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EuroNuNet aggregates European neutrino physics community to study CP violation. ESS linac capabilities for intense neutrino beam. Efforts on linac power, beam dynamics, detectors, and site preparation. Collaboration with EuroNuNet ongoing.
1477 ESSnuSBEU Design Study application 2017 TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelof, Uppsala University TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University 1
The ESSnuSBConsortium 40 participating scientists from 11 countries Sweden, France, Spain, England, Switzerland, Italy, Poland, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece and Turkey The ESSnuSBLoI published in Nuclear Physics B885(2014)127-149 Also available as arXiv:1309.7022 TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
EuroNuNet COST Action • accepeted in March 2016 • Combining forces for a novel European facility for neutrino-antineutrino symmetry-violation discovery • http://euronunet.in2p3.fr/site/EuroNuNet/View/Accueil.php “The two major goals of EuroNuNet are to aggregate the community of neutrino physics in Europe to study this concept in a spirit of inclusiveness and to impact the priority list of High Energy Physics policy makers and of funding agencies to this new approach to the experimental discovery of leptonic CP violation.” EuroNuNet Management Committee meeting and a one-day workshop held in Sofia, Bulgaria on 14-15 October 2016, preparing, among other matters, the EU Design Study application – see Indico page https://indico.cern.ch/event/563250/. TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University 3
EuroNuNet structure • 11 Member countries (BG, HR, FR, GR, IT, PL, ES, SE, CH, TR, UK) • 3 Obsevers: CERN, ESS (applied), IHEP Beijing (applied) • Chair: Marcos Dracos (Strasbourg) • Vice-Chair: Joakim Cederkall (Lund) Grant allocated for the ESSnuSB COST action 500’000 EURO TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University 4
ESS’ letter of application to join EuroNuNet “COST Action CA15139 (EuorNuNet) is of strategic relevance for ESS as it fosters continued collaboration between the consortium partners of the ESSnuSB consortium, which pursues as its main aim to demonstrate that the ESS linac can be used to generate an intense neutrino beam by doubling its average beam power.” “We sincerely hope you will consider the interest of ESS to participate in EuroNuNet positively, and very much look forward to starting our collaboration.” TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
The current efforts in the Design Study are focused on: 1. The ESS linac power upgrade and acceleration of H- pulses 2. The accumulator ring design and beam dynamics 3. The neutrino target and horn 4. Near Detector 5. The Far Detector, in particular engineering prospection and studies for the excavation of large the required cavern(s) in the Garpenberg-mine granite-zones and the involvement of local industry TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
ESS construction site February 2016 and ESSnuSB ν p n H- 2016-05-20 RECFA Meeting Lund 20 May 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University 7
Current overview of the ESS accelerator site TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
The ESS LINAC tunnel completed TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
SOURCE LEBT MEBT RFQ Medium and High β DTL SPOKE TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
Preparing the ESS linac for operation at 10 MW with a 8% duty cycle and 28 Hz pulsing For the medium-beta elliptical-cavity part ESS is planning to use tetrodes. Thales has developed a new screen grid with graded wire thickness such that the heating is evenly distributed over the hight of the screen grid, thereby making operation at 10 % duty cycle possible. For the warm low-energy part of the ESS linac and the medium energy Elliptical-cavities part, ESS is planning to use modulators of the modular klystron modulator type which can be run at 28 Hz at double power by adding a capacitor charger-unit at the input. For the high energy elliptical Cavities IOTs will be used which by design can operate CW. TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
FREIA The picture shows the cryostat and test bunker at the FREIA Lab in Uppsala where a first prototype of the ESS 352 MHz spoke accelerating cavity is currently under test at 14 Hz and later on will be tested at 28 Hz and full power. Modulators for the high beta part of the linac will also be tested at 28 Hz. TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
Summary of MamadEshraqi’s talk on the ESS linac upgrade for ESSnuSB at the EuroNuNetWorshop in Sofia last Saturday TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
Required modifications of the ESS accelerator architecture for ESSnuSB F. Gerigk and E. Montesinos CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Contents 1The charge for the assessment 2Scenarios for ESSnuSB 3Executive Summary 4Detailed upgrade measures 4.1Civil engineering & integration 4.2Electrical network 4.3RF sources, RF distribution & modulators 4.4Cryogenics (plant + distribution) 4.5Water cooling 4.6Superconducting cavities, couplers & cryomodules 4.7Beam physics 5. Appendix 1: Visit time table 6. Appendix 2: Indicative costing of the upgrade CERN-ACC-NOTE-2016-0050 8 July 2016 Quotation from “Executive Summary: “No show stoppers have been identified for a possible future addition of the capability of a 5 MW H- beam to the 5 MW H+ beam of the ESS linac built as presently foreseen. Its additional cost is roughly estimated at 250 MEuros.” TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
OVERVIEW OF THE ESSNUSB ACCUMULATOR RINGM. Olvegård, T. Ekelöf, Uppsala University, Sweden E. Benedetto, M. Cieslak-Kowalska, M. Martini, H. Schönauer, E. Wildner, CERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandPaper presented at the 57th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity and High-Brightness Hadron Beams, HB2016, hosted by the ESS in Malmö, Sweden, 2016 July 3-8. TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
Study of resonant multi-turn extraction from the ESSnuSB accumulator to obtain 100 μsec long proton pulses to generate 30 times brigther neutron pulses for neutron science From Elena Wildner’s presentation at the EuroNuNetworshop in Sofia Extracted beam Septum Bumped circulating beam particles moved across Septum by resonance Closed orbit bumpers • Slow bumpers move the beam near the septum • Tune adjusted close to nth order betatron resonance • Multipole magnets excited to define stable area in phase space, size depends on DQ = Q - Qr TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University 10/15/16 17
Potential Upgradeability 2nd target and neutrino source From Colin Carliles talk at the EuroNuNetworshop in Sofia Compressing the msec pulse to match the moderating time of cold neutrons 2.86ms to 80µs 4 rings of 1100m Oce Each containing 25 pulses of 105ns Permanent magnets Peak intensity gain of 35 times Total gain of 1000 times today Reduces the instantaneous power on the target cf short pulsed source D. McGinnis, M. Lindroos & R. Miyamoto IPAC 2013 TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
A few future conferences and workshops chaired by ESSnuSB members at which the progress in the studies of the ESS power upgrade and the accumulator ring will be reported 1. Upgrading Existing High Power Proton Linacs Workshop at ESS in Lund 8-9 November 2016 https://indico.esss.lu.se/event/618/timetable/#all.detailedCo-Chairs M. Eshraki and T.Ekelof2. International Particle Accelerator Conference IPAC 2017 in Copenhagen 14-19 May 2017 https://ipac17.orgChair M.Lindroos 3. Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators NUFACT2017 in Uppsala 25-20 September 2017 Chair T.Ekelof TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
Mitigation of high power effects in the neutrino production target – studies from EUROnu being continued ElianeBouquerel Four-target/horn system to mitigate the high proton beam power (5 MW) and rate (70 Hz) Downstream of the accumulator ring the beam pulses are distributed in sequence on the four targets Packed bed canister in symmetrical transverse flow configuration (titanium alloy spheres) Target inside the horn TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University 20
TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
Study of superconducting solenoid to focus the pions forward + a dipole to separate pion charges as an alternative non-pulsed haron collector Maja Olvegård TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
ESSnuSB PROJECT TO PRODUCE INTENSE BEAMS OF NEUTRINOS AND MUONS E. Bouquerel*, E. Baussan, M. Dracos, IPHC, UNISTRA, CNRS,on the behalf of the ESSνSB project Proceedings of HB2016, Malmö, Sweden, July2016 16.3x1020μ/year TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
ESS neutrino and muons facility built in stages (or some of them) with increasing complexity Neutrons to ESS ESS proton driver Protons dump nm or nm Long Baseline Detector ESSnuSB p decay • Test Facility • dump nm + ne m+ or m- Short Baseline Detector Short Baseline Detector Accumulator nuSTORM • Decay • channel or ring ne + nm Front end Storage ring RLA acceleration Neutrino Factory Long Baseline Detector Cooling Collider ring RCS acceleration Muon Collider JP.Delahaye/CERN EURONUDET COST workshop (15/10/2016) TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University 24
ESS-NUSTORM: a tentative layout J.-P. Delahaye TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
The proposal is to include in the ESSnuSB Design Study a first study of the feasibility, in a longer perspective, of making use of would be the the world most intense muon fluxin the ESSnuSB decay tunnel • Items to study • Review and optimisation of design, parameters and performance of the various staged options based on ESS linac upgrade as foreseen for ESSnuSB, in particular: • Muon production with a 2.5GeV/5MW linac (MAP based on 8GeV/4MW) • Adaptation of the pions production target • Identification of further ESSnuSB upgrade of particular interest or necessary modifications for muon based facilities • Selection of the most attractive options in the ESS context and schedule • Their Implementation on ESS site and identification of possible conflicts • Identification of: • the major technical issues • the necessary R&D to demonstrate their feasibility • the corresponding cost drivers TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
Gruvsjöschaktet Nytt schakt Rock engineering prospection and studies in the Garpenberg-mine granite-zones Distance from ESS Lund 540 km Depth 1232 m Truck access tunnels One hoist shaft free to use by ESSnuSB SDn / 2012 Granite drill cores TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
Garpenberg Research Infrastructure Project for neutrinos - GRIPnu. Project owner Hedemora Business Development Inc Partners: Hedemora Municipality (in which Garpenberg is located), Rock Engineering School in Filipstad/ Luleå, The Dalarna University, Uppsala University/ FREIA Laboratory, Triple Steelix Industrial Consortium and other local partners The overall GRIPnu project objective is to actively contribute to spreading the effects of the ESS initiative in Lund to North and East Central Sweden and to enhanced corporate innovation and growth capability. The aim is to create cross-border cooperation, both geographically and between research and entrepreneurship. The project will apply a smart specialization strategy and build a number of collaboration platforms for open innovation, where local high-tech companies, researchers and politicians work together towards the design and construction of a neutrino-detector infrastructure in Garpenberg. Financial support will be sought from the European Regional Development Fund. TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
The ESSnuSB performance, the accumulator ring studies and some near detector simulations are reported in an ESSnuSB progress paper to appear in Hindawi Publishing Corporation Advances in High Energy Physics Article ID 873567: The Opportunity Offered by the ESSnuSB Project to Exploit the Larger Leptonic CP Violation Signal at the Second Oscillation Maximum and the Requirements of This Project on the ESS Accelerator Complex E. Wildner,1 E. Baussan,2 M. Blennow,3 M. Bogomilov,4 A. Burgman,5 E. Bouquerel,2 C. Carlile,6 J. Cederkäll,5 P. Christiansen,5 P. Cupial,7 H. Danared,8 M. Dracos,2 T. Ekelöf,6M. Eshraqi,8 R. Hall-Wilton,8 J.-P. Koutchouk,1,6 M. Lindroos,8 M. Martini,1 R. Matev,4D. McGinnis,8 R. Miyamoto,8 T. Ohlsson,3 H. Öhman,6 M. Olvegård,6 R. Ruber,6 H. Schönauer,1 J. Y. Tang,9 R. Tsenov,4 G. Vankova-Kirilova,4 and N. Vassilopoulos9 ,,CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland2I PHC, Universite´ de Strasbourg, CNRS/IN2P3, 67037 Strasbourg, France3 Department of Theoretical Physics, School of Engineering Sciences, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, AlbaNova University Center, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden 4Department of Atomic Physics, St. KlimentOhridski University of Sofia, 1164 Sofia, Bulgaria 5Department of Physics, Lund University, P.O. Box 118, 221 00 Lund, Sweden 6Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, P.O. Box 516, 75120 Uppsala, Sweden 7 AGH University of Science and Technology, AlejaMickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland 8 European Spallation Source, ESS ERIC, P.O. Box 176, 221 00 Lund, Sweden Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, Beijing 100049, China TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
The sensitivity of the neutrino energy distribution to δCP Hyper-K first maximumLBNE/DUNE first maximumESSnuSB second maximum Hyper-K Hyper-K Events/100MeV Relative difference in counts at maximum between δCP = 3π/2 and π/2 : 430/275 = 1.6 150/100 = 1.5 105/22 = 4.8 TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
From Stephen Parke/ FNAL; “Neutrinos: Theory and Phenomenology”arXiv:1310.5992v1 [hep-ph] 22 Oct2013, page 12;“At the first oscillation maximum (OM), as is in the running experiments, T2K and NOνA and possible future experiments HyperK and LBNE experiments, the vacuum asymmetry is given byA ~ 0.30 *sin δ at Δ31=π/2which implies that P(ν̅μ→ν̅e) is between 1/2 and 2times P(νμ→νe). Whereas at the second oscillation maximum, the vacuum asymmetry is A ~ 0.75 *sin δ at Δ31=3π/2 which implies that P(ν̅μ→ν̅e) is between 1/7 and 7 times P(νμ→νe). So that experiments at the second oscillation maximum, like ESSnuSB [15], have a significantly larger divergence between the neutrino and anti-neutrino channels.” TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
δCP accuracy performance(USA snowmass process, P. Coloma) “Default" errors • for the “Default” systematic errors see: • Phys. Rev. D 87 (2013) 3, 033004 [arXiv:1209.5973 [hep-ph]] • arXiv:1310.4340 [hep-ex] Neutrino "snowmass" group conclusions TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
The 2014 ESSnuSB Design Study applicationResearch and Innovation actionsInnovation actionsDesign StudyH2020-INFRADEV-1-2014-1Title of Proposal: Study of the requirements for employing the uniquely powerful ESS linearaccelerator to generate an intense neutrino beam for leptonic CP violation discovery andmeasurement.Acronym of Proposal: ESSνSBOutcome of the 2014 INFRADEV-1 Design Study EU call:In all 39 applications were submitted to the callThe applications with ranking #1 to # 8, with 14 score or above, among those EuroCIRCOL, and EuPRAXIA, were approved, ESSnuSB with ranking #9 and 13.5 scores was rejected TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
ESSnuSB Design Study Evaluation Summary ReportCriterion 1 - ExcellenceScore: 5.00 (Threshold: 3.00/5.00 , Weight: 100.00%)The objectives of ESSnuSB are very clear and pertinent and the proposed approach is credible. The concept is very sound, in particular thesynergy with the future ESS facility. The concept also enhances opportunities for trans-disciplinary research and advanced exchange ofknowledge also linked to the nature of the technical works to be undertaken on site. The proposed design study is very ambitious and clearlyadvances the state of the art under the relevant topic.Criterion 2 - Impact Score: 4.50 (Threshold: 3.00/5.00 , Weight: 100.00%)The proposal answers the expected impacts in the topic’s work program very well: a prospective ESSnuSB RI will strengthen the technological development capacity and effectiveness as well as the scientific performance, efficiency and attractiveness of the EuropeanResearch Area. The challenges linked to the development of the ESSnuSB infrastructure will also be very positive in terms of know-howtransfer between academia and industry.The ESSnuSB answers one of the priorities defined in the European Strategy for Particle Physics.Communication and dissemination measures are adequate. However, some specific details are lacking: e.g. the proposal states that specialseminars for the public will be organized at the ESS. However, how many seminars are planned and how they are going to be covered is notpresented and only information and figures on the final workshops are included. The question of IPR is not sufficiently addressed. TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
Our comment: We agree to this criticism and will address this subject in greater detail in the new applicationCriterion 3 - Quality and efficiency of the implementationScore: 4.00 (Threshold: 3.00/5.00 , Weight: 100.00%)The work plan is coherent and sufficiently effective.Each work package (WP) contributes to a clear objective and the work plan includes coordination tasks to ensure a coherent final design.The allocation of tasks and resources is appropriate.The consortium has the required competences to carry out the design study successfully.The management structures and procedures are well defined, including identification of critical risks and mitigation measures, with theexception of the ESS linac modifications (WP 2) and design of the accumulator ring (WP 3) for which a proper SWOT analysis is lacking.In particular risk (and cost) associated with the interaction with the ESS have not been considered in sufficient detail.Conflict resolution mechanisms and innovation management are only sketchily addressed. Our comment: We disagree with this criticism - when requesting an analysis of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWAT) to be made of the project applied for the referee is confusing the Design Study project we propose with a Construction Project – for the Design Study there will be no risk and cost associated with the interaction with the ESS. This misjudgment by the referee has probably cost us 0.5 point.Total score: 13.50 TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
EuroNuNet COST Action Evaluation Summary Report The EuroNuNet COST Action was accepted with 57 out of 65 marks. Quotation from the evaluation report with reference to ESSnuSB:“The main strengths are that the present project is unique in Europe, and at this moment there are no other similar plans in the continent and it is building on a number of previous European projects. Only two other, similar projects exist in the USA and Japan.In addition, the project is not only complementary to the projects in the USA and Japan but clearly competitive with them, because the infrastructure proposed, which plans to locate the detector at the second neutrino oscillation maximum, will provide a much better and larger accuracy than the othertwo projects.” TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
Work plan for the 2017 ESSnuSBINFRADEV-1 applicationWe will use the 2014 application as starting point, updating and complementing the project description on the following points:1. Inclusion in the design study of an longer term high intensity muon program2. Inclusion in the design study of how to extract 100 μsecond proton pulses from the accumulator ring to obtain short neutron pulses3. Updated ν physics section 4. Expanded section on linac upgrade (ref. Gerigk/Montesinos and Eshraqi’s reports) and accumulator ring (ref. Wildner and Olvegard’s reports)5. Expanded section on Far (new PM tubes) and Near (cf. ND280) Detectors,6. Inclusion in the design study of the opportunities to engage industry in the project as well as of the socio-economic benefits of the project (ref. GRIPnu study made by Hedemora Business Development Inc)7. A plea will be made to evaluate the project for what it is, i.e. a Feasibility Design Study and not a Construction Project – the judgement of the risks of and the possibilities to get general acceptance and funding for the Construction Project could only be addressed once there is an input from a Feasibility Design Study and a subsequent Technical Design report.8. In view of the increased scope of the Design Study project the amount of funds requested will be increase from the 1.83 MEUR in the 2014 application to closer to 3 MEURO (approximately = 2x10-3 of the ultimately required construction budget) TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
There is now some support appearing to the idea of measuring at the second oscillation maximum Does 1.3 MW provide enough neutrinos to get enough statistics at the second maximum? The First Workshop on the Second Hyper-Kamiokande Detector in Korea (T2HKK) 21-21 November 2016 https://indico.snu.ac.kr/indico/event/6/ TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
Concluding remarksThe planning of the ESSnuSB Design Study has progressed significantly since the INFRADEV-1 EU application submitted in September 2014 with regard to how to upgrade the ESS linac, design the accumulator ring, the target station and the near and far detectors.New scope has been added through ideas how to use the accumulator ring to produce neutron pulses of order 100 μsecond length and how to make use of the world-unique intensity of produced muons.The Consortium has now members in 11 countries that are organized in a COST Action which significantly facilitates the common work to plan and carry out a detailed Design Study for a neutrino Super Beam infrastructure in Europe base on the world unique ESS proton driver. TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
Thanks for your attention! http://live.iop-pp01.agh.sleek.net/physicsworld/reader/#!edition/editions_neutron-2016 TIARA meeting at CERN, 18 October 2016 Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University