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Cleaner Production/Pollution Prevention Course a t METU Prof.Dr. Göksel N. Demirer. Cleaner Production: A tool for Green Competitiveness in the Turkish Industry M ETU, MoEF, R AC/CP 31 March 2008, METU, Ankara.
Cleaner Production/Pollution Prevention Course at METUProf.Dr. Göksel N. Demirer Cleaner Production: A tool for Green Competitiveness in theTurkish Industry METU, MoEF, RAC/CP 31 March 2008, METU, Ankara
The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) at Lund University in Sweden, in collaboration with the UNEP Working Group for Education and Training on Cleaner Production, organized and held an "Educate-the-Educators" (ETE) program in 1999. The overall objective of the ETE program was to facilitate and accelerated incorporation of cleaner production and related preventive environmental management concepts and approaches into existing and planned undergraduate and graduate educational programmes as well as continuing educational and training programs (Huisingh and Mebratu, 2000). Prof. Dr. Göksel N. Demirer, Department of Environmental Engineering Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Dr. Göksel N. Demirer was a participitant to the ETE program as the representative METU, Turkey. One of the follow-up activities of the ETE was to develop a course on cleaner production. In this context an introductory level cleaner production course was designed and offered in the Department of Environmental Engineering at METU in the Fall 2000 Semester. RAC/CP Technical Publication, No:11, 98-105, 2002 Prof. Dr. Göksel N. Demirer, Department of Environmental Engineering Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Course Objectives: √To demonstrate historical context and evolution of preventive environmental management approach. √To familiarize students with fundamental concepts, tools and applications of Cleaner Production. √To address the roles of different actors of community in developing Cleaner Production implementation. √To illustrate how the concept of Cleaner Production can be applied in different branches of industry and within diverse sectors of the society by several case-studies. √To provide students with case-studies on some of the CP tools. √To introduce students to fundamentals of Environmental Management Systems, Environmental Performance Indicators, Life Cycle Analysis. Prof. Dr. Göksel N. Demirer, Department of Environmental Engineering Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
COURSE OUTLINE Prof. Dr. Göksel N. Demirer, Department of Environmental Engineering Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Teaching Tools Assignments are designed for (1) preparing students to the lectures in advance and typically involve having the students read the material from lecture notes, textbooks, journal articles, etc. (2) enabling the students elaborate more on some of the important issues and skills such as “roles of different actors in a society in promoting cleaner production; retrieving specific cleaner production -related information from the literature; schematic or tabular representation of environmental effects of a product; conducting conceptual and numerical exercises on some of the cleaner production tools covered in class (3) practicing the teamwork, and finally (4) exposing them to web-based information (tools, case-studies, data-bases, etc.) on cleaner production. Prof. Dr. Göksel N. Demirer, Department of Environmental Engineering Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
The Term-project involves implementing one or more CP tools in a real life. Such as conducting a waste reduction audit or environmental performance evaluation for for a real industrial facility, laboratory, etc. Students have to carry on both theoretical (literature search, data collection, related regulatory documents, alternative chemicals and processes, etc.) and field work (chemical and process information, organizational structure, raw material and waste production data, surveys, interviews, personal communication, etc) for their term projects. Examples of the facilities where the term projects were conducted are as follows: A Bakery, Ankara A Metal Cutting Facility, Ankara A Furniture Manufacturing Facility, Ankara The Laboratories of an Environmental Engineering Department, Ankara The Paint Facilty of a Factory, Ankara Sugar Factory, Ankara Chromic Acid Manufacturing Plant, Mersin Textile Mill, Ankara Pipe Manufacturer, Ankara Dying process of a Factory, Ankara A Medical Center, Ankara
In Spring 2008 Semester, the topic of terms projects is Greening of Campuses.After a discussion and research of two weeks, the groups determined their topics as follows: ◘ Improving Sustainability in Water Management ◘ Greening of Laboratories ◘ Reducing Disposable Cup Waste in Canteens and Cafes ◘ Greener Purchasing Practices ◘ Efficient Energy Management ◘ Use of Alternative Energy Sources ◘ Greening of Transfortation METU is considering to initiate a “Greening of Campuses” project. The outputs of the term project will be submitted to the Presidents Office at the end of the Semester for possible use. Prof. Dr. Göksel N. Demirer, Department of Environmental Engineering Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Guest speakers are invited to enable students share the experiences of real-life cleaner production related work as well as interact experts on the subject. Some of the invited speakers and their topics are as follows: Prof. Dr. Göksel N. Demirer, Department of Environmental Engineering Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Profile of the Students ♪ Over 250 student took the course ♪ The majority of the students were from Environmental Engineering Department of METU ♪ Student from Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Biology, and Mathematics Departments also took the course. ♪ Around 30% of the student was at graduate level. Video Display Several short videos on cleaner production are displayed. Prof. Dr. Göksel N. Demirer, Department of Environmental Engineering Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
EXAMPLE ASSIGNMENT: You are going to run a pollution prevention study on solvent and process alternatives for a parts cleaning and degreasing facility. This facility is presently using a vapor degreaser as the cleaning equipment and TCE as the solvent. Your aim is to replace the presently used process so that the environmental adverse effects due to present solvent (TCE) will be diminished. To this purpose you will use SAGE Solvent Alternatives Guide (http://sage.rti.org/es/index.cfm) as the tool. All the data about the facility, solvent, process, etc. is given below. Good luck. Given: Physical Properties Size/Shape Characteristics Cleanliness Requirements Process Information Prof. Dr. Göksel N. Demirer, Department of Environmental Engineering Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
EXAMPLE ASSIGNMENT: At a factory which produces deep-fried, salted peanuts, using shelled peanuts, the peanuts, which are supplied in plastic bags, are emptied directly onto a conveyor belt. They are transported through a deep-frying oven; then they pass through a cooling unit; and finally they are mixed with oil and salt. The peanuts are then poured into containers for interim storage. After several hours they are ready to be packaged; the containers are attached to a packaging machine, which forms bags from rolls of foil, and then fills them with peanuts. To prevent loss of flavour, the air is removed from the bag, using nitrogen. From time to time, the oil used for deep-fat frying must be replaced, as a residue gradually accumulates at the bottom of the oven (due to broken peanuts and decomposition of the oil). The deep-fried peanuts are cooled by means of outside air. The salt is brought into the plant in paper bags, and the oil in metal drums. Given: Process Description Questions; Draw up a process flow diagram for this peanut factory indicating all the waste sources. Which product modifications could be considered to minimize each of the waste streams? Which improvements in housekeeping could be considered to minimize each of the waste streams? Do opportunities for on site recycling exist and how do these contribute to the minimization of waste and emission generation?
EXAMPLE ASSIGNMENT: The Hot Brick Refractory Corporation produces ceramic bricks used in boilers and heaters. The process involves the wet mixing of two powders followed by drying and firing of the mixture in bulk form. You have been asked to study the weighing and mixing operation as shown in the attached figure. GIVEN: Powder A consists of an inert ceramic/binder mixture. Powder B consists of chrome oxide. The two powders are delivered in 50 Kg sacks to the weighing station 120 Kg of A and 60 kg of B are weighed and manually transferred to the wet vibratory grinder Water is added to the grinder and after mixing, the slurry is gravity fed into brick form. The forms rest on the floor and when one becomes full, the operator uses an empty form to push the filled form out from under the spigot The grinder is flushed with water after each batch. The area is washed down after each shift. All wastewater goes to the area sump ASKED: Identify all possible wastestreams and propose viable waste minimizationoptions for each
EDUCATIONAL DIMENSION OF CLEANER PRODUCTION According to the United Nations Environment Programme, part of any government’s long term plan must incorporate environmental concerns into educational curricula in general, and into all engineering and business management courses in particular. This will eventually reduce the need for a substantial adult education program in industry and will also eliminate some of the barriers to implementing cleaner production in industry. The need for education and training in cleaner production is essential because the concept of cleaner production is quite different from the familiar concept of end-of-pipe regulation of environmental problems in many ways. Most of the barriers to implementing cleaner production can be overcome by proper education and training especially at the university level. Prof. Dr. Göksel N. Demirer, Department of Environmental Engineering Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Moving towards sustainability requires significant changes in our higher educational system as well as others. Since, university graduates are key to sustainability in our societies. Therefore, university education must incorporate the principles and and concepts of sustainability and cleaner production into its programs to produce graduates or professionals who can manage resources sustainably and efficiently. Our experince with the cleaner production course described in this presentation has indicated that the concept of cleaner production can effectively be incorporated into already existing engineering cirricula with success. However, this is just a preliminary step towards magnifying the impact of cleaner production education in Turkey. Prof. Dr. Göksel N. Demirer, Department of Environmental Engineering Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE Prof. Dr. Göksel N. Demirer, Department of Environmental Engineering Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey