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The Tales of Mrs. Wishy Washy. Once upon a time there was a little girl named Lizbeth, who lived at a farm called Little-town. She was a good little girl- only she was always losing her red mittens.
Once upon a time there was a little girl named Lizbeth, who lived at a farm called Little-town. She was a good little girl- only she was always losing her red mittens.
One day little Lizbeth came into the farm-yard crying- oh, she did cry so! “I’ve lost my mittens! Lizbeth didn’t know where to look for them so, she decided to ask… Click any of the animals to find out!
No, And the Kitten went on washing her paws. So Lizbeth asked…(Click any of the animals to find out! .
No, and the speckled hen ran into a barn, clucking- “I go barefoot, barefoot, barefoot!” So, Lizbeth asked…
Lizbeth asked Birdie sitting on a branch. Birdie looked sideways at Lizbeth with his bright black eyes, have you found my red mittens?
No, and he flew away. So, Lizbeth didn’t know what to do. The path ended under a big rock. The grass was short and green, and there were clothes. But no red mittens, there was something else- a door! and inside it some one was singing- Lizbeth knocked once-twice, and interrupted the song. A little frightened voice called out “Who’s that?” Lizbeth opened the door: the ceiling was so low that Lizbeth’s head nearly touched it; and the pots and pans were small, and so was everything there.
There was a little person at the table with an iron in her hand. “Who are you?” said Lizbeth. “Have you seen my red mittens?”
“Oh, yes, my name is Mrs. Washy; oh, yes, I’m an excellent washer!” And she took something out of a basket, and spread it on the ironing board. What basket do you think Lizbeth’s red mitten are in?
“There’s one of mine,” said Lizbeth. “What are those funny little white things?”“That’s a pair of mittens belonging to Tabby Kitten; I only have to iron them; she washes them herself.” “There’s my last mitten! Said Lizbeth.
“What’s that thing?” said Lizbeth “that’s not my mittens?” “Oh no, I’m sorry; that’s a little scarlet waist-coat belonging to Birdie!” said Mrs. Wishy Washy. And she ironed it and folded it.
“What’s that thing?” said Lizbeth “that’s not my mittens?” “Oh no, I’m sorry; that’s a table-cloth belonging to Tabby Kitten; look how it’s stained with tomato juice! It’s very bad to wash!” said Mrs. Wishy Washy.
“What’s that thing?” said Lizbeth “that’s not my mittens?” “Oh no, that's a pair of stockings belonging to Sally Henny-penny. Look how she is worn the heels out with scratching in the yard! She’ll very soon go barefoot!” said Mrs. Wishy Washy.
Lizbeth grab her mittens; and then she turned to say “Good-night,” and to thank Mrs. Washy. But what a very strange thing! Mrs. Washy had not waited either for thanks or for the washing bill!
TEKS: LANGUAGE ARTS KINDERGARTEN K.1. A determine the purpose (s) for listening such as to get information, to solve, problems, and to enjoy and appreciate (K-3) K.1.B respond appropriately and courteously to directions and questions (K-3) K.4.B use vocabulary to describe clearly ideas, feelings, and experiences (K-3) K.9.A use prior knowledge to anticipate meaning and make sense of texts (k-3) K.10.A listen to stories being read aloud (K-1) K.10.D describe how illustrations contribute to the text (K-1)
Sources Book: The Original Peter Rabbit Books My own ideas Pictures: Clip art Sound: Clip Organizer