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Microseismicity developments during hydraulic stimulation at Soultz-sous-Forêts

Microseismicity developments during hydraulic stimulation at Soultz-sous-Forêts. Soultz team. EOST: Jean Charléty Nicolas Cuenot Catherine Dorbath Louis Dorbath Michel Frogneux Henri Haessler. Seismological networks. Permanent network. Permanent + temporary + downhole network.

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Microseismicity developments during hydraulic stimulation at Soultz-sous-Forêts

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Microseismicity developments during hydraulic stimulation at Soultz-sous-Forêts Soultz team EOST: Jean Charléty Nicolas Cuenot Catherine Dorbath Louis Dorbath Michel Frogneux Henri Haessler

  2. Seismological networks Permanent network Permanent + temporary + downhole network

  3. Real-time seismological monitoring SFR Relay antenna: Reception and transmission • EOST-IPGS ‘ Soultz room’: • Reception • Acquisition • Displaying data • Saving data • Data processing • SFR Relay: • Reception • Acquisition • Displaying data • Saving data

  4. Example of ‘Soultz’ events recorded by the monitoring network Very low magntiude event : M=-0.52, 04/06/03, 16h42 TU

  5. Seismic signal for the event of the 10 june 2003 at 22h54 (Md = 2.9)

  6. Induced seismicity by the stimulation of GPK2 ~7000 events black GPK2 | red GPK3 | blue GPK4

  7. Induced seismicity by the stimulation of GPK3 ~4000 events black GPK2 | red GPK3 | blue GPK4

  8. Induced seismicity by the stimulation of GPK4 ~3500 events Circle:dark blue 2004 stimulation cyan 2005 stimulation black GPK2 | red GPK3 | blue GPK4

  9. GPK3 GPK4 4 years of induced seismicity2000-2003-2004-2005 GPK2

  10. 2003 Stimulation: number of events per magnitude vs hydraulics

  11. ~16 MPa 2004 ~16 MPa 2005

  12. Seismic event of Md ≥ 1.4

  13. Seismic event of Md ≥ 1.4

  14. Seismic event of Md ≥ 1.4 2004 (from black to white spheres) 2005 (from cyan to magenta spheres)

  15. Microearthquakes of M≥1.4 for 2000-2003-2004-2005

  16. Illustration of the seismic migration

  17. 2000 2003 2004 2005 GPK4 GPK3 GPK2 (larger part: open hole section)

  18. 2- Seismological evidences velocity structure,faults microseismic events: example of the 4.7 km depth fracture zone The first 250 seismic events -∆P +∆P +∆P Microearthquakes with M≥1.4 -∆P

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