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A 2030 framework for climate and energy policies. Energy. The 2030 framework will build on the 2050 Roadmaps - Concrete proposals by the end of 2013. 2050 Roadmaps. 2030 Green Paper. Proposals for the 2030 framework for climate and energy policies. 2011. March 2013.

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  1. A 2030 framework for climate and energy policies Energy

  2. The 2030 frameworkwillbuild on the 2050 Roadmaps - Concreteproposals by the end of 2013 2050 Roadmaps 2030 Green Paper Proposals for the 2030 framework for climate and energy policies 2011 March 2013 September 2013 On-going discussions with Member States, EU institutions and stakeholders

  3. Early agreement on the 2030 frameworkis essential

  4. Security of energy supply Sustainability Competitiveness Affordable and competitive prices Reduction of emissions Diversification of fuels, supply countries and routes The 2030 framework must ensure progress towards three objectives Promotion of new technologies, growth and jobs Reduction of energy consumptions Grid Stability Improved energy efficinecy Adequate energy infrastructures Development of alternative energy sources The 2030 policy framework should take into account lesson learned from the 2020 framework and the economic and political context of today

  5. The EU ismaking good progresstowards meeting the 2020 RES target - But mostMember States are stillsome distance away Source: Eurostat Renewable sources accounted for 12.7% of the EU's energy consumption in 2010

  6. EU energyconsumptionisgoing down, but 2020 targetlikely to bemissedwithcurrentpolicies projections Source: European Commission

  7. Challenges in meeting 2020 targets - to beconsidered in the 2030 framework

  8. "No Regrets" options from the EnergyRoadmap 2050

  9. (1) Energysavingsthroughout the system are crucial Gross energy consumption (in Mtoe) Current policy initiatives Decarbonisation scenarios Source: European Commission

  10. (2) The share of renewables risessteadily over time Share of renewables in gross final energy consumption (in %) Source: European Commission The share of renewables is between 28% and 31% in the decarbonisation scenarios.

  11. (3) Large investment for power generationisneeded ~ 2.5 trillion Euros up to 2050. Cumulative investment expenditure for power generation from 2011 to 2050 (in billion €2008) Source: European Commission More investments also needed in grid infrastructure, storage, etc.

  12. Import dependencyfalls, especiallyafter 2030 withelectification of transport Net energy imports (in Mtoe) Current policy initiatives Decarbonisation scenarios Source: European Commission All decarbonisation scenarios will reduce the EU’s energy import dependency.

  13. These are the main issues to be considered for the 2030 framework

  14. Electricity prices – the US is increasing its advantage… Evolution of end-user electricity prices for industry, taxes excluded Source: IEA, Energy Prices and Taxes, 4th quarter 2012

  15. …in part due to the shale gas boom - US wholesale prices for gas are 3-4 times lower than in the EU Source: European Commission 15

  16. End-user electricity prices for households differ substantially between MS - "non-energy" component is very significant Source: Eurostat

  17. Lower differences between MS for industry end-user prices Source: Eurostat

  18. Building on the pasttowards the future….! 11/2010 Commission Communication on the Energy 2020 Strategy 12/ 2008 Head of State and Government reached agreement on the package 01/2007 Commission proposal for 2020 climate and energy package 03/2006 Green Paper on a future common European Energy Policy 12/2011 Commission Communication Energy Roadmap 2050 03/2006 Green Paper More concrete proposals for the 2030 framework 04/2009 RES Directive 06/2011 Energy Efficiency Directive Window of opportunity 2015 Global Climate Change Agreements

  19. Concretestepstowards the 2030 frameworkin 2013 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Adoption of the Green Paper consultation procedure 22 May European Council 22-24 April Council meetings Update of reference scenario Impact Assessment Assessment of responses to the consultation Commission proposals for the 2030 framework

  20. Back up

  21. Projections from 2007 Projections from 2009 20% EE objective business as usual 2007 • 20% • objective Progress towardsthe 2020 EnergySavingstarget 1900 1842 Mtoe 1850 1800 1750 1700 Primary energy consumption*, Mtoe 1678 Mtoe 2009 1650 1600 GAP 1550 1474 Mtoe 1500 Source: European Commission 1450 1400 2005 2010 2015 2020 * Gross inland consumption minus non-energy uses

  22. The share of renewables rises steadily over time Share of renewables in primaryenergy consumption (in %) Source: European Commission

  23. Retail electricity prices paid by households and industry in 2012 Note: Euro/kWh, first half of 2012, consumption bands DC and IC, all taxes included Source of data: Eurostat

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