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The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006. Implementing the Independent Safeguarding Authority Registration Scheme. Who does it apply to?. People working with children and young people, whether paid or as volunteers People working with vulnerable adults
The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 Implementing the Independent Safeguarding Authority Registration Scheme
Who does it apply to? • People working with children and young people, whether paid or as volunteers • People working with vulnerable adults • N.B the presentation goes on to focus on the children’s workforce but the information applies equally to the vulnerable adults workforce
Two Categories of registration for people working with Children (and vulnerable adults) • Regulated Activity • Controlled activity
What is Regulated Activity? • Any activity which involves contact with children and is of a specified nature (e.g. Teaching, training, care, supervision, advice, treatment of transport) …..Frequently, intensively and/or overnight
Regulated Activity Continued • Any activity allowing contact with children and which is in a specified place (e.g. schools, care homes, etc) frequently or intensively
Regulated Activity Continued • Fostering and child care • Certain defined positions of responsibility for example; school governors, direct of children’s services, children’s charity trustees
Regulated Activity Continued • Those employed (nannies and care workers) by domestic employers (parents and carers) • The self employed ( e.g. Music Teachers)
Definitions: • Frequently: • once a month or more • Intensively: • takes place on more than 3 days in a 30 day period
Controlled Activity • Support workers in general health, NHS or FE settings (e.g. cleaner, caretaker, shop worker, catering staff, car park attendant, receptionist
Controlled Activity Continued • Those working for specified organisations (e.g. a Local Authority) with frequent access to sensitive records about children and vulnerable adults
Duties and responsibilities- Regulated Activity • To undertake regulated activity the person must be a member of the scheme and subject to monitoring • A barred person must not undertake Regulated Activity • No distinction is made between paid and voluntary work
Duties and responsibilities- Regulated Activity Continued • An employer must check that an employee in regulated activity is subject to monitoring • An employer must not engage in regulated activity a barred person or a person who is not subject to monitoring
Duties and Responsibilities Regulated Activity continued • Personal and family relationship are not covered • It will not be mandatory for employers in domestic circumstances to check their employees, but they can. • A barred person must not engage in this employment
Duties and responsibilities Controlled Activity • It will be mandatory to check individuals in Controlled Activity • A barred person can be employed in Controlled Activity, providing safeguards have been put in place
Process: • Application to the ISA scheme will be via CRB – who will gather and monitor information and provide a facility for on line checks and continuous updates
Process continued • Individuals within England and Wales will apply to join the scheme through a registered body, decisions to register or remove an individual from the scheme is the responsibility of the ISA
Process Continued • ISA Registration is a one off registration, concerned with safeguarding not malpractice • It DOES NOT replace a CRB Check - individuals starting or moving jobs will still be subject to CRB checks appropriate to their post
Implementation • Effective from 12 October 2009 • Cost of registration £64 per person • Fee consists of two elements: • £28 Registration Process • £36 CRB costs
Implementation Continued • Likely to start with newly qualified and moving staff • Working through the existing workforce from those in post pre- CRB to those with most recently undertaken checks
Group Discussion • What issues arise from this for you, specifically in relation to: • Custom and Practice • Organisational structures, • Lines of communication, both internal to your organisation and with other agency partners, • Training needs and awareness raising