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HIV Diagnoses Trends in Georgia (2011-2017)

Explore HIV diagnosis trends in Georgia from 2011 to 2017 based on data reported through December 31, 2018. Analysis includes transmission categories like MSM, IDU, HET, and more among males and females by age groups.

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HIV Diagnoses Trends in Georgia (2011-2017)

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  1. Trends in HIV Diagnoses Georgia, 2011-2017 HIV Epidemiology Section, Georgia Department of Public Health

  2. Methods • Figures are based on data reported through December 31, 2018 • Multiple imputation was used to assign transmission category where missing • MSM = Male to male sexual contact • IDU = Injection drug use • MSM/IDU = Male to male sexual contact and injection drug use • HET = Heterosexual contact with a person known to have, or to be at high risk for, HIV infection

  3. HIV Diagnoses by gender, georgia, 2011-2017

  4. HIV Diagnoses Among males by transmission category, Georgia, 2011-2017

  5. HIV diagnoses among females by transmission category, georgia, 2011-2017


  7. HIV Diagnoses among black msm by age group, georgia, 2011-2017

  8. HIV Diagnoses among hispanic MSM BY AGE GROUP, georgia, 2011-2017

  9. hiv diagnoses among white msm by age group, georgia, 2011-2017

  10. hiv diagnoses among males with history of injection drug use by age group, georgia, 2011-2017

  11. hiv diagnoses among females with history of injection drug use by age group, georgia, 2011-2017

  12. hiv diagnoses among msm with history of injection drug use by age group, georgia, 2011-2017

  13. hiv diagnoses attributed to heterosexual contact among females by age group, georgia, 2011-2017

  14. hiv diagnoses attributed to heterosexual contact among males by age group, georgia, 2011-2017

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