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Proton exchange membranes: materials, theory and modelling. Andi Hektor, andi@ut.ee. Introduction • What is a fuel cell? • Historical background • Different types of fuel cell • Why a fuel cell? • High energy-conversation efficiency • Modular design • Fuel flexibility and pollution
Proton exchange membranes:materials, theory and modelling Andi Hektor, andi@ut.ee
Introduction •What is a fuel cell? •Historical background •Different types of fuel cell •Why a fuel cell? •High energy-conversation efficiency •Modular design •Fuel flexibility and pollution •Theory and practice •Alternatives Outline
Outline • PEMFC • •Working principle • •Anode, polymer electrolyte, cathode • •Polymer electrolyte • •Polymer electrolyte and water • •Water balance in membrane • DMFC • •Working principle • •Problems and possible solution • Modelling of Nafion • •Basic questions • •Different methods • •Molecular Dynamics? • References
What is a fuel cell? Fig 1. Proton and hydroxyl conducting fuel cells [1].
Historical background Fig 2. The first functional fuel cell – 50 years before internal combustion engines [2].
high energy-conversion efficiency modular design fuel flexibility low chemical and acoustical pollution cogeneration capability rapid load response theory and practice alternatives: advanced batteries, superconducting technologies, air-powered energy storage, solar cells, etc. Why a fuel cell?
High energy-conversion efficiency Fig 3. Thermodynamic efficency for fuel cells and Carnot efficiency for heat engines [3].
Modular design Fig 4. Fuel cells for different scale applications [1].
Hydrogen– The most efficient fuel for all types of fuel cell, but a lot of storage and transport problems. No pollution. Methanol, ethanol, biogas – Good fuel, but lower efficiency. Low CO2 pollution. Natural oil or gas – Not so good fuel, usually need some kind of preprocessing before fuel cell (e.g. sulphur elimination, etc). CO2 pollution, very low NxOy or SxOy pollution. Construction materials for fuel cells – Some bad components (e.g. fluorine, heavy metals, etc), but many possibilities for reproduction. Fuel flexibility and pollution
Working and future types of fuel cell: Phosphoric acid (PAFC) – a lot of working medium systems (0.1-1 MW), but quite difficult to manage (liquid phosphoric acid, etc) Proton exchange membrane (PEMFC) – good prospect for small and mobile systems (from cell phone to car), but expensive today Molten carbonate (MCFC) – some working experimental medium-power plants Solid oxide (SOFC) – some working experimental medium and high power and heat plants Problems: expensive materials companies do not have common standards, etc Theory and practice
Advanced batteries– Expensive today, long recharge time, etc. E.g., promising for the fuel cell/battery hybrid system of cars. Superconducting technologies – Theoretically very prospective, but a lot of problems in practice. Air-powered energy storage – Perspective only for cars. Alternatives
PEMFC: Working principle Fig 5.Schematic of a PEMFC [4].
PEMFC: Anode, polymer electrolyte, cathode Fig 6.Schematic of the different layers in the membrane [5].
Table 1. Proton conductivity (S cm-1) and activation energy (eV) for some representative materials at room temperature [6].
Nafion PEMFC: Polymer electrolyte Polysulfone (PS) Polybezimidazole (PBI) PolyEtherEtherKetone (PEEK) Ref. [6]
Fig 8.Conductivity as a function of temperature for some low temperature proton conductors [6].
PEMFC: Polymer electrolyte and water Fig 7.Stylized view of polar/non-polar microphase separation in a hydrated ionomer [7].
PEMFC: Polymer electrolyte and water Fig 7. Stylised view of water-Nafion morphology in a hydrated ionomer.
PEMFC: Polymer electrolyte and water Fig 7.Schematic and hypothetical representation of the microstructures of Nafion and a sulfonated PEEKK[8].
PEMFC: Polymer electrolyte and water Fig 8.A pendant chain of Nafion surroundedby water molecules.
Fig 9.Conductivity at 100 °C as a function of relative humidity for Nafion 117, SPEEK 2.48 and γ-Zr sulfophenyl phosphonate (γ-ZrP(SPP)) [6].
Fig 12.Fully optimised (B3LYP/6-31G**) conformations ofwater clusters of Triflic acid: a) CF3SO3H + H2O; b) CF3SO3H+ 2 H2O; b) CF3SO3H + 3 H2O [12].
PEMFC: Water balance in membrane e e H2 2H++2e Anode O2+4H++4e 2H2O Cathode H+ transport H2O H2 O2 H2O H2O diffusion D R Y W E T Electro-osmotic drag H+(H2O) H2O diffusion H2O H+ transport Fig 10.Water balance in polymer membrane.
PEMFC: Water balance in membrane Fig 11.Relative humidity as a function of temperature at constant pressure of water vapour [6].
It is very difficult to attain good water balance in a membrane at higher than 100 °C at normal air-fuel pressure (water boiling point)! On the other side - the higher the temperature, the better the proton conductivity. PEMFC: Water balance in membrane
DMFC: Working principle e e CH3OH+H2O CO2+6H++6e Anode O2+4H++4e 2H2O Cathode H+ transport H2O CH3OH O2 H2O fuel crossover D R Y H+ transport Catalyst poisoning Pt-CO fuel crossover H2O CO2 H+ transport Fig 13.Schematicof a DMFC.
Methanol crossover Hybrid membranes, nanocomposites, etc Catalyst poisoning (Pt-CO) Better complex catalyst (Pt-X), higher temperature (>120°C) Slow “water shift reaction” (CH3OH+H2O CO2+6H++6e) below ~100 °C Better complex catalyst, higher temperature But the higher the temperature, the worse the water balance in membrane Water-free membranes? DMFC: Problems and possible solutions
Morphology of Nafion Dynamical behaviour Proton conductivity Mechanical stability Water and fuel diffusion Electron conductivity, etc. Modelling of Nafion: Basic questions
Phenomenological models based on nonequilibrium thermodynamics [9] Statistical mechanical models based on Nernst-Planc equations [10] Statistical mechanical models based on generalised Stefan-Maxwell equations [11,12] Percolation models [13] MD, QM/MM, ab inito simulations [12,14-17] Modelling of Nafion: Different methods
MD system size: ~ 104 atoms Potentials: “non-classic” MD potentials for proton transport (water-water, water-acid group, acid group-acid group) [17] Modelling of Nafion: Molecular Dynamics? Fig 15. “Non-classic” MD proton jump between water molecules.
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