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Keys To Bible Study

Keys To Bible Study. 1. Observation:. What does it say?. 2. Interpretation:. What does it mean?. 3. Correlation:. What other verses explain it?. 4. Application:. What will I do about it?.

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Keys To Bible Study

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Keys To Bible Study 1. Observation: What does it say? 2. Interpretation: What does it mean? 3. Correlation: What other verses explain it? 4. Application: What will I do about it?

  2. “If anyone doesn’t remain in me,he’s like a branch that’s thrownaway and withers; such branchesare picked up, thrown into the fireand burned.” John 15:6

  3. Some Basic Rules of Interpretation Consider the historicalcontext: Who is beingspoken to? Why? 1.

  4. “If anyone doesn’t remain in me,he’s like a branch that’s thrownaway and withers; such branchesare picked up, thrown into the fireand burned.” John 15:6

  5. Some Basic Rules of Interpretation Define the key words 2.

  6. “If anyone doesn’t remain in me,he’s like a branch that’s thrownaway and withers; such branchesare picked up, thrown into the fireand burned.” John 15:6

  7. Define The Key Words Mt. 3:8“the fruit of repentance” Mt. 26:29 “the fruit of the vine” (communion wine) Rom. 7:5 “we bore fruit for death” (sinful lifestyle) Rom. 15:28 “received this fruit” (offering of money) Gal. 5:22 “fruit of the spirit” (9 godly attitudes)

  8. Define The Key Words Eph. 5:9“the fruit of light” (truth, righteousness, goodness) Col. 1:6“this gospel is bearing fruit and growing”(new believers) Heb. 13:15“praise to God – the fruit of our lips”

  9. Some Basic Rules of Interpretation Interpret unclear verseswith clear ones 3.

  10. “Remain in me, and I will remain inyou. No branch can bear fruit byitself; it must remain in the vine.Neither can you bear fruit unlessyou remain in me.” John 15:4 NIV

  11. is produced byremaining in Christ • Bearing fruit

  12. “This is to my Father’s glory, thatyou bear much fruit, showingyourselves to be my disciples.” John 15:8

  13. brings gloryto God • Bearing fruit

  14. “I have told you this so that my joymay be in you and that your joymay be complete.” John 15:11

  15. will give mecomplete joy • Bearing fruit

  16. Some Basic Rules of Interpretation Look for the most obviousmeaning 4.

  17. “If you remain in me and my wordsremain in you, you may ask whateveryou wish, and it will be given you!” John 15:7

  18. • Remaining in Christ produces answered prayer

  19. “I will do whatever you ask in myname, so that the Son may bringglory to the Father. You may askme for anything in my name, andI will do it.” John 14:13

  20. Answered prayer brings • Glory to God!

  21. “Until now you have not askedfor anything in my name. Ask andyou will receive, and your joy willbe complete!” John 16:24

  22. Answered prayer gives me • complete joy!

  23. “You did not choose me, but I choseyou and appointed you to go andbear fruit--fruit that will last. Thenthe Father will give you whateveryou ask in my name!” John 15:16

  24. asking in prayer I bear fruit by

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