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Enhanced Fusion Power Discovery in High-Q Plasma

Explore findings of increased fusion power, lower cyclotron radiation, and improved plasma conditions in high-Q scenarios.

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Enhanced Fusion Power Discovery in High-Q Plasma

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  1. R 6.5000E+00 m A 3.2500E+00 B_tor 7.7200E+00 T I_P 1.7669E+01 MA kappa 1.8000E+00 q_MHD 4.0000E+00 beta_T 4.2914E+00 % beta_P 1.7368E+00 beta_N 3.7500E-02 P_alpha 6.2263E+02 MW P_brem 7.1917E+01 MW P_L->H 8.4297E+01 MW P_L/Pth 5.9477E+00 P_fus 3.1131E+03 MW P_aux 1.3826E+02 MW P_CD 1.3674E+02 MW <ne> 1.2102E+20/m3 f_GW 1.0000E+00 <Te> 2.8268E+01keV T_ft/T_E 3.7544E+98 f_RAD 3.4116E-01 Z_eff 1.2815E+00 T_flat 1.0000E+99 s Tau_E 2.6635E+00 s Tau_P 1.3483E+01 s Tau_J 1.0249E+03 s f_BS 5.6701E-01 N_wall 3.5140E+00MWm2 Pcyc 1.8770E+02 MW Pohm 1.0476E-01 MW fHe 1.4076E-01 fDT 7.1848E-01 beta_f 9.2122E-01 % Pline 0.0000E+00 MW Hfact 1.5695E+00 Wth 1.3357E+03 MJ V-s 3.0000E+02 V-s Vloop 0.0000E+00 V fcd 4.3299E-01 fni 1.0000E+00 n/<n> 1.4988E+00 T/<T> 1.9518E+00 T(0) 4.8778E+01 keV Vol 8.7505E+02 m3 Searching with more restrictive filters I have found more points with lower cyclotron radiation, and TauE, and H98 = 1.35-1.6 for the higher fusion power case….however, the qdivpeakis 28-30 MW/m2 R 6.5000E+00 m A 3.2500E+00 B_tor 7.7200E+00 T I_P 1.7669E+01 MA kappa 1.8000E+00 q_MHD 4.0000E+00 beta_T 3.7192E+00 % beta_P 1.5052E+00 beta_N 3.2500E-02 P_alpha 6.1082E+02 MW P_brem 6.9554E+01 MW P_L->H 8.4297E+01 MW P_L/Pth 6.2089E+00 P_fus 3.0541E+03 MW P_aux 1.3560E+02 MW P_CD 1.3159E+02 MW <ne> 1.1916E+20/m3 f_GW 1.0000E+00 <Te> 2.4559E+01keV T_ft/T_E 4.5226E+98 f_RAD 2.9892E-01 Z_eff 1.2330E+00 T_flat 1.0000E+99 s Tau_E 2.2111E+00 s Tau_P 1.1202E+01 s Tau_J 8.0929E+02 s f_BS 5.4182E-01 N_wall 3.4473E+00MWm2 Pcyc 1.5361E+02 MW Pohm 1.4039E-01 MW fHe 1.1652E-01 fDT 7.6697E-01 beta_f 8.3468E-01 % Pline 0.0000E+00 MW Hfact 1.3422E+00 Wth 1.1576E+03 MJ V-s 3.0000E+02 V-s Vloop 0.0000E+00 V fcd 4.5818E-01 fni 1.0000E+00 n/<n> 1.5728E+00 T/<T> 2.3781E+00 T(0) 5.0050E+01 keV Vol 8.7505E+02 m3 Pelec = 770 MW Pelec = 750 MW

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