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Time Series Data Visualization Techniques and Approaches

Explore various methods like Small Multiples, Time-Series Plots, Stacked Graphs for effective time-oriented data visualization. Includes insights on interactive Horizon Graphs, Spirals, and Cycle Plots.

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Time Series Data Visualization Techniques and Approaches

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  1. Time-Oriented Data Visualization Jianping Fan UNC-Charlotte

  2. Time Series Data • Fundamental chronological component to the data set • Random sample of 4000 graphics from 15 of world’s newspapers and magazines from ’74-’80 found that 75% of graphics published were time series − Tufte From John Stasko’s class slides

  3. Datasets • Each data case is likely an event of some kind • One of the variables can be the date and time of the event • Examples: sunspot activity, baseball games, medicines taken, cities visited, stock prices, newswires, network resource measures Partially From John Stasko’s class slides

  4. Time Series Visualization Approaches • Small Multiples • Time-Series Plot • Stacked Graphs • Static State Replacement (Animation) • Brushing and linking

  5. Small Multiples • Small multiples - sets of thumbnail sized graphics on a single page • Usage • Enhance dimensionality • Depict motion • Enable comparison • Show alternatives or  range of options • Rule • Use the same measures and scale. Graphics and Web Design Based on Edward Tufte's Principles, Larry Gales, Univ. of Washington

  6. edwardtufte.com

  7. Three air pollutants in six counties in southern California Los Angeles Times, 1979

  8. Mark Bulling published on Tableau Public (used without the permission of the author)

  9. Time Series Visualization Approaches • Small Multiples • Time-Series Plot • Stacked Graphs • Static State Replacement (Animation) • Brushing and linking

  10. A Time Series Plot from Tenth Century Inclinations of the planetary orbits as a function of time Part of a textbook of monastery schools, tenth century

  11. Time Table for Trains (1885)

  12. Chart of Imports and Exports (1784)

  13. Yahoo Finance Charts

  14. AuctionExplorer http://www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/timesearcher/

  15. Horizon Graph Heer, Jeffrey, Nicholas Kong, and Maneesh Agrawala. "Sizing the horizon: the effects of chart size and layering on the graphical perception of time series visualizations." Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 2009.

  16. Interactive Horizon Graph • Video Perin, Charles, Frédéric Vernier, and Jean-Daniel Fekete. "Interactive horizon graphs: improving the compact visualization of multiple time series."Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 2013.

  17. Two tone coloring • Saito, Takafumi, et al. "Two-tone pseudo coloring: Compact visualization for one-dimensional data." Information Visualization, 2005. INFOVIS 2005. IEEE Symposium on. IEEE, 2005.

  18. Pixel-Oriented Techniques • Recursive pattern arrangements The figure is taken from Dr. D. Keim’s tutorial notes in Infovis 00

  19. Pixel Oriented Techniques • Recursive pattern arrangements The figure is taken from Dr. D. Keim’s tutorial notes in Infovis 00

  20. LastHistory • Aplication: everyday life • Data: listening history stored with services such as last.fm • Task: allow users to analyze their music listening histories • Metaphor: condensed line graphs Baur, Dominikus, et al. "The streams of our lives: Visualizing listening histories in context." Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on 16.6 (2010): 1119-1128.

  21. LastHistory [Dominikus et al. InfoVis 2010]

  22. LastHistory • Video LastHistory - Interactive Visualization of Last.fm Listening Histories and Personal Streams (vimeo)

  23. Spiral Graphs History of Italian post office A. Gabaglio, 1888

  24. Paper: Visualizing Time-Series on Spirals [weber et al. Infovis 01]

  25. Cycle Plots Robbins, Naomi B. "Introduction to Cycle Plots." (2008).

  26. Cycle Plots Robbins, Naomi B. "Introduction to Cycle Plots." (2008).

  27. Cycle Plots Robbins, Naomi B. "Introduction to Cycle Plots." (2008).

  28. Time Series Visualization Approaches • Small Multiples • Time-Series Plot • Stacked Graphs • Static State Replacement (Animation) • Brushing and linking

  29. ThemeRiver – Stacked line graphs • Application: document analysis • Data: temporally involving document collections, such as news collections • Task: reveal a macro-view of thematic changes • Approach: stack line graphs to form a river Havre, Susan, et al. "Themeriver: Visualizing thematic changes in large document collections." Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on 8.1 (2002): 9-20.

  30. Baby Name Voyager • Application: everyday life • Data: popularity of names • Approach: Themeriver metaphor http://www.babynamewizard.com/voyager

  31. Stacked Graphs Byron, Lee, and Martin Wattenberg. "Stacked graphs–geometry & aesthetics."Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on 14.6 (2008): 1245-1252.

  32. EMDialog • http://www.utahinrichs.de/emdialog/

  33. Time Series Visualization Approaches • Small Multiples • Time-Series Plot • Stacked Graphs • Static State Replacement (Animation) • Brushing and linking

  34. Static State Replacement • Treat time as a dimension hidden from the display • Divide time into period (time frame, or time point) • Generate a visualization for each time frame • Replace a display of one time frame using that of another time frame • Animations, trails

  35. Infocanvas http://www.cc.gatech.edu/gvu/ii/infoart/

  36. Gapminder Trendalyzer • Animated bubble chart to show trends over time in three dimensions Hans Rosling: No more boring data. TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) 2006 • Video Gapminder World • Demo

  37. Visual Sedimentation • Video http://www.visualsedimentation.org/ Huron, Samuel, Romain Vuillemot, and Jean-Daniel Fekete. "Visual sedimentation." Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on19.12 (2013): 2446-2455.

  38. Whisper - Twitter visualization • Application: social study • Data: Twitter • Task: answering when, where, and how an idea is dispersed, • Metaphor: Sunflower Cao, Nan, et al. "Whisper: Tracing the spatiotemporal process of information diffusion in real time." Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on 18.12 (2012): 2649-2658.

  39. The Sunflower Metaphor

  40. Video Cao, Nan, et al. "Whisper: Tracing the spatiotemporal process of information diffusion in real time." Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on 18.12 (2012): 2649-2658.

  41. Time Series Visualization Approaches • Small Multiples • Time-Series Plot • Stacked Graphs • Static State Replacement (Animation) • Brushing and linking

  42. Brushing and Linking - imMens • Video • 3 million Brightkite user checkins Liu, Zhicheng, Biye Jiang, and Jeffrey Heer. "imMens: Real‐time Visual Querying of Big Data." Computer Graphics Forum. Vol. 32. No. 3pt4. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2013.

  43. Brushing and Linking - BirdVis • Application: Ecology • Data: Bird observation records • Task: Understanding the determinants of bird species distributions and their dynamics • Video Ferreira, Nivan, et al. "Birdvis: Visualizing and understanding bird populations."Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on 17.12 (2011): 2374-2383.

  44. Temporal, spatial data

  45. Napoleon’s army in Russia Napoleon’s army in Russia, author: Charles Minard (1781-1870)

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