishment of Harmonized C&I Programmes, whenever is possible. It will collaborate to improve regional integration and foster the availability of highly qualified institutions (as Laboratories, Certification and Accreditation Bodies) In an overall analysis, the Assessment Studies contributes to: • Bridging the Standardization Gap, • reducing the Digital Divide, and • as is inherent to ICT technologies development, strengthens business environment for global players.
Assessement Studies (cont.) ITU has planned activities to allow C&I infrastructure in regions/sub-regions/countries being assessed Analysis of the status in the regions are being conducted Looking for promoting regional agreements about possible locations for resources (Labs), agreements and testing capabilities Close collaboration with regional experts in addressing capacity building activities, accreditation and type approval testing. Moving forward to establishing regional test centres
Assessment Studies (cont.) Methodology Preparation of a C&I assessment questionnaire Usage of international references relating to C&I, specially ITU guidelines and ISO/IEC publications. Establishment of high level contacts with Member administrations through the ITU Regional offices Missions to administrations that will allow to deep the research and collaboration Elaboration of Roadmaps, possible scenarios and possible ways to move forward for establishing common conformity and interoperability regimes, through promotion of mutual recognition agreements and/or building testing laboratories Final Workshop to present the results and recommendations containing possible scenarios
Assessment Studies (cont.) Roadmap • Conformity Assessment Bodies will contribute with an orderly telecom apparatus market place • Once standards and test suites are in place, test labs can check equipment for compliance • Sharing test labs resources amongst countries and regions lowers overall costs while continues addressing regional priorities • Setup of a robust framework (base on international procedures – ITU, ISO, IAF, ILAC, etc.) needed for trust and confidence in test results and among test labs
Assessment Studies (cont.) General C&I Regime Scenarios
4.1 Assessment Studies for SADC Region Calendar and follow-up • The results of the first assessment will be presented during the Subregional Workshop for SADC (Southern African Development Community). A common approach for using/building labs as well as for establishing MRAs will be proposed/discussed • Same Studies for AMS, ARB and ASP are planned for 2014
4.2 Procedures for Establishing Conformity Assessment Regimes Typical procedures: • Query for new products to be homologated (accepted) • Import procedures for testing proposals • Reference Standards for conformity testing • Issuing and validating the Type Approval Certificate • Homologation (acceptance) • Suspension and Withdrawal of the Homologation Certificate • Performing the Tests and Test Reports acceptance • Conformity Assessment Management System • Monitoring, Enforcement, Counterfeit, Sanctions and Post-Market Surveillance
Procedures for Establishing Conformity Assessment Regimes (cont.) Flowchart: possible procedures and interrelationships occurring in a conformity assessment process for ICT equipment: Applicant 2 1 query Test Report Certification Body Laboratory samples 3 Documentation + Certificate of Conformity Regulatory Authority Homologation 4 Market
Procedures for Establishing Conformity Assessment Regimes (cont.) Example: Regulatory Authority
Thank you!! C&I Portal Riccardo Passerini Head Telecommunication Technologies and Network Development ITU-BDT riccardo.passerini@itu.int