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Experiences in enhancing existing BPM Tools with BPEL Import and Export

Experiences in enhancing existing BPM Tools with BPEL Import and Export. Jan Mendling Vienna University of Economics Kristian Bisgaard Lassen University of Aarhus Uwe Zdun Vienna University of Technology. 2. Enhance…. Export. Import. 1. Native BPEL Engine. Store. Load.

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Experiences in enhancing existing BPM Tools with BPEL Import and Export

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  1. Experiences in enhancing existing BPM Toolswith BPEL Import and Export Jan Mendling Vienna University of Economics Kristian Bisgaard Lassen University of Aarhus Uwe Zdun Vienna University of Technology

  2. 2. Enhance… Export Import 1. Native BPEL Engine Store Load You have to support BPEL… No arbitrary cycles

  3. Agenda • How to design BPEL import and export? • How to apply Transformation Strategies? • Beyond transformation strategies • Conclusion

  4. Agenda How to design BPEL import and export?

  5. A BPEL Process

  6. A BPEL Process: Structured Activities+Links

  7. Recent Papers • X to BPEL: • Baina et al.: Model-Driven Web Service Development. In CAiSE 2004. • Gardner. UML Modelling of Automated Business Processes with a Mapping to BPEL4WS. In First European Workshop on Object Orientation and Web Services at ECOOP 2003. • Hofreiter and Huemer. Transforming UMM Business Collaboration Models to BPEL. OTM Workshops 2004. • Mendling and Hafner. From Inter-Organizational Workflows to Process Execution: Generating BPEL from WS-CDL. OTM Workshops 2005. • Moon et al. Transformation Algorithms between BPEL4WS and BPML for the Executable Business Process. In WETICE 2004. • van der Aalst, Jørgensen and Lassen. Let’s Go All the Way: From Requirements via Colored Workflow Nets to a BPEL Implementation of a New Bank System. In CoopIS 2005. • White. Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN). Specification, BPMI.org, 2004. • Mendling, J. Ziemann: Transformation of BPEL Processes to EPCs. In EPK 2005. • Koschmider, von Mevius: A Petri Net Based Approach for Process Model Driven Deduction of BPEL Code. OTM Workshops 2005. • BPEL to Y: • Hinz, Schmidt, and Stahl. Transforming BPEL to Petri Nets. In BPM 2005. • Mendling and Ziemann. EPK-Visualisierung von BPEL4WS Prozessdefinitionen. In Workshop on Software Reengineering, 2005.

  8. Important Properties • Structured Process Graph • Acyclic Process Graph • Structured BPEL control flow

  9. Transformation Strategies for Export

  10. Transformation Strategies for Import

  11. Agenda How to apply Transformation Strategies?

  12. Proprietary Workflow Designer Element Preservation Strategy

  13. Extra Elements of the Workflow Designer • Sub-workflows • Paste the subprocess into a BPEL scope • Specific predefined step actions • Abstract step action class as default • Overridden for specific step actions, e.g., BPELJ for Inline Java • Additional Step Node attributes • Annotated to BPEL activities as attributes in a different namespace

  14. Illustration of the export

  15. Agenda Beyond transformation strategies

  16. Further Approaches for Graph to BPEL • C. Ouyang, M. Dumas, S. Breutel, and A. H.M. ter Hofstede. Translating Standard Process Models to BPEL. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE), LNCS, 2006. • Idea: • Calculate precondition sets for every activity • Send completion message to itself • Event handlers activate the next activity • Limitations: • Re-Import of such BPEL is difficult

  17. Further Approaches for Graph to BPEL II • Zhao, W., Hauser, R., Bhattacharya, K., Bryant, B. R., and Cao, F. (2006). Compiling business processes: untangling unstructured loops in irreducible flow graphs. Int. Journal of Web and Grid Services, 2(1):68-91. • Idea: • Transform unstructured to structured models • Limitations: • Not always possible if concurrency is in the model

  18. Agenda Conclusion

  19. Conclusion • Transformation strategies… • provide systematic initial approach • have to be extended and adapted • BPEL not directly suited for exchanging workflow models • BPEL extensions like BPEL4People, BPEL-SPE, BPELJ help • Further information has to be annotated

  20. Agenda Thank you

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