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Student Services Action Plan. GOAL By 2007 , Lincolnview Local Schools will expand learning opportunities for all students by increasing the use of Intervention Assistance Teams to 50% more students. Tasks (What will be done?)
StudentServicesAction Plan • GOAL • By 2007, Lincolnview Local Schools will expand learning opportunities for all students by increasing the use of Intervention Assistance Teams to 50% more students.
Tasks (What will be done?) 1. Develop standardized probes K-6 in Language Arts and math, and for all subjects in grades 7-12. 2.Develop a system for tracking student academic performance. 3.Investigate other assessment instruments that can be used to identify academic performance. Responsibility (Who will do it?) 1. Leaders--Principal & PSC 2. Other Key Personnel Superintendent Guidance Counselors School Psychologist Special Education Teachers Intervention Teachers Peers Coordinator Director of Instruction Strategy #1Better identification of all students’ academic performance levels.
Tasks (What will be done?) 1.Create Peers groups to establish paperwork, guidelines, referral process, team members for IATs; create charts to document interventions. 2. Hold monthly meetings to brainstorm about struggling students, what teachers can do to assist students and parents; create intervention plans. 3. Provide staff in-service on IAT process, paperwork, intervention plans, and data gathering strategies. Responsibility (Who will do it?) 1. Leaders--Principals, PSC 2. Other Key Personnel School Psychologist Special Education Teachers Intervention Teachers Classroom Teachers Peers Coordinator Director of Instruction Strategy #2Establish student focused intervention assistance team to better prepare students academically.
Tasks (What will be done?) 1. Expand tutoring services for grades K-6 that includes after school tutoring. 2. Create tutoring services for JH/HS students during study hall, before/after school. 3. Look for grant funding for lead teacher to organize after school tutoring K-12 and expand Title programs. 4. Explore summer school/intervention options. 5. Use available intervention tools for before and after school programs. (I.e. PLATO) Responsibilities(who will do it?) 1. Leaders-Principals 2. Other Key Personnel Superintendent PSC 21st Century grant Coordinator National Honor Society Advisor Intervention Teachers Director of Instruction Strategy #3Create more opportunities for students to attain intervention services and thus increase skill mastery.
Parental CommunicationAction Plan • GOAL • By 2007, Lincolnview Local School District will enhance the communication process with parents and community members and increase community awareness of the school by 50%
Tasks (What will be done?) 1. Each teacher will have a web page on Edline; Teacher newsletters posted on a regular basis. 2. Each Teacher will keep grades current weekly on Grade Quick and Edline. 3. Teacher in-service on all aspects of Grade Quick and Edline. 4. Teacher in-service on website development. Responsibilities(Who will do it?) 1. Leader--PSC 2. Other Key Personnel High School Principal Elementary Principal Superintendent Tech Coordinator Director of Instruction Teachers Strategy #1Teachers will increase their input onto Edline.
Strategy #2Edline will be enhanced to provide more academic information for parents. • Tasks (What will be done?) • 1. Create a resource center for parents on-line. • 2. In-service programs to teach parents how to use Edline. • 3. Create a brochure for parents on ‘how’ to use Edline and distribute annually. • 4. Create an on-line feedback mechanism for parents to include: • comments, suggestions,questions about Edline. • 5. Create Edline accounts for all students beginning with the first and seventh grades in the Fall of 2004. • Responsibilities(Who will do it?) • 1. Leader--PSC • 2. Other Key Personnel • High School Principal • Elementary Principal • PTO Officers • Superintendent • Teachers
Tasks (What will be done?) 1. Create a link to the resource center in Edline 2. District and building newsletters and the high school newspaper will be posted on line 3. Calendars and schedules (I.e.: sports, lunch menu, music programs, school board meetings, dates, etc.) will be kept up to date. 4. Web site/Edline marketing plan created to disseminate to the community information on how to use. 5. Create feedback mechanism for community members. Responsibility(Who will do it?) Leader--Web master, PSC Other key Personnel High School Principal Elementary Principal PTO officers Superintendent Tech Coordinator Athletic Director Club Advisors Cafeteria personnel Strategy #3The Lincolnview School Web site will be enhanced to provide more information for parents, students, staff and community members
Tasks (What will be done?) 1. Superintendent and Principals will create newsletters on a quarterly basis. 2. All staff will submit articles or information (a minimum of once annually) on school events to be published in the high school newspaper, district/building newsletters. 3.District/building newsletters will include information from community organizations associated with school/student projects as submitted by those organizations. Responsibilities (Who will do it?) Leaders Building Principals Superintendent Other Key Personnel Staff Students Strategy #4Maintain district and building newletters.
Academics/TechnologyAction Plan • GOAL • To improve student performance on state achievement and proficiency tests.
Tasks 1. Test Prep skills: a. question of the day b. use state assessment terminology in classroom instruction and asssessment. c. use supplemental test prep workbooks or kits. 2. Teacher in-service to review test adiminstration, quidelines. Responisiblities: Principal Teachers Curriculum Coordinator Director of Special Education School Psychologist Superintendent Strategy:Increase and improve intervention strategies for students not meeting the state passing scores on proficiency or achievement tests through direct instruction of test prep.
Tasks 1. Remedial instruction during the day. A. Title I for K-2 B. Pullout intervention for borderline studnets. C. More test prep in resource room curriclum. 2. After school tutoring. A. Grades 3-11: January-March @ year for proficiency prep Responsibilities Leaders Principal Superintendent LLEA Other Key Personnel Title and Intervention Teachers Classroom teachers Program Services Coordinator After school tutors Strategy-Increase and improve intervention strategies for studnets not meeting the state passing scores on proficiency or achievement tests through remedial instruction.
Tasks 1. Restructing of the school day to better utilize time for instuction. A. Adjust lunch/recess times B. Free up staff to do own intervention 2. Restructuring Course Offerings in JH/HS to prepare for OGT. Responsibilities Leader Building Principal Superintendent Other Key Personnel Teachers Support Staff LLEA Board of Education Counselors StrategyIncrease and improve intervention strategies for students not meeting the state passing scores on proficiency or achievement test by restructuring schedules.
Task 1. Continue using Saxon Math series. 2. Implement and expand the use of Accelerated Reader for grades 4-8. 3. Provide teacher in-service for Accelerated Reader. 4. Inventory books and AR quizzes currently available in libraries and classrooms. 5. Create list of books to purchase and list of AR quizzes to purchase. 6. Mapping and Alignment of all curricilum with Ohio Academic Content Standards. 7. Review, purchase textbooks that align with curriculum maps/OACS. Responsibilities Leader Principals Director of Instruction Other Key Personnel Librarians Classroom Teachers StrategyIncrease and improve intervention stragegies for students not meeting the state passing scores on proficiency or achievement test by using instructional materials that match the Ohio Academic Content Standards.
Building & GroundsAction Plan • Goal The Superintendent and Buildings and Grounds Committee will establish and implement a five-year plan to address buildings and grounds upkeep, repair and improvement to the Lincolnview School District facilities to maintain a neat and appropriate educational environment for all students.
Task 1. Establish a Building and Grounds committee. 2. Develop five year buildings and grounds plan with input from principals, custodians and treasurer. 3. Annual review of buildings and grounds five-year plan and establishment of priorities. 4. Ongoing review of district general and permanent improvement funds to determine available funding for summer projects. 5. Gather appropriate Bids/Proposals. Responsibilities Leader Superintendent Other Key Personnel Board of Education Members Treasurer Custodians Building Principals Buildings and Grounds Committee Representatives StrategyThe Superintendent and Buildings and Grounds Committee will gather input from buildings principals, custodians and the treasurer and maintain an ongoing five year plan for updating the Lincolnview facilities with available funding.
Task 1. Establish all-weather track committees 2. Analyze present track bids. 3. Board approved recommended all weather track contracts. 4. Finalize outside funding donations. 5. Complete assigned work contract. Responsibilities Leader Superintendent Other Key Personnel Board Members Treasurer Custodian Principals AD, Athletic Boosters, Coaches Architect, Contractors Building & Grounds Representatives StrategyThe Superintendent will oversee the completion for the all-weather track project and the installation of new bleachers at the track, baseball/softball complex.
Task 1. Review debt on elementary building annually. 2. Review Ohio School Facilities Program regulations. 3. Request Ohio School Facilities to assess buildings in Lincolnview District by formal letter. Responsibilties Leader Superintendent Other Key Personnel Treasurer Board of Education Principals Buildings and Grounds Committee StrategyThe Superintendent will coordinate with the Ohio Facilitites Commission to have Lincolnview Local School District Buildings assessed for future building project consideration.
Tasks 1. Establish a five year technology budget. 2. Annual review of SchoolNet application. 3. Annual use of SchoolNet Professional Development opportunities. 4. Ongoing study of specific technology needs by administrators and tech coordinator. 5. Update district server or replace. Responsibilities Leader Superintendent Other Key Personnel Technology Supervisor Technology Coordinator Building Principals Technology Staff NOACSC staff Director of Instruction StrategyTo expand and update the use of technology and to become creative in the delivery of technology services.