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Raising standards, improving lives. Common features of good science teaching October 2012 The Hugh Lawlor Lecture Brian Cartwright HMI National Adviser for Science, Ofsted. The importance of evaluation in science education.
Raising standards, improving lives Common features of good science teaching October 2012 The Hugh Lawlor Lecture Brian Cartwright HMI National Adviser for Science, Ofsted
The importance of evaluation in science education Consider the impact of teaching on pupils’ learning and the robustness of leadership in improving the quality of education or in maintaining already high standards. Evaluate the provision for spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
Raising standards, improving lives • Ofsted inspection criteria in relation to science • Ofsted inspectors’ evidence of good practice • Science leadership and self-evaluation
Good science achievementTaking account of their different starting points, the proportion of pupils making or exceeding expected progress compares favourably with national figures. (Section 5 Inspection Handbook September 2012)
Outstanding achievement • Pupils show exceptional independence; they are able to think for themselves and raise their own questions about science knowledge and understanding and of scientific enquiry. • They are confident and competent in the full range of stage-related practical skills, taking the initiative in, for example, planning and carrying out their own scientific investigations.
Outstanding achievement • Pupils frequentlyuse their scientific knowledge and understanding very effectively in written and verbal explanations, solving challenging problems and reporting scientific findings formally. • They work constructively with other pupils, demonstrating common understanding in discrete well-focused roles, with all playing a part in successful investigations. • They show high levels of originality, imagination or innovation in their understanding and application of skills.
Outstanding achievement • Practical work incorporates a variety of contexts, including fieldwork, in which pupils are making decisions about investigations and ways of researching contemporary issues and understand the impact of science on society. • They develop a sense of passion and commitment to science, showing strong application and enthusiasm to learn more through scientific endeavour.
Ofsted expects that Good teaching, which includes high levels of expertise and subject knowledge coupled to the expectation that pupils can achieve well.. • enables pupils to acquire knowledge • deepens their understanding • develops and consolidates skills.
Good science teaching: • Teachers use a range of relevant contexts to exemplify the value of science and its impact on society. These examples engage pupils’ interest and hone their understanding of research and the application of scientific skills. They ensure pupils engage well in practical work. • Teachers have a confident level of specialist expertise which they use well in planning and teaching their subject, using accurate assessment of individual pupils’ prior knowledge and understanding.
Good science teaching: • Teachers respond well to students’ questions, using effective dialogue that stimulates further discussion. Pupils have frequent opportunities for research using books and the internet. They are taught how to summarise and present their research as part of developing their literacy and communication skills. • They have a clear understanding of progression in science skills, knowledge and understanding and how the ‘big ideas’ of science can be understood with increasingly demanding details and concepts. As a result, their resources and teaching strategies promote good learning in all aspects of the subject.
Good science teaching: • In particular, pupils have many opportunities to show and apply their knowledge, skills and understanding of science, and give extended explanations.
What our inspections find ‘This teacher challenged the students to go beyond what they thought they could manage. It was a risk. The students might have reacted badly to the challenge. I think the best science teachers do this: take risks in order to extend their students.’
Effective teachers…… • use the science phenomena itself as the interesting core of the lesson, let pupils experience the pleasure of understanding a concept for themselves, and do not just tell them the answer • have a personal enthusiasm for science coupled to the ability to inspire and motivate students • hold high expectations of what pupils can achieve and takes responsibility for the achievement of all students • are highly skilled at assessing individuals’ understanding and progress during lessons, adapting teaching and support accordingly to address misconceptions • can contextualise science well, and relate it to students’ everyday lives.
Effective teachers ….. • provide plenty of opportunities for experimental and investigative work • deliver a real focus on developing children’ s sense of curiosity, amazement and love of the world around them • use assessment well to plan lessons that effectively differentiates resources and challenges all students from the outset, not just by outcome • give clear and lucid explanations, including using models, to explain difficult concepts with a strong emphasis on scientific literacy • keep on top of everyday events and incorporate them into their lessons.
The science curriculum … • The curriculum is broad, balanced and well informed by current research and development in science education. It meets the learning needs of all groups of pupils and ensures effective continuity and progression including in scientific enquiry and pupils’ understanding of how science works. • Planned experiences for learning promote progress within and between year groups , and maintains a good balance between all four areas of the science National Curriculum. In primary schools, key ideas over time are regularly reinforced.
Good curriculum criteria • In secondary schools, there is sufficient time and resources to teach science through practical investigation and illustration to ensure pupils’ motivation for further study. • Good links are forged with other subjects, and the wider community to provide a range of enrichment activities to promote pupils’ learning and engagement with science. These include science-based clubs, visits to science sites in the community and a programme of visiting speakers from science-based industries and services to build on the engaging and relevant learning experiences of science lessons.
Good curriculum criteria • Good advice and guidance on progression in science beyond compulsory education is embedded in the curriculum, and pathways do not limit progression. Opportunities to promote SMSC are systematically planned and delivered to ensure every pupil benefits. • In secondary schools the statutory entitlement for all students to study science courses leading to at least two GCSEs is met. Specifically this includes either science GCSE and additional science GCSE, or triple science GCSE.
Good leadership • Leadership is well-informed by current developments in the subject and is aware of developments in science education including in other schools and by national agencies and associations. • Subject reviews, self-evaluation and improvement planning are successfully focused on raising attainment and improving the provision for the subject. They are carried out systematically and the outcomes communicated effectively to all science staff so that there is a common understanding of issues and priorities.
Good management • There are shared common purposes and priorities amongst those involved in teaching science. They have good opportunities to share practice amongst themselves and have access to subject training within and beyond the boundaries of the school where appropriate. • Science reflects wider whole school priorities including consistent application of literacy and numeracy policies. • Leaders ensure health and safety information is up to date and understood by colleagues.
Raising standards, improving lives • What is the quality of teaching and the achievement and progress of all groups of pupils, including those for those for whom the pupil premium provides support? • Do science teachers know how well pupils are progressing and then act effectively on that information to plan lessons? • Do pupils know how well they are progressing and what they need to do to improve further? • Are well-focused improvement plans based on robust self-evaluation rigorously implemented?
Raising standards, improving lives • Are policies and procedures, in particular in relation to reading, writing and mathematics, consistently applied? • Are pupils, parents and staff committed to your vision and ambition? • Is respect and courtesy shown by staff towards each other and pupils? • Is underperformance tackled? • How coherent and effective is the programme of professional development, and the opportunities provided for promotion for science teachers?
Raising standards, improving lives • Is best practice accurately identified and modelled? • Does the science curriculum meet the needs, aptitudes and interest of pupils including their development of scientific enquiry skills/ • Do science lessons promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all pupils? • Is achievement rising over time or maintaining high outcomes? • Is teaching improving over time or staying at least good?
Raising standards, improving lives • Do governors ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction for science? • Does science use the pupil premium and other resources to overcome barriers to learning, including reading, writing and mathematics? • Does science help pupils to prepare for life in modern democratic Britain and a global society, and to prevent extremist behaviour?
Raising standards, improving lives • Does science work in partnership with other schools, external agencies and the community, including business, to improve science, extend the curriculum and increase the range and quality of learning opportunities for pupils? • Do safeguarding arrangements in science promote safe practices and a culture of safety, including e-safety?
Outstanding case studies in primary schoolsBecause teachers enjoy this approach so much, it has become self-renewing; we never teach the same topic twice, but are always inventing new ways to cover the curriculum. We now have a meaningful context for teaching literacy; children actually want to write! Middlestone Moor