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0. Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply. 20. In this chapter, look for the answers to these questions:. 0. What are economic fluctuations? What are their characteristics? How does the model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply explain economic fluctuations?
0 Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply 20
In this chapter, look for the answers to these questions: 0 • What are economic fluctuations? What are their characteristics? • How does the model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply explain economic fluctuations? • Why does the Aggregate-Demand curve slope downward? What shifts the AD curve? • What is the slope of the Aggregate-Supply curve in the short run? In the long run? What shifts the AS curve(s)? CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
Introduction 0 • Over the long run, real GDP grows about 3% per year on average. • In the short run, GDP fluctuates around its trend. • recessions: periods of falling real incomes and rising unemployment • depressions: severe recessions (very rare) • Short-run economic fluctuations are often called business cycles. CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
$ Three Facts About Economic Fluctuations 0 FACT 1: Economic fluctuations are irregular and unpredictable. U.S. real GDP, billions of 2000 dollars The shaded bars are recessions
$ Three Facts About Economic Fluctuations 0 FACT 2: Most macroeconomic quantities fluctuate together. Investment spending, billions of 2000 dollars
Three Facts About Economic Fluctuations 0 FACT 3: As output falls, unemployment rises. Unemployment rate, percent of labor force
Introduction, continued 0 • Explaining these fluctuations is difficult, and the theory of economic fluctuations is controversial. • Most economists use the model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply to study fluctuations. • This model differs from the classical economic theories economists use to explain the long run. CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
Classical Economics—A Recap 0 • The previous chapters are based on the ideas of classical economics, especially: • The Classical Dichotomy, the separation of variables into two groups: • real – quantities, relative prices • nominal – measured in terms of money • The neutrality of money: Changes in the money supply affect nominal but not real variables. CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
Classical Economics—A Recap 0 • Most economists believe classical theory describes the world in the long run, but not the short run. • In the short run, changes in nominal variables (like the money supply or P ) can affect real variables (like Y or the u-rate). • To study the short run, we use a new model. CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
P The price level SRAS P1 AD Y Y1 Real GDP, the quantity of output The Model of Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply 0 “Short-Run Aggregate Supply” The model determines the eq’m price level “Aggregate Demand” and the eq’m level of output (real GDP). CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
P P2 P1 AD Y Y2 Y1 The Aggregate-Demand (AD) Curve 0 The AD curve shows the quantity of all g&s demanded in the economy at any given price level. CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
P P2 P1 AD Y Y2 Y1 Why the ADCurve Slopes Downward 0 Y = C + I + G + NX C, I, G, NX are the components of agg. demand. Assume G fixed by govt policy. To understand the slope of AD, must determine how a change in P affects C, I, and NX. Y1 CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
The Wealth Effect (P and C ) 0 • Suppose P rises. • The dollars people hold buy fewer g&s, so real wealth is lower. • People feel poorer, so they spend less. • Thus, an increase in P causes a fall in C …which means a smaller quantity of g&s demanded. CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
The Interest-Rate Effect (P and I ) 0 • Suppose P rises. • Buying g&s requires more dollars. • To get these dollars, people sell some of their bonds or other assets, which drives up interest rates. …which increases the cost of borrowing to fund investment projects. • Thus, an increase in P causes a decrease in I …which means a smaller quantity of g&s demanded. CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
The Exchange-Rate Effect (P and NX ) 0 • Suppose P rises. • Interest rates go up (the interest-rate effect). • U.S. bonds more attractive relative to foreign bonds. • Foreign investors purchase more U.S. bonds,but first must convert their currency into $ …which appreciates the U.S. exchange rate. • Makes U.S. exports more expensive to people abroad, imports cheaper to U.S. residents. • Thus, an increase in P causes a decrease in NX …which means a smaller quantity of g&s demanded. 14
P P2 Y Y2 The Slope of the ADCurve: Summary 0 An increase in P reduces the quantity of g&s demanded because: • the wealth effect (C falls) P1 • the interest-rate effect (I falls) AD • the exchange-rate effect (NX falls) Y1 CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
P P1 AD2 AD1 Y Y1 Y2 Why the ADCurve Might Shift 0 Any event that changes C, I, G, or NX– except a change in P– will shift the AD curve. Example: A stock market boom makes households feel wealthier, C rises, the AD curve shifts right. CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
ADShifts Arising from Changes in C 0 • people decide to save more:C falls, AD shifts left • stock market crash:C falls, AD shifts left • tax cut:C rises, AD shifts right CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
ADShifts Arising from Changes in I 0 • Firms decide to upgrade their computers:I rises, AD shifts right • Firms become pessimistic about future demand:I falls, AD shifts left • Central bank uses monetary policy to reduce interest rates:I rises, AD shifts right • Investment Tax Credit or other tax incentive: I rises, AD shifts right CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
ADShifts Arising from Changes in G 0 • Congress increases spending on homeland security:G rises, AD shifts right • State govts cut spending on road construction:G falls, AD shifts left CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
ADShifts Arising from Changes in NX 0 • A boom overseas increases foreign demand for our exports:NX rises, AD shifts right • International speculators cause exchange rate to appreciate:NX falls, AD shifts left CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
ACTIVE LEARNING 1: Exercise 0 Try this without looking at your notes. What happens to the AD curve in each of the following scenarios? A. A ten-year-old investment tax credit expires. B. The U.S. exchange rate falls. C. A fall in prices increases the real value of consumers’ wealth. D. State governments replace their sales taxes with new taxes on interest, dividends, and capital gains. 21
ACTIVE LEARNING 1: Answers 0 A. A ten-year-old investment tax credit expires. I falls, AD curve shifts left. B. The U.S. exchange rate falls. NX rises, AD curve shifts right. C. A fall in prices increases the real value of consumers’ wealth. Move down along AD curve (wealth-effect). D. State governments replace sales taxes with new taxes on interest, dividends, and capital gains. C rises, AD shifts right. 22
LRAS P SRAS Y The Aggregate-Supply (AS) Curves 0 The AS curve shows the total quantity of g&s firms produce and sell at any given price level. In the short run, AS is upward-sloping. In the long run, AS is vertical. CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
LRAS P Y The Long-Run Aggregate-Supply Curve (LRAS) 0 The natural rate of output (YN) is the amount of output the economy produces when unemployment is at its natural rate. YN is also called potential output or full-employment output. YN CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
LRAS P P1 P2 Y Why LRASIs Vertical 0 YN depends on the economy’s stocks of labor, capital, and natural resources, and on the level of technology. An increase in P does not affect any of these, so it does not affect YN. (Classical dichotomy) YN CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
LRAS1 LRAS2 P Y ’ YN Why the LRASCurve Might Shift 0 Any event that changes any of the determinants of YN will shift LRAS. Example: Immigration increases L, causing YN to rise. YN CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
LRASShifts Arising from Changes in L 0 • The Baby Boom generation retires:L falls, LRAS shifts left • New govt policies reduce the natural rate of unemployment: the % of the labor force normally employed rises, LRAS shifts right CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
LRASShifts Arising from Changes in Physical or Human Capital 0 • Investment in factories or equipment:K rises, LRAS shifts right • More people get college degrees: Human capital rises, LRAS shifts right • Earthquakes or hurricanes destroy factories: K falls, LRAS shifts left CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
LRASShifts Arising from Changes in Natural Resources 0 • A change in weather patterns makes farming more difficult:LRAS shifts left • Discovery of new mineral deposits: LRAS shifts right • Reduction in supply of imported oil or other resources:LRAS shifts right CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
LRASShifts Arising from Changes in Technology 0 • Technological advances allow more output to be produced from a given bundle of inputs:LRAS shifts right. CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
LRAS1990 P LRAS1980 LRAS2000 P2000 P1990 AD2000 P1980 AD1990 AD1980 Y Using AD& ASto Depict LRGrowth and Inflation 0 Over the long run, tech. progress shifts LRAS to the right and growth in the money supply shifts AD to the right. Result: ongoing inflation and growth in output. Y2000 Y1980 Y1990 CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
P SRAS P2 P1 Y Y1 Y2 Short Run Aggregate Supply (SRAS) 0 The SRAS curve is upward sloping: Over the period of 1-2 years, an increase in P causes an increase in the quantity of g & s supplied. CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
P Phi SRAS Phi ADhi Plo Plo ADlo Y Ylo Yhi Why the Slope of SRASMatters 0 If AS is vertical, fluctuations in ADdo not cause fluctuations in output or employment. LRAS If AS slopes up, then shifts in ADdo affect output and employment. AD1 Y1 CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
Three Theories of SRAS 0 In each, • some type of market imperfection • result: Output deviates from its natural rate when the actual price level deviates from the price level people expected. CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
1. The Sticky-Wage Theory 0 • Imperfection: Nominal wages are sticky in the short run,they adjust sluggishly. • Due to labor contracts, social norms. • Firms and workers set the nominal wage in advance based on PE, the price level they expect to prevail. CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
1. The Sticky-Wage Theory 0 • If P > PE, revenue is higher, but labor cost is not (because of its stickyness). Production is more profitable, so firms increase output and employment. • Hence, higher P causes higher Y, so the SRAS curve slopes upward. CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
2. The Sticky-Price Theory 0 • Imperfection: Many prices are sticky in the short run. • Due to menu costs, the costs of adjusting prices. • Examples: cost of printing new menus, the time required to change price tags. • Firms set sticky prices in advance based on PE. CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
2. The Sticky-Price Theory 0 • Suppose the Fed increases the money supply unexpectedly. In the long run, P will rise. • In the short run, firms without menu costs can raise their prices immediately. • Firms with menu costs wait to raise prices. Meantime, their prices are relatively low, which increases demand for their products,so they increase output and employment. • Hence, higher P is associated with higher Y, so the SRAS curve slopes upward. CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
3. The Misperceptions Theory 0 • Imperfection: Firms may confuse changes in P with changes in the relative price of the products they sell. • If P rises above PE, a firm sees its price rise before realizing all prices are rising. The firm may believe its relative price is rising, and may increase output and employment. • So, an increase in P can cause an increase in Y, making the SRAS curve upward-sloping. CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
Output Expected price level Natural rate of output (long-run) a > 0, measures how much Y responds to unexpected changes in P Actual price level What the 3 Theories Have in Common: 0 Each of the 3 theories implies Y deviates from YN when Pdeviates from PE. Y = YN + a(P– PE) CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
P SRAS When P > PE the expected price level PE When P < PE Y YN Y < YN Y > YN Three Theories of SRAS 0 CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
SRASand LRAS 0 • The imperfections in these theories are temporary. Over time, • sticky wages and prices become flexible • misperceptions are corrected • In the LR, • PE = P • AS curve is vertical CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
LRAS P SRAS SRAS PE PE Y Why the SRASCurve Might Shift 0 Everything that shifts LRAS shifts SRAS, too. Also, PE shifts SRAS: If PE rises, workers & firms set higher wages. At each P, production is less profitable, Yfalls, SRAS shifts left. YN CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
P Y The Long-Run Equilibrium 0 In the long-run equilibrium, PE = P, Y = YN , and unemployment is at its natural rate. LRAS SRAS PE AD YN CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
Economic Fluctuations 0 • Caused by events that shift the AD and/or AS curves. • Four steps to analyzing economic fluctuations: 1.Determine whether the event shifts AD or AS. 2. Determine whether curve shifts left or right. 3. Use AD-AS diagram to see how the shift changes Y and P in the short run. 4. Use AD-AS diagram to see how economy moves from new SR eq’m to new LR eq’m. CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
LRAS P SRAS1 SRAS2 P1 P2 B AD1 P3 C AD2 Y YN Y2 The Effects of a Shift in AD 0 Event: stock market crash 1. affects C, AD curve 2. C falls, so AD shifts left 3. SR eq’m at B. P and Y lower,unemp higher 4. Over time, PE falls, SRAS shifts right,until LR eq’m at C.Y and unemp back at initial levels. A CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
Two Big AD Shifts: 1. The Great Depression 0 From 1929-1933, • money supply fell 28% due to problems in banking system • stock prices fell 90%, reducing C and I • Y fell 27% • P fell 22% • unemp rose from 3% to 25% U.S. Real GDP, billions of 2000 dollars CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY
Two Big AD Shifts: 2. The World War II Boom 0 From 1939-1944, • govt outlays rose from $9.1 billion to $91.3 billion • Y rose 90% • P rose 20% • unemp fell from 17% to 1% U.S. Real GDP, billions of 2000 dollars CHAPTER 33 AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY