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A Fistful of Wonderland

Clint Eastwood vs. Louis Carroll in a One-Metaphor-Too-Many Look at the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Malware Analysis on Virtual Platforms Technologies for Critical Incident Preparedness Conference & Exposition 2008. A Fistful of Wonderland.

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A Fistful of Wonderland

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  1. Clint Eastwood vs. Louis Carroll in aOne-Metaphor-Too-Many Look at the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Malware Analysis on Virtual PlatformsTechnologies for Critical Incident PreparednessConference & Exposition 2008 A Fistful of Wonderland Tom Liston, Senior Security Analyst - InGuardians, Inc. tom@inguardians.com

  2. Who are you and why are you here? • Tom Liston • Senior Security Analyst - InGuardians, Inc. • Handler - SANS Institute’s Internet Storm Center (ISC) • Founding member - ISC Malware Analysis Team • Co-Author (w/Ed Skoudis) - Counterhack Reloaded • Developer - LaBrea, an Open Source network tarpit • Technical Lead - InGuardian’s work on Virtual Machine Detection and Escape • InGuardians, Inc. • World class security consulting firm • Provides penetrating testing, architecture review, code auditing, malware analysis, expert witnesses, and pure security research to government, military, and Fortune 100 companies

  3. Through the Looking Glass… • Virtualization is currently IT’s “hot product” • I’m going to assume you all know what virtualization… • And, why not? • Virtualization presents several amazing benefits to companies using it • Cost savings! • Space savings! • Infrastructure Redundancy! • But, you folks in the “infrastructure” world are just starting to catch on…

  4. Getting there first……and dragging the rest of you slackers with us. • Those of us who do malware analysis were some of the first adopters of virtualization • Why? • Virtual machines offerhuge benefits forthose of us who workwith malware • In order to understandthose benefits, youneed to understanda little about modernmalware analysis

  5. Modern Malware AnalysisIn a Nutshell .text:0040127F push 1 ; flOptions .text:00401281 call ds:HeapCreate .text:00401287 mov hHeap, eax .text:0040128C lea eax, [ebp+var_8] .text:0040128F push eax .text:00401290 mov [ebp+var_8], 8 .text:00401297 mov [ebp+var_4], 800h .text:0040129E call ds:InitCommonControlsEx .text:004012A4 push 28h .text:004012A6 lea eax, [ebp+hInstance] .text:004012A9 push edi .text:004012AA push eax .text:004012AB call memset .text:004012B0 add esp, 0Ch .text:004012B3 mov dword ptr [ebp-48h], offset • Malware analysis isn’t about pouring over densely packed code listings • Stare at that stuff too long, and you end up with squinty eyes… • Modern malware analysis is a combination of: • Dead-code analysis • Behavioral analysis • It is an iterative process • Behavioral analysis reinforces the code analysis and vice versa

  6. Behavioral Analysis!?! You RUN these things? • Yep! All the time… • And that’s where virtualization comes into play… • With virtual machines we have the ability to revert any changes made to our environment • Additionally, using virtualization, I can create an entire network consisting of several target machines,all on their own isolated LAN, all within my laptop • Test “worm-like” spreading behavior • Test botnet command and control • Monitor attempts to “phone home” • We can, in essence, create a whole other world “through the looking glass” • And, in theory, we can control and monitor EVERYTHING

  7. A perfect malware world • Virtualization allows us to create everything needed to provide the malware with a full simulation of whatever it needs • We can create VMs for multiple operating systems and even multiple patch levels of a single operating system • We can attach VMs providing whatever services a piece of malware might want to our “network” • Webservers • Mailservers • IRC Servers • etc…

  8. Trouble in Paradise • But REMEMBER: • Virtualization platforms were designed for general purpose use • Like “Wonderland,” they’re only a slightly warped version of our own reality • And the stuff we’re dropping into them is… well… NASTY • It’s sort of like dropping any Clint Eastwood character into Wonderland • And let’s face it, Clint really only plays ONE character • It doesn’t matter if he’s wearing a cowboy hat or a business suit… they’re all the same guy… • So, we need to be careful…

  9. What problems could there be? Well, that annoying White Rabbit and that mouthy Queen better watch it…

  10. Background • In the fall of 2005, InGuardians was contracted by DHS to research the potential for both virtual machine detection and escape • The enormous market potential for virtualization, caused concerns about the security implications of VM isolation • At the time that we began our research, virtualization security had received little attention • Tools and methodologies for investigating the security of this new technology didn’t exist • We, essentially, had to “invent the wheel”

  11. Assumptions… • Security issues are generally discovered by examining assumptions • Challenging assumptions is the cornerstone of security research • Our research into detection/escape concerns highlights an ENORMOUS assumption that all virtualization users make • “There exists a high degree of isolation between host and guest and between guests” • This assumption is especiallydangerous when analyzingmalware

  12. Detection • We began our research by investigating the potential for an attacker (human or malcode) to detect that the machine that they’re on is virtualized • All available virtualization environments are detectable • Additionally, we postulate that there are several characteristics of the IA64 (x86) architecture that will make virtualization running on that architecture always be detectible

  13. Detection: Bad • During the course of our research, we discovered some of the first specimens of malware that detected virtualization and changed their behavior • Over the lifetime of our research project, virtualization detection within malware blossomed • Now approximately 10% of the specimens we see have some sort of virtualization detection • These are the most interesting 10%, because they have something to hide • Virtualization detection is now becoming integrated into many executable packers

  14. Escape • Think VM escape is impossible? • In July of 2007, InGuardians demonstrated (for the first time publicly) an exploit that could, from within a guest, launch arbitrary code on the host • The vulnerability was discovered in VMware Workstation, and has since been patched

  15. Escape: Ugly • While we’ve never seen or heard of “in the wild” malware capable of VM escape, it is especially important that we are aware that the possibility exists • Don’t rely on the isolation provided by virtualization • Keep hosts of VMs used for malware analysis air-gapped from production networks • Periodically flatten and reinstall hosts

  16. Conclusions • VM escape is the big, bad scary possibility hanging over our heads • Detection is of more concern • Malware that alters its behavior in a VM environment requires special handling • Harden VMs against detection • Thwarting Virtual Machine Detection by Tom Liston and Ed Skoudis • http://handlers.sans.org/tliston/ThwartingVMDetection_Liston_Skoudis.pdf • Examine code for VM detection routines • Hiding Virtualization from Attackers and Malware. Carpenter, Liston, Skoudis, IEEE Security and Privacy, May-June 2007

  17. Thank you! • Questions, comments: Tom Liston tom@inguardians.com (815) 342-7483 Slides available at: http://inguardians.com/tcip2008.pdf

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