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Stay updated on the latest research and recommendations in geriatric care with this informative article. Discover topics such as hospitalization, antibiotics, falls, vitamin D deficiency, pharmacotherapy for neuropathic pain, Alzheimer's disease, and more. This comprehensive resource provides valuable insights for healthcare professionals working with older adults.
TUITERÍASTodo lo que no has leído estos 6 últimos meses (20 de 4.232.832.843.523) Dr Oscar Macho Pérez Médico 2.0 Servicio geriatría CSG 01/02/2015
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Statins and the elderly: The Who, What and When?ACFP.ca Prevención 1º 65-75 SÍ en moderado o alto riesgo (≥10%) Prevención 1º >75: NO Prevención 2º 65-82:_SÍ Mortalidad NNT 28 Screening lipid therapy should likely end at 75y http://www.acfp.ca/wp-content/uploads/tools-for-practice/1420477561_129statinandelderlytfpfinal.pdf
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