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¿ Hace cuánto tiempo que vives en West Valley?

¿ Hace cuánto tiempo que vives en West Valley?. Hace _______ años que vivo en West Valley. New flash card . ¿Qué te gusta hacer?. Me gusta _____ por que . ALC 28 Hoy es miércoles el 13 de noviembre .

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¿ Hace cuánto tiempo que vives en West Valley?

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  1. ¿Hacecuántotiempoquevives en West Valley? • Hace _______ añosque vivo en West Valley. • New flash card

  2. ¿Qué te gusta hacer? • Me gusta_____ porque...

  3. ALC 28 Hoy esmiércolesel 13 de noviembre. • Organiza la rutina de la noche en orden de comodebe de ocurrir. Hay sietefrases.

  4. ALC 28 La rutina de la noche. Hoy esmiércoles el 13 de noviembre. • Me pongolaspijama. • Leo un libro. • Tengosueño. • Me cepillo los dientes. • Me duermo. • Me quito la ropa. • Me acuesto.

  5. Las respuestaspara la ALC 28 La rutina de la noche. Hoy esmiércoles el 13 de noviembre. • Tengosueño. • Me quito la ropa. • Me pongolaspijama. • Me cepillo los dientes. • Me acuesto. • Leo un libro. • Me duermo .

  6. Hoy esmiércoles el 13 de noviembre. Content objective What I will do. • I can understand how to conjugate reflexive verbs and interview another student to find out about their daily routine. • El objetivo del contenido. • Yopuedoidentificar los verbosreflexivosfácilmente.

  7. Suma los puntos de la a la campana. • Each completed square = 10 points • Stamp = 1pt ec. • Total points possible = 160 points. • Turn in the scored ALC to the table and go to your ponerse partner and get to know them by doing the bienvenida flash cards.

  8. Lee el objetivo del lenguaje.

  9. Language objectiveHow I will do it. Hoy esmiércoles el 13 de noviembre. • I can understand how to conjugate reflexive verbs and interview another student to find out about their daily routine. I will identify the reflexive verbs by using the flash cards and working in groups of three. I will read a short story that uses reflexive verbs and answer comprehension questions. I will write the grammar rules for reflexive verbs on Cornell notes. I will interview another student about their daily routine.

  10. Dile al compañerocuatro de codocuatoractividadesquevamos a hacer hoy.

  11. La bienvenida Hoy esmiércoles el 13 de noviembre. • Pasen con sucompañero de ponerse. • Usenlastarjetas de memoriapara la bienvenida. • ¿Cómo se dice ponerseen inglés? • Escribe el tiempo en el cuadroponersey márcalo con un marcador.

  12. Presentación de la BienvenidaHoy esmiércoles el 13 de noviembre. • Audience expectations: Watch presenters. Do not talk. Do not fidget. Applaud after presentation. • Presenter expectations. Speak loudly. Answer the questions in a full sentence. Speak clearly.

  13. What I will do and how I will do it. Hoy esmartes el 12 de noviembre. • I can understand how to conjugate reflexive verbs and interview another student to find out about their daily routine. I will identify the reflexive verbs by using the flash cards and working in groups of three. I will read a short story that uses reflexive verbs and answer comprehension questions. I will write the grammar rules for reflexive verbs on Cornell notes. I will interview another student about their daily routine.

  14. Flash card review. 4 minutes • Groups of three with desks in triangle shape. • One person shows the English side of the flash cards to the others. • If one person correctly identifies the card, it is given to them. • If the card is incorrectly identified or takes over 5 seconds to identify the word, the answer is told and the card is placed back in the pile. • It works best to pull the card from the back of the stack. • The winner will show the cards for the second round.

  15. What I did and how I did it. Hoy esmiércoles el 13 de noviembre. • I can understand how to conjugate reflexive verbs and interview another student to find out about their daily routine. I will identify the reflexive verbs by using the flash cards and working in groups of three. I will read a short story that uses reflexive verbs and answer comprehension questions. I will write the grammar rules for reflexive verbs on Cornell notes. I will interview another student about their daily routine.

  16. Pasenpor la mesa pararecoger un cuento y después, pasen con el compañero -ducharse • Tomen turnospara leer el cuento con sucompañero en vozalta. • Read out loud with your partner. Each person will also have a chance to read out loud for the rest of the class.

  17. What I will do and how I will do it. Hoy esmiércoles el 13 de noviembre. • I can understand how to conjugate reflexive verbs and interview another student to find out about their daily routine. I will identify the reflexive verbs by using the flash cards and working in groups of three. I will read a short story that uses reflexive verbs and answer comprehension questions. I will write the grammar rules for reflexive verbs on Cornell notes. I will interview another student about their daily routine.

  18. Please get the comprehension questions off the table. • Please write on your own paper.

  19. Saquenunahoja de papel y escribe la informaciónabajo. # nombre/apellido miércolesel 13 de noviembre español pd. El ciclismo

  20. What do I do on my assignment paper? • There are 18 reflexive verbs in the reading. Many are conjugated. Write them on your paper. • There are 10 questions that measure your comprehension. • You may write the question and respond in a short answer. • Not write the question but respond with a complete sentences. (it has to make sense) • You can do the two assignments in any order.

  21. Contestalaspreguntas en el papelescribiendofrasescompletas.

  22. What I did and how I did it. Hoy esmartes el 12 de noviembre. • I can understand how to conjugate reflexive verbs and interview another student to find out about their daily routine. I will identify the reflexive verbs by using the flash cards and working in groups of three. I will read a short story that uses reflexive verbs and answer comprehension questions. I will write the grammar rules for reflexive verbs on Cornell notes. I will interview another student about their daily routine.

  23. What I will do and how I will do it. Hoy esmartes el 12 de noviembre. • I can understand how to conjugate reflexive verbs and interview another student to find out about their daily routine. I will identify the reflexive verbs by using the flash cards and working in groups of three. I will read a short story that uses reflexive verbs and answer comprehension questions. I will write the grammar rules for reflexive verbs on Cornell notes. I will interview another student about their daily routine.

  24. Cornell NotesHoy esmartes el 12 de noviembre. • Titulo; unidad 2 La gramática. • EQ How are reflexive verbs conjugated? • You may continue with the notes from last time or start new notes.

  25. Chunk 3The definition of a reflexive verb • To say that people do something to or for themselves, you use reflexive verbs. • For example, washing one’s hands and brushing one’s hair are reflexive actions because the person doing the action also receives the action.

  26. Chunk 4infinitives • Verbs that end in AR, ER and IR. • AR, ER and IR = the word to • You know that a verb is reflexive if its infinitive form ends with the letters se.

  27. Cornell note review • Who receives the action when reflexive verbs are used? • On your notes write three reflexive infinitive verbs.

  28. Chunk 5reflexive pronouns • The reflexive pronouns in Spanish are me, te, se, nos, and os. Each pronoun corresponds to a different subject.

  29. Chunk 6 reflexive pronouns and verb endings • Here are the present-tense forms of the reflexive verb secarse:

  30. Chunk review • What are the reflexive pronouns? • Conjugate the verb lavarse.

  31. Chunk 7reflexive vs regular • Some verbs have both reflexive and non-reflexive forms and usages. A verb is used in its non-reflexive form if the action is being done to someone or something else. • Lavo el coche a menudo. • I washthe car often. • Me lavo el pelotodos los días.   • I wash my hair everyday.

  32. Chunk 8possession • When you use a reflexive verb with parts of the body or clothing, use the definite article. • ¿Siempretepintaslasuñas? • Do you always polish your nails? • Felipe se pone loszapatos. • Felipe puts on his shoes

  33. Chunk 9 • You can put reflexive pronouns before the conjugated verb or you can attach them to the infinitive. • Mevoy a duchar. • Voy a ducharme. • Tetienes que vestir para la fiesta. • Tienes que vestirtepara la fiesta.

  34. Chunk review • Translate the following • I wash my hands. • I was the dog. • I have to get early.

  35. What I did and how I did it. Hoy esmartes el 12 de noviembre. • I can understand how to conjugate reflexive verbs and interview another student to find out about their daily routine. I will identify the reflexive verbs by using the flash cards and working in groups of three. I will read a short story that uses reflexive verbs and answer comprehension questions. I will write the grammar rules for reflexive verbs on Cornell notes. I will interview another student about their daily routine.

  36. What I will do and how I will do it. Hoy esmartes el 12 de noviembre. • I can understand how to conjugate reflexive verbs and interview another student to find out about their daily routine. I will identify the reflexive verbs by using the flash cards and working in groups of three. I will read a short story that uses reflexive verbs and answer comprehension questions. I will write the grammar rules for reflexive verbs on Cornell notes. I will interview another student about their daily routine.

  37. Add the following interview to your assignment paper. • There will be 10 questions that you will ask your partner. Write the responses on your paper. • Please face each other. One person facing the screen the other facing the opposite direction.

  38. 1. ¿A quéhoratelevantasdurante la semana?

  39. 2. ¿Te duchas o tebañas?

  40. 3 ¿Cuántasveces al díatecepillas los dientes?

  41. 4 ¿Quéhacesprimero, te pones la ropa o te pones el desoderante?

  42. 5. ¿ Quéhacesprimero, te lavas el pelo o te lavas el cuerpo?

  43. 6 ¿De qué color es la toallaqueusasparasecarte?

  44. 7 ¿A quéhorateacuestaspor la nochedurante la semana?

  45. 8 ¿Quéusasparaarreglarte el pelo? ¿Un peine o un cepillo?

  46. 9. ¿A quéhoratelevantas el fin de semana?

  47. 10 ¿A quéhorateacuestas el fin de semana?

  48. Cambiar de lugares.

  49. 1. ¿A quéhoratelevantasdurante la semana?

  50. 2. ¿Te duchas o tebañas?

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