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Understanding the Goals of Structural Health Monitoring Education

Learn the goals and fundamentals of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) education, including its importance, rationale, and achievement strategies. Explore SHM concepts and techniques through modules and discussions, preparing for professional practice.

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Understanding the Goals of Structural Health Monitoring Education

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  1. FEM0- The What, Where, How and Goal of Structural Health Monitoring Education Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  2. Purpose • To state the goal of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) education • Briefly introduce you to the field of SHM which is the “What” • To provide a rationale for the “Why” of SHM education • To outline a description of “How” SHM education will be achieved Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  3. Your Assignment • After you have read and reviewed the content of FEM0, you will be required to: • Submit an online response to a discussion question and list any questions you have concerning any topic you might not understand about the content of FEM0. • Your online discussion question response will be discussed in an interactive manner in a classroom setting on the date specified in the Master Schedule (via your institution’s LMS or hard copy) . Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  4. Goal of the Structural Health Monitoring Education Within the constraints of the civil engineering curriculum, the goal of SHM education to be achieved via the SHM Education Unit is to: 1) raise awareness; 2) stimulate interest; 3) identify resources; and 4) provide a basic understanding of the fundamentals and applications of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) within the core structural engineering courses as an initial preparation of graduates for relevant professional practice and/or possible advanced studies about SHM. Achievement of this goal will require the satisfactory completion of four Fundamentals Education Modules in your Structural Analysis course as well as two Structural Engineering Modules and two Structural Applications Modules in your Structural Design course. Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  5. Clarification Whereas Structural Health Monitoring, a designation which is universally used across multiple engineering and scientific disciplines, includes the term “monitoring”, SHM can encompass…. • Long term monitoring or • Limited term monitoring or • Short term measurements Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  6. WHAT am I being asked to do? (1) • Within the framework of your required structural analysis and design courses you will be introduced to the principles, tools, methods, purposes, utility, and limitations of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM). • As indicated on the previous slide, the fundamentals content will be presented through a series of four Fundamentals Education Modules (FEMs) plus the current module and classroom discussions. Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  7. WHAT am I being asked to do? (2) Structural Health Monitoring Review (a) • Take some time to review the Wikipedia entry on SHM (link is below). • The Wikipedia description provides a reasonably comprehensive overview of the background, elements, and status of SHM. • Specific details are not important at this time, as the subsequent Fundamentals Education Modules (FEMs) will address the specific principles and technologies of SHM. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Structural_health_monitoring Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  8. WHAT am I being asked to do? (3) Structural Health Monitoring Review (b) • Still vague on the concept, purposes and techniques of SHM? • Take a look at this brief YouTube video which demonstrates the basic concept of SHM with a simple model demonstration. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKyTOj8C9do Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  9. WHY should you be interested in SHM? (1) • Let’s examine the results of a survey of civil engineering professionals presented on the following slides on the importance and need for Field Monitoring and Measurements (FMM) content in the undergraduate curriculum. • FMM is a broader field of practice across all civil engineering disciplines which encompasses structural engineering applications of SHM. One common example of FMM in your curriculum is surveying. Is this your first specific exposure to SHM? Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  10. WHY should you be interested in SHM? (2) • Asurvey was directed to a broad sampling of CEE professionals by email solicitations to local consulting firms, the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Louisiana Transportation Research Center (LTRC), and out of state transportation research organizations. • Whereas the survey was directed at the broader issue of Field Monitoring and Measurements (FMM) education across the curriculum, the results are equally valid for Structural Health Monitoring education within the required structural engineering course sequence. Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  11. WHY should you be interested in SHM? (3) • The three essential questions posed by the survey were: • the current perceived importance of FMM • the future perceived importance of FMM • the perceived enhancement of the undergraduate CEE curriculum with the addition of enhanced and expanded FMM education Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  12. WHYshould you be interested in SHM? (4) • Forty-three professionals from a broad sampling of CEE sub disciplines completed the survey. • The years of practice of the respondents varied from 0-2 years to over 31 years. • Respondents with 6 or more years of experience exceeded 86% of the respondents. • The area of practice of the respondents was somewhat skewed towards structural engineering (44%). Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  13. WHYshould you be interested in SHM? (5) • Only 9% of the respondents reported that they had a structured FMM education (a formal course or applicable content in one or more courses) at the undergraduate level. • 24% of the respondents indicated that the lack of a structured FMM education made them less likely to employ FMM techniques. • Direct your attention to the results of the question on the “Future Importance of FMM” where a total of 86% of the responses indicated either Significant or Extreme Importance. Question: Why should this finding be important to you? Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  14. WHYshould you be interested in SHM? (6) Table 1: Results from survey conducted by research team among civil engineering professionals. Percent Responses* NI= not important or no enhancement LI= little important or enhancement AI= average importance or moderate enhancement SI= significant importance or enhancement EI= extreme importance or enhancement Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  15. WHY should you be interested in SHM? (7) Other Indicators of the Importance of SHM (a) • The existence of an International Society for Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (ISHMII) devoted specifically to SHM practice and research. • Take a moment and scan their website at… http://www.ishmii.org/ 1 Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  16. WHY should you be interested in SHM? (8) Other Indicators of the Importance of SHM (b) • The Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) has at least two technical committees that are concerned with the principles and practices of SHM • Structural Control and Sensing • Methods of Monitoring Structural Performance • See details about these committees on the following two slides. Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  17. WHYshould you be interested in SHM? (9) Other Indicators of the Importance of SHM (c) SEI/ASCE Structural Control and Sensing Committee • Purpose: To integrate and interface the discipline of structural control and sensing with the applications and specialties of civil engineering problems. • Emphasis placed on the computing technology for the development, application and modification of active/passive/semi-active/hybrid control to achieve designed intelligence of civil engineering structures, integrated sensing and control of structures, advanced sensing technologies, control oriented health monitoring, hybrid simulation and real-time hybrid testing Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  18. WHY should you be interested in SHM? (10) Other Indicators of the Importance of SHM (d) SEI/ASCE Methods of Monitoring Structural Performance Committee • Purpose: To identify methods and technologies for measuring structural response, deterioration and existing conditions that are useful in the physical evaluation of structural performance and to disseminate information of such techniques. Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  19. WHY should you be interested in SHM? (11) Other Indicators of the Importance of SHM (e) • The Transportation Research Board (TRB) has at least one Standing Committee that deals with issues of SHM, principally oriented towards highway bridges. Details are provided on the following slides. • Field Testing and Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) of Transportation Structures (AFF40) Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  20. WHY should you be interested in SHM? (12) Other Indicators of the Importance of SHM (f) Field Testing and Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) of Transportation Structures (AFF40) (1) • This committee is concerned with the research, development, and application of technologies and methods to assess the condition and evaluate the performance of transportation structures subjected to static and dynamic (excluding seismic) forces. Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  21. WHY should you be interested in SHM? (13) Other Indicators of the Importance of SHM (g) Field Testing and Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) of Transportation Structures (AFF40) (2) • This committee addresses the use of laboratory testing, field testing, monitoring, and nondestructive evaluation (NDE) methods to assess the load carrying capacity of structures, detect and quantify defects, and assess condition. • This includes the development of analytical methods for use in planning and interpreting these tests and the development of methods applicable to the different materials and systems used for transportation structures. Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  22. WHY should you be interested in SHM? (14) • Development of a fundamental knowledge of and ability to use the tools of SHM may be vital to your practice and success as an engineer. • Whereas this Unit is specifically designed for SHM, particularly bridge structures, realize that field monitoring and measurements have important roles in surveying, geotechnical engineering, transportation engineering, environmental engineering, and water resources engineering. • Many of the tools and concepts for structural engineering applications are applicable to other fields of civil engineering as well. • Applications require a multi-disciplinary team of engineers. Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  23. Caveat! • Satisfactory completion of the modules in this Fundamentals Education Subunit of the STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING EDUCATION UNIT will not prepare you to immediately design and implement SHM systems. Refer back to the Goal of this SHM education experience presented in Slide 4. • However, you will have a firm grasp of the fundamentals of these systems which, with additional study and experience, will allow you, in collaboration with other professionals, to implement SHM systems with competence and success. Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  24. WHY should you be interested in SHM? (15) • What are some of the bridge failures that have contributed to the importance of and need for SHM systems and applications? • Early monitoring of structural systems, particularly bridges, were simply observational thus very limited in their ability to quantitatively measure behavior except in the extreme. Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  25. WHY should you be interested in SHM? (16) The Tacoma Narrows Bridge (1940) (a) • A prime example is the Tacoma Narrows Bridge failure which was due to aerodynamic forces either not considered or under estimated in the design process. • Luckily, the aerodynamically-induced oscillations were so dramatic and sustained that closure of the bridge was dictated before the catastrophic and dramatic failure of its deck! • Check it out…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXyG68_caV4 Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  26. WHY should you be interested in SHM? (17) The Tacoma Narrows Bridge (1940) (b) Question: Could use of SHM prevented this failure? Question: How? Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  27. WHY should you be interested in SHM? (18) The Silver Bridge (1967) (b)- Ohio River at Point Pleasant, WV Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  28. WHY should you be interested in SHM? (19) The Silver Bridge (1967) (a) • Unfortunately, this failure caused the deaths of 46 people. • A description of the failure is provided at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silver_Bridge • A gallery of photos is available at http://www.herald-dispatch.com/multimedia/photo_galleries/photos_news/gallery-historical-photos-of-the-collapse-of-the-silver-bridge/article_89262253-73c6-53d9-a1a9-9d027cdbd755.html Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  29. WHY should you be interested in SHM? (20) • An outcome of the Silver Bridge failure was the development and implementation of a National Bridge Inspection Program (NBIP). • “The NBIP developed by FHWA in cooperation with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, was enacted as part of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1970. This landmark legislation was enacted on December 31, 1970, and established, for the first time in U.S. history, uniform, national-level standards for bridge inspection and safety evaluation. The Act also designated funding for the replacement of deficient bridges on the Federal-aid highway system.” Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  30. WHY should you be interested in SHM? (21) Through the legislation: • All States were required to perform periodic inspection of bridges in excess of 6.1 meters (20 feet) located on Federal-aid highway systems. • Bridge inspection data collection requirements were established. • Qualifications for key bridge inspection personnel were defined. • Training programs for bridge inspectors were developed and implemented. • The Special Bridge Replacement Program (SBRP) was established to provide funding for the replacement of bridges located on the Federal-aid system. • Source: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/policy/2004cpr/chap15a.cfm Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  31. WHY should you be interested in SHM? (22) I-35W Mississippi River Bridge (2007) (b)- Minneapolis, MN • The collapse of this bridge caused the deaths of 13 people with 145 injured. • Details are provided at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I-35W_Mississippi_River_bridge Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  32. WHY should you be interested in SHM? (24) I-35W Mississippi River Bridge (2007) (c) So even with the National Bridge Inspection Program in-place, catastrophic and unexpected failures still occur. Question: Would a SHM system have either identified the impending failure so that remedial action could have been taken to prevent the failure or at a minimum, alerted officials of the impending failure in time to close the bridge to traffic? Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  33. WHY should you be interested in SHM? (25) I-35W Mississippi River Bridge (2007) (d) • Records indicated that the bridge had been inspected annually since 1993 but no inspection had been completed in 2007 due to construction. • A study of the bridge conducted in 2001 recommended the installation of a SHM system. • There is no evidence that this recommendation was implemented. Question: What factors might have impacted the lack of action in this case? Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  34. WHY should you be interested in SHM? (26) • The new I-35W St. Anthony Falls Bridge, completed in September 2008, consists of two parallel structures for northbound and southbound traffic. • Each structure consists of post-tensioned concrete box girders, or hollow bridge beams. Post-tensioning involves running steel strands through ducts within the beams and tightening them with a hydraulic jack, which compresses the beam and makes it less susceptible to cracking. • The bridge was also constructed to include a “smart bridge” system consisting of hundreds of sensors to monitor how the structure bends and deforms in response to traffic loads, temperature changes and the effects of material deformations due to creep and shrinkage. Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  35. WHY should you be interested in SHM? (27) • For several years, the University of Minnesota has been monitoring and analyzing the SHM data to help improve future bridge designs. (See http://www.dot.state.mn.us/research/TS/2012/201224TS.pdf) • For a complete description of the new bridge and its instrumentation see http://www.lrrb.org/PDF/201224.pdf. Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  36. WHY should you be interested in SHM? (28) • There is no evidence that a SHM system would have provided sufficient notice of an impending failure to allow for remedial measures to prevent the failures or closure of the bridges. • However, such systems currently provide the most effective means to monitor the performance and integrity of highway bridges. Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  37. WHY should you be interested in SHM? (29) • An article recently published on the American City and County website indicated the increasingly alarming condition of our bridge infrastructure. • Whereas SHM is not the solution to this problem, if properly implemented, can provide assurance of the satisfactory performance and adequate safety of critical structures particularly those that serve as lifelines. • Take a few moments and read the following article. https://www.americancityandcounty.com/2018/11/26/better-bridges/ Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  38. How? (1) • You will complete a series of education modules across your required structural analysis and design courses specifically designed to provide you with a basic knowledge of SHM systems and applications. Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  39. How? (2) • Along with other courses, this knowledge will contribute to several student learning outcomes established by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) as essential to engineering graduates. Specifically: • an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data • an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability • an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  40. How? (3) • Within the context of your Structural Analysis course, you will complete four Fundamentals Education Modules (FEMs): • FEM1: An Introduction to Structural Health Monitoring • FEM2: SHM Methodology and Testing Categories • FEM3: Sensor and Data Acquisition Technology • FEM4: Analysis and Interpretation of SHM Sensor Data • These modules will build upon fundamentals from your courses in Mechanics of Materials and Mechanics of Materials Laboratory as well as Structural Analysis. Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  41. How? (4) • Within the context of your Structural Design course, you will: • complete two Structural Engineering Modules (SEM1 & SEM2) • complete a Structural Engineering Assignment Module (SAM1) • participate in the demonstration of a SHM system (SAM2) • The sequence of the modules (FEMs, SEMs and SAMs) is designed to develop your cognitive knowledge progressively through Bloom’s Cognitive Levels of Learning described in the following slide. Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  42. How? (5) Bloom’s Cognitive Levels of Learning (lower to higher) • Knowledge: rote memorization, recognition or recall of facts (information gathering) • Comprehension: understanding what the facts mean (confirming- information gathering or use of information) • Application: correct use of the facts, rule or ideas (making use of the knowledge) • Analysis: breaking down the information into component parts (taking apart) • Synthesis/Design: combination of facts, ideas and information to make a new whole (putting together) • Evaluation: judging or forming an opinion about the information or (judging the outcome) Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  43. How? (6) • The instructional methodology for the Fundamentals Education Modules (FEMs) will consist of the following sequential elements: • You will read and study the content for the module on-line. You will be provided with a detailed schedule for completion of the FEMs and the dates of the classroom discussions. • You will complete a readiness exam on the content of each module. These must be completed with a score of 80% or greater. If you do not score 80%, you will be requested to take a second readiness exam. Students failing to achieve the required score on the second exam will be asked to meet with their instructor in a timely manner. • A form will be provided to you via your institution’s Learning Management System (LMS) or the SHM Web Portal to respond to a specific classroom discussion question as well as list any questions you may have about the content of the module. Your response will either be submitted online if a LMS is being used or via a hard copy to your instructor. Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  44. How? (7) • You will actively discuss your responses with classmates in a subsequent class and be prepared to discuss the responses of your “team” in a classroom setting. • At the end of the class discussion, you will submit a “one minute paper” in which you will be asked to list your unanswered questions. • Within time constraints, every effort will be made to answer all students’ questions at the subsequent class discussion. Those questions that cannot be answered due to time limitations will be included in a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document to be posted on Moodle??? • See graphical representation of pedagogical model in the following slide. Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  45. Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  46. How? (8) • Normally, you should be able to complete reading and studying the module, the readiness exam and your response to the classroom discussion question within about 1 to 2 hours. The actual classroom discussion session for each FEM will be limited to about 15-20 minutes. Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  47. Your Assignment…. Answer the following question. Using the online response form provided, submit your response online or via a hard copy as directed by your instructor. You may also list any questions you have concerning the content of FEM1. Save a copy of your response for discussion in a subsequent class period- refer to the Master Schedule. List the criteria, in order of importance, which you believe should be used to determine if a bridge should be monitored with a Structural Health Monitoring System. Be prepared to justify your criteria and their order of importance. Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

  48. Sources: • http://www.geotechnicalmonitoring.com/en/ishmii-is-supporting-the-international-course-on-geotechnical-and-structural-monitoring/ • http://engineering.unl.edu/current-students/american-society-civil-engineers-asce/ • http://www.driverlesstransportation.com/event/transportation-research-board-93rd-annual-meeting • http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB118608348257386422 • http://www.atlasobscura.com/places/tacoma-narrows-bridge • http://www.mywvhome.com/twenties/depot.htm • http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sciencenow/0304/04-whyt-09.html Fundamentals Education Subunit- Structural Health Monitoring Education Unit

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