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Modul: Conflict Management and Reconciliation. How theorizing ethnopolitical conflict to date ?. 1 4 / 09 / 2014. Patrick Truffer. 1. Basic concept of ethnopolitical conflict and ethnicity. Preconditions for a higher probability of ethnopolitical conflicts. 2.
Modul: Conflict Management andReconciliation Howtheorizingethnopoliticalconflicttodate? 14 / 09 / 2014 Patrick Truffer
1 Basic conceptofethnopoliticalconflictandethnicity Preconditionsfor a higherprobabilityofethnopoliticalconflicts 2 Why do ethnicgroupstrytoachievetheiregoalsbyviolence? 3 C Conclusion
1 Basic conceptofethnopoliticalconflictandethnicity Preconditionsfor a higherprobabilityofethnopoliticalconflicts 2 Why do ethnicgroupstrytoachievetheiregoalsbyviolence? 3 C Conclusion
Ethnopoliticalconflict Ownillustration
Samuel P. Huntington, "The ClashofCivilizations" (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996), 26.
"The ClashofCivilizationsandtheRemakingof World Order" by Samuel P. Huntington is an essay-likethoughtexperiment, whichis not based on dataandfacts. Even beforethepublicationofthisbook, Huntington was rejectedmembershiptothe"National AcademyofSciences", in particularbecausescientistscriticizedHuntington'sworkas"pseudo-scientific" (Source: Philip M. Boffey, "Prominent Harvard Scholar barredby Science Academy", New York Times, 04.29.1987, Accessed 09.06.2014, http://goo.gl/48Jpcg). Samuel P. Huntington, "The ClashofCivilizations" (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996), 26.
FRACTIONALIZATION measurestheprobabilitythattwoindividualsrandomlydrawn Fromthepopulationbelongto different groups. (Alberto Alesinaand Eliana La Ferrara, "Ethnicdiversityand economicperformance", NBER Working paperseries, No. 10313, February 2004, 27).
1 Basic conceptofethnopoliticalconflictandethnicity Preconditionsfor a higherprobabilityofethnopoliticalconflicts 2 Why do ethnicgroupstrytoachievetheiregoalsbyviolence? 3 C Conclusion
POLARIZATION is a measureofthe "alienation" feltbetweenmembersof Different groupsandthe sense of"identification" withone’s owngroup. (Joan Esteban, Laura MayoralandDebrajRay, "Ethnicityandconflict: Theoryand Facts", Science 336, 18.05.2012, 859).
Ethnicity • Ownilustrationbased on: • Patricia Maulden, "Unit 11: EthnicConflictManagement" in Module: PolicyIssues: Conflict Management an Reconciliation, Freie Universität Berlin. • Martin O. Heisler, "Book reviewof 'Identities in International Relations' and 'Resolving Identity BasedConflict in Nations, OrganizationsandCommunties'," American Political Science Review 94, no. 1 (2000).
1 Basic conceptofethnopoliticalconflictandethnicity Preconditionsfor a higherprobabilityofethnopoliticalconflicts 2 Why do ethnicgroupstrytoachievetheiregoalsbyviolence? 3 C Conclusion
Why do ethnicgroupsrebel? • Ownilustrationbased on: • Cederman, Lars-Erik, Andreas Wimmer, and Brian Min. "Why Do Ethnic Groups Rebel?". World Politics 62, no. 1 (January 2010): 87-119
1 Basic conceptofethnopoliticalconflictandethnicity Preconditionsfor a higherprobabilityofethnopoliticalconflicts 2 Why do ethnicgroupstrytoachievetheiregoalsbyviolence? 3 C Conclusion
Conclusion • An ethnopoliticalconflictprevailsif an ethnicgroupforciblyseekstoachievepoliticalgoals, whichareassociatedwithethnicity, ifthegroupmobilizesitsfighterswithinethnicboundaries, andifalliancesaremade on thebasisofethnicidentity. • Itis not thepresenceofethnicgroupsthatpromotesethnicconflict in itself, but thepolarizationofethnicgroupsbydistrust, discrimination, resourcesharing, power struggles, etc. • The more big ethnic groups with sufficient capacity for mobilization are excluded from the state power structure and the more such conflicts have occurred in the past, the more likely the outbreak of a ethnopoliticalconflict. • An unequal distribution of resources within the ethnic group and a high proportion of economically disadvantaged, unemployed young men with no no economic opportunities intensify this effect even further. • To counteract this tendency there has to be representative power- and resource-sharing and economic opportunities, especially for young people.
References • Alberto Alesinaand Eliana La Ferrara, "Ethnicdiversityandeconomicperformance", NBER Working paperseries, No. 10313 (February 2004). • Apt, Wenke. "Aufstand der Jugend." SWP -Aktuell, No. 16 (March 2011). • Cederman, Lars-Erik, Andreas Wimmer, and Brian Min. "Why Do Ethnic Groups Rebel?". World Politics 62, no. 1 (January 2010): 87-119. • Esteban, Joan, Laura Mayoral, andDebraj Ray. "EthnicityandConflict: An Empirical Study". Accessed 07.09.2014, http://goo.gl/rmmJqw. • Joan Esteban, Laura MayoralandDebraj Ray, "Ethnicityandconflict: Theoryand Facts", Science 336, 18.05.2012: 858-865. • Kröhnert, Steffen. "Jugend und Kriegsgefahr." Berlin-Institut für Bevölkerung und Entwicklung, 2004. • Maulden, Patricia. "Unit 11: EthnicConflict Management." In Module: PolicyIssues: Conflict Management an Reconciliation. Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin, International Relations Online. • Philip M. Boffey, "Prominent Harvard Scholar barredby Science Academy", New York Times, 29.04.1987, accessed 06.09.2014, http://goo.gl/48Jpcg. • Possen, Barry. "The Security Dilemma andEthnicConflict." Survival 35, no. 1 (Spring 1993): 27-47. • Samuel P. Huntington, "The ClashofCivilizations". New York, Simon & Schuster, 1996.
Additional Notes • The videofootageisfrom: • "Christian City Under Siege: The Battle forIraq (Dispatch 5)". Vice News. 27.06.2014, accessed 14.09.2014, http://goo.gl/FmwN5N. • Esteban, Joan, Laura Mayoral, andDebraj Ray. "EthnicityandConflict: An Empirical Study". Accessed 07.09.2014, http://goo.gl/rmmJqw. • "Lebanonarmyintervenes in Tripoli assectarianviolenceescalates". Euronews. 28.10.2013, accessed 14.09.2014, http://goo.gl/2bS8O9. • "Warlords of Tripoli (Part 2/5)". Vice. 04.02.2014, accessed 14.09.2014, http://goo.gl/b1Ah5N. • The presentationtothisvideostatementincluding all mindmapsisavailableunderhttp://www.offiziere.ch/dateien/Ethnopolitical%20conflict.pptx