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Local Agency Instructional Memorandum 6.000 Construction Inspection

Learn the definitions of key construction inspection terms and understand the duties and functions of personnel involved in construction projects. Gain valuable insights into preconstruction inspection tasks and field responsibilities.

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Local Agency Instructional Memorandum 6.000 Construction Inspection

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  1. Local Agency Instructional Memorandum 6.000 Construction Inspection

  2. I.M. 6.000 Construction InspectionDefinitions • Administering Office • Contract Administrator • Contracting Authority • Contractor • Inspector • Person in Responsible Charge (PIRC) • Project Engineer

  3. I.M. 6.000 Construction InspectionDefinitions • Administering Office • The Iowa DOT’s representative who is responsible for oversight of the project. • Regional Local Systems Engineer • Office of Systems Planning • District Construction Engineer

  4. I.M. 6.000 Construction InspectionDefinitions • Contract Administrator • The Agency’s assigned representative (Agency Project Engineer, PIRC, or other LPA employee or designee) who is responsible for all aspects of administration and inspection. • Carries out the day-to-day duties on the project to ensure that the work is in compliance with the contract documents.

  5. I.M. 6.000 Construction InspectionDefinitions • Contracting Authority • The governmental body, board, commission, or officer having authority to award a contract.

  6. I.M. 6.000 Construction InspectionDefinitions • Contractor • The individual, firm, corporation, or joint venture contracting with the Contracting Authority for performance of prescribed work.

  7. I.M. 6.000 Construction InspectionDefinitions • Inspector • The authorized representative of the Engineer assigned to make a detailed inspection of any or all portions of the work, or materials.

  8. I.M. 6.000 Construction InspectionDefinitions • Person in Responsible Charge (PIRC) • A full time employee of a Local Public Agency (LPA) who is in responsible charge of the project. • City or County Engineer • Mayor or City Clerk

  9. I.M. 6.000 Construction InspectionDefinitions • Duties & Functions of the PIRC • Administer governmental project activities. • Maintain familiarity with day to day project operations, including project safety issues. • Make or participate in decisions about changes that require Change Orders or supplemental contracts. • Maintain familiarity with project progress

  10. I.M. 6.000 Construction InspectionDefinitions • Duties & Functions of the PIRC (cont.) • Review financial processes, transactions and documentation. • Direct project staff (agency or consultant) in matters of project administration, contract oversight, and proper documentation. • Maintain awareness of the qualifications, assignments, and on-the-job performance of LPA and consultant staff on the project.

  11. I.M. 6.000 Construction InspectionDefinitions • Project Engineer • A Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Iowa and authorized representative of the Contracting Authority. • Article 1105.01 The Engineer will decide all questions which may arise as to the quality and acceptability of materials furnished and work performed and as to the rate of progress of the work, all disputed and mutual rights between contractor, all contract documents, and all questions as to the acceptable fulfillment of the contract on the part of the Contractor. The Engineer's decisions will be final.

  12. I.M. 6.000 Construction InspectionPreconstruction Inspection Duties • Color coding of Plans (recommended) • Office Tasks • Develop a filing system • Prepare IM 3.910, Attachment E • Review Construction Manual Chapter 3

  13. I.M. 6.000 Construction InspectionPreconstruction Inspection Duties • Field Tasks • Tying Section Corners, • Marking stations/linear reference points, • Identify survey points needed for construction, • Mark super-elevated curves for transitions, • Mark fill areas for leveling courses,

  14. I.M. 6.000 Construction InspectionPreconstruction Inspection Duties • Field Tasks (continued) • Identify deviations in roadway crown that may affect overlay thickness, • Stake structures, • Tying Section Corners, • Marking stations/linear reference points, • Identify survey points needed for construction,

  15. I.M. 6.000 Construction InspectionPreconstruction Inspection Duties • Field Tasks (continued) • Mark super-elevated curves for transitions, • Mark fill areas for leveling courses, • Identify deviations in roadway crown that may affect overlay thickness, • Stake structures, • Mark areas identified in plan tabulations and cross check locations on plans to field,

  16. I.M. 6.000 Construction InspectionPreconstruction Inspection Duties • Field Tasks (continued) • Take preconstruction photos or videos, • Identify environmental or cultural sensitive areas and make sure they are identified on the plans, • Develop preliminary cross-sections for earthwork items, • Make sure there is a 10’ straight edge if smoothness is not specified on the contract documents.

  17. I.M. 6.000 Construction InspectionPreconstruction Inspection Duties • Setting up Field Records • The Contract Administering staff must: • maintain project records properly, • preserve all source documentation, • backup electronic files, and • make all documentation readily available when needed. • A log of all employees providing documentation for a project (Project Information Sheet) should be maintained, including their signature and initials.

  18. I.M. 6.000 Construction InspectionPreconstruction Inspection Duties • Doc Express • IDOT – all projects • County projects • Before January, 2018 letting by request • Starting January, 2018 all projects • City projects • Before July, 2018 letting by request • Starting July, 2018 all projects

  19. I.M. 6.000 Construction InspectionPreconstruction Inspection Duties • Doc Express • A secure, web based, electronic document submittal program • A digital filing cabinet document exchange • Provides remote access to project documents • Administering Office & Field Auditors • Agency, Engineering, and Inspection staff • Contractor & Subcontractors • Materials Suppliers

  20. I.M. 6.000 Construction InspectionPreconstruction Inspection Duties • FieldBook2 and FieldManager • FieldBook2 • An automated record keeping system that is used by some field staff to document construction progress. • A PC “front-end” to FieldManager. • FieldManager • Interfaces with the Iowa DOT’s mainframe contractor payment system.

  21. I.M. 6.000 Construction InspectionPreconstruction Inspection Duties • FieldBook2 and FieldManager • Gathers information on item progress only • Supporting documentation must be maintained separately. • Need to be made available to the inspector either electronically or in hard copy format to track the support information for the individual items that require them.

  22. I.M. 6.000 Construction InspectionPreconstruction Inspection Duties • Appia • A web application for construction administration and inspection. • Works with Doc Express to file documents after completion. • Manages: • daily reporting, • funding, • items change orders, • and payments.

  23. I.M. 6.000 Construction InspectionPreconstruction Inspection Duties • Appia • The future of Contract Documentation for LPA’s. • SWAP funds will be used for the licensing fee. • Will have the ability to keep project records for ALL projects using this software • Not just direct pay projects!

  24. DocExpress and AppiaTraining Opportunities • For information on DocExpress or Appia for Local Agency Projects please contact: Tammi Bell E-Construction Administrator Office of Local Systems 515-239-1529 tammi.bell@iowadot.us

  25. DocExpress and Fieldbook/FieldManagerTraining Opportunities • For information on DocExpress or Fieldbook/FIeldManager for IowaDOT Projects please contact: Janet Wasteney Doc Express/FieldManager/AASHTOWare construction coordinator 641-782-2096janet.wasteney@iowadot.us

  26. I.M. 6.000 Construction InspectionPreconstruction Inspection Duties • Loose Leaf Forms • Six Standard Forms (needed if not using FieldManager or Appia) • Project Index and Project Index-A • Project Information • Inspector’s Checklist • Daily Diary forms • Daily 1 • Daily 2

  27. I.M. 6.000 Construction InspectionPreconstruction Inspection Duties • Daily Diary/Inspector’s Daily Record (IDR) • Document Information needed for Weekly Report of Working Days • Who was working? • What happened? • Where was work being done? • When did things happen?

  28. I.M. 6.000 Construction InspectionPreconstruction Inspection Duties • Daily Diary/Inspector’s Daily Record (IDR) • Document Information needed for Weekly Report of Working Days • What construction methods and equipment were used? • Were there any visitors to the project and if so, who? • Were any modifications to the contract documents authorized and by whom? • Always sign at the end of each daily entry!

  29. I.M. 6.000 Construction InspectionPreconstruction Inspection Duties • Item Progress Forms • Not needed if using FieldManager or Appia • Begin with “E0xx” where xx is the form number. • For every item there is a form E0xx and a form E0xxA for additional entries that don’t fit on the E0xx form. • Used to document the measurement of completed items for Contractor Payment.

  30. I.M. 6.000 Construction InspectionPreconstruction Inspection Duties • Support Forms • (Always needed!) • Begin with “E1xx” where xx is the form number. • Used to document field test results, samples, measurements, temperatures, observations, etc. for individual items. • Not all items require a support form and some items require multiple support forms. • If the same support form is required for more than one item, a separate form shall be included for each of those items.

  31. I.M. 6.000 Construction InspectionPreconstruction Inspection Duties • Other Documents to include in the Field Records: • See Attachment E – Iowa DOT Field Inspection Review Report to see items that are required for both the Office Files and also the Inspector’s Records for Construction Projects. • Also refer to Local Agency IM 6.110 Final Review, Audit, and Close-out Procedures ***for Federal-aid Projects

  32. I.M. 6.000 Construction Inspection • Att. A – Preconstruction Inspection Process Flowchart • Att. B – Construction Inspection Process Flowchart • Att. C – Subcontract Review and Authorization Process – Post Award Flowchart

  33. I.M. 6.000 Construction Inspection • Att. D – Local Public Agency Construction Administration Guidance • This is a rewrite of Chapter 2 of the Construction Manual. • It has been modified to follow the process used for Local Agency contracts. • The Appendices of Chapter 2 of the Construction Manual still apply.

  34. I.M. 6.000 Construction Inspection • Att. E – Iowa DOT Field Inspection Review Report • Att. F – Doc Express Instructions for Local Public Agencies • Att. G - Reserved for Sample Scope of Service for Consultant Construction Inspection • This is an attachment that is being developed

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