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Brackenridge High School 2014-2015 What You Need to Know Not to take the place of the Student Handbook. Brackenridge High School’s Leader. Mr. Chris Castro Principal Main Office Brackenridge HS Class of 1995 B.A.,Texas Tech University Class of 2000
Brackenridge High School2014-2015What You Need to KnowNot to take the place of the Student Handbook
Brackenridge High School’s Leader Mr. Chris Castro Principal Main Office Brackenridge HS Class of 1995 B.A.,Texas Tech University Class of 2000 M.Ed., University of Texas-SA Class of 2008
Administration Ms. DemetriaSance, Academic Dean-Class of 2018 Rm. 233A Ms. Lynn Lynch, Academic Dean-Class of 2017 Rm. 114 Mr. Manuel Flores, Academic Dean-Class of 2016 Rm. 220A Mr. Rickey Harrell, Academic Dean-Class of 2015 Rm. 271
Counselors Mr. Roy Poy Last Name A – De Rm. 268A Ms. Annie Aguayo Last Name Di – I Rm. 268B Ms. Mandie Holtsford Last Name J – O Go Center Ms. Margie Wilkins Last Name P – Sl Go Center Ms. Angelica Lozano Last Name Sm – Z Go Center
Policies & procedures help… • Maintain a Respectful, Safe, and Orderly Learning Environment • Prepare Students for a Profession / Career • Enforce Student Code of Conduct issued by the San Antonio ISD School Board & State Legislature
Student Dress Code • Spirit or student organization tee-shirts (purple and white color only) may be used in lieu of White or Purple polo style shirts/blouses (under shirts must also be purple or white) • Khaki pants and shorts (no oversized t-shirts or micro shorts will be allowed) • Foot ware – No flip flops or Slip-on sliders • Caps, visors or other head apparel are not allowed in the building • Spike belts, collars or bracelets; heavy link chains, or wallet chains on belt loops will not be allowed • Mesh Back Packs are encouraged
Pants / Shorts / Skirts • Pants, skirts, and shorts must be khaki colored & no other color is acceptable • NO sagging, over-sized pants • Pants must be kept at the waist area • Pants up high or OCI • Skirts/shorts may not be more than three inches above the knee • Refer to the Student Code of Conduct
Piercings • Students may not wear piercings on any part of the face to include cheek, lip, brow, nose or tongue • Only acceptable piercing is the ear • Gauges are not allowed in ear • Refer to the Student Code of Conduct
Be prepared…First, fix the uniform …. • A student who is out of uniform will be asked to try to correct the problem quickly so the student can remain in class and learn. • If the problem cannot be fixed, then the student will be sent to OCI for the day or until the infraction can be corrected.
Head Wear & Backpacks • You are here to learn! Headwear is distracting… • Once a hoodie is on your head, it is headwear and may be confiscated by a teacher or an administrator. • Keep caps out of sight, and keep them in your backpack throughout the school day, otherwise, they will be confiscated with a $15 charge to get them back. • Mesh/see-through backpacks encouraged. • Keep your backpack under your desk during instruction.
Hair … Dress Code Violations • Hair color must be within the range of natural colors • NO hot pink, florescent red, green, neon blue, or other unusual colors • Will have until next Tuesday, Sept. 2nd to correct • NO mohawks • NO distracting hair styles
Attendance • Students must take doctors and parent notes to the attendance office within two days of the absence • No more than 8 parent notes allowed per year to be considered excused • Turn in doctor’s notes promptly • Students leaving campus during the school day MUST be signed out by a parent/ guardian (who is listed on the AGR card) through the attendance office • Excessive absences may result in loss of credit by the Brackenridge Attendance Committee
Lunch Schedules • 3 lunches / 30 minutes in length with approximately 675 students each • 1st Lunch - ROOMS: 255 – 267; 230 - 239 • 2nd Lunch - ROOMS: 131, 201-212, 805-811, 109-125, Building “C,” Practical Arts, Gym (Everyone on 1st floor and outside with exception of 201-212) • 3rd Lunch - ROOMS: 214 – 216, 221 – 229, 240-248, 250 – 253, 269, 270
Closed Campus • Brackenridge is a closed campus. • Students must remain on campus between the hours of 8:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. / the school day • Students may NOT leave campus to eat lunch at another location • Parents may bring lunch to their student only and leave with Attendance Office • See the Student Code of Conduct… penalty for leaving campus without going through the attendance office procedure is parent contact / suspension or OCI
Student Food & Drinks • Please no food, drinks, or big styrofoam cups in the classrooms during instructional time. • Food in classrooms before or after school must be monitored and supervised by a teacher. (Students must have an official pass to carry) • First period is an exception.
Eagle Tardy Policy Procedures: • Eagle Tardy System will begin the 2nd week of school on Tuesday, September 2, 2014. • Each teacher will take attendance each class period. • After 3 classroom tardies, teachers will contact parents; call logs will be turned in by lunch on Monday for the previous week. • During 8th period daily, teachers will remind students of any assigned detentions.
Eagle Tardy Policy Consequence System: 1st - 3rd tardy = Warning 4th tardy = Teacher contacts parent5th tardy = 1 hour detention6th tardy = Mandatory Parent Conference (with teacher or administrator), detention and attendance contract7th + tardy = Saturday school, ISS or suspension
PLASCO • After the first week, students are not to be admitted into class if they are late unless they have: • A PLASCO issued ticket that either gives them a tardy/pass (excused or unexcused) Teachers and administrators need to be consistent with the procedures for PLASCO to work.
Cell Phone / Electronic Device Usage – SAISD Policy • Students are not allowed to use cell phones or any electronic device during the school day • Electronic devices of any kind are not allowed (including iPods, mp3 players, PSPs) during the school day • Ear buds should not be visible during the school day • These items will be confiscated and turned in to the main office
CELLULAR & ELECTRONIC DEVICE Use at School ----Violation Procedures • 1st Offense – Verbal warning and reminder given to student that electronic devices may be confiscated and fines assessed for the return of the device in accordance with the Telecommunications / Electronic Devices Procedures. • 2nd Offense – Electronic device confiscated and returned to parent/legal guardian at end of the school day. Parent/guardian signature and date required for receipt of device and parents will receive an additional copy of the Telecommunications/Electronic Devices Procedures. • 3rd Offense – Device confiscated and $10 fine assessed for return of the item. Parents/legal guardians may pick up the device at the end of the day after the fine has been collected. • 4th Offense & Subsequent Offenses – Device confiscated and $15 fine assessed for return of the item. Parents/legal guardians may pick up the device at the end of the day after the fine has been collected.
Items will be Confiscated • Teachers and administrators have the authority to confiscate items that violate the dress code, cell phone policy, and electronic device policies. • In order to avoid further consequences, students must cooperate and give these items to the teacher or administrator who will turn these items in to the main office promptly. • Once an item is turned in to the office, a parent or guardian may sign for and pick these items up at the end of the school day.
Hall Passes – School Policy • For school safety, hall passes are NOT to be issued the first 10 minutes of class and the last 10 minutes of class! • Students must have a completed hall pass with a teacher’s signature before leaving class to go to the restroom, the counselor’s office, or any location designated by the teacher. • Hall passes must have the date, time, class period, room number, destination, and proper signatures.
Hall Pass Procedures • When issued a hall pass, students are expected to report directly to the designated location only and to return promptly. • A student found without a hall pass will be sent to an administrator.
Schedule Changes • Students with a full eight period schedule will report to classes as scheduled • Requests for schedule changes will be made through the counselors’ secretary, Ms. Solorzano in the Library. The requests will be considered the first and second weeks of school. • The only legitimate reasons for schedule changes are that the credit has already been earned or the student is not in their magnet course.
Clinic Personnel • Nurse • Ms. Naomi Cruz, R.N. • Ms. Melissa Garza, Health Asst. • Referral to Nurse from Classroom Teacher is REQUIRED Procedure: Students must have a nurse referral from the classroom teacher to be seen by the nurse.
SAISD On-campus Police & Probation Officers • Officer Sepulveda & Officer Huron • Bexar County Probation OfficerMs. Stephanie Tarango • Location: 1st Floor – Main Office Area
BE BETTER! Our goal as an organization is to continuously work towards self-improvement – adults AND students. Remember, you are a reflection of your family, your school, and your community, so make it a positive one! Best wishes for a great school year!