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Right now…. Sign up for your Unit 0 packet at the Supply Center. If you owe me any work, turn it into the BLUE bin by the door. Then, silently find your seat and take out a pen AND a pencil.
Right now… • Sign up for your Unit 0 packet at the Supply Center. • If you owe me any work, turn it into the BLUE bin by the door. • Then, silently find your seat and take out a pen AND a pencil. • When you receive your packet, understand that you will NOT receive another copy of it. If you lose it or damage it, it is your responsibility to get a hold of it, either by copying it from a friend or by printing it off online. • You MUST bring it to class everyday. If you choose not to have it in class, I may choose not to have you in class.
Unit 0 – Back to Basics Geography, History, Time
Objectives • SWBAT write their HW: • Review vocabulary AND do vocabulary practice on pg. 2 – due tomorrow. • Quiz on Monday, 09/09 – learn all of the US states and their locations on a map. Spelling counts. You must also know their abbreviations. (This is not a joke. Get serious. We’re in the big leagues now.) • Don’t forget – EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY TODAY AFTER SCHOOL! • SWBAT remediate continents, oceans, and the states.
Now… • Write your name on your packet in PEN. • Take a minute to SILENTLY flip through your packet. • Your packet will go under the “NOTES” divider when it is not in use. • Put your pen away. With your pencil, go over the continents and the oceans on page 3. • Remember – How many continents are there? How many oceans? Be sure to correctly spell/locate them.
Continents Oceans Water makes up 70% of the Earth 5 oceans total Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Arctic Ocean Southern (Antarctic) Ocean All connected oceans World Ocean • 7continents made up of 5 land masses. • Asia • Africa • North America • South America • Australia • Antarctica • Europe • Asia and Europe connected on one land mass • North America and South America are on one land mass
Alaska (NW of the contiguous states) Canada (N) United States of America Hawaii (W of the contiguous states) Mexico (S)
The United States Northeast Region
United States • Remember, by Monday you need to know • Every state • The location of each state • The correct spelling of each state • The correct abbreviation for each state • List of states (click)
Vocabulary Practice Answer the following in complete sentences. You may not use your packet. • Explain how Earth, continents, countries, states, and cities relate to each other. • Explain how Earth, continents, and oceans relate to each other. • What is the difference between lines of latitude and lines of longitude? • Name the most important line of latitude and line of longitude. • What word would describe “half of the earth”? • Finished? Go to the Supply Center and grab 2 different colored pencils. Silently return to your seat and write down your HW.
Objectives • SWBAT write their HW: • Study US states (spelling, abbreviations, locations), Alabama cities/counties, and relationships between vocabulary words (#1-11) • QUIZ ON MONDAY! • SWBAT identify important cities/counties in Alabama. • SWBAT practice locations, spellings, and abbreviations of the 50 states in the US.
TENNESSEE Page 5 Huntsville Gadsden Birmingham GEORGIA Tuscaloosa MISSISSIPPI Montgomery Dothan FLORIDA Mobile GULF OF MEXICO
Using the counties map and 2 colored pencils: • Lightly shade in Greene, Jefferson, and Montgomery in the same color. • Lightly shade in Hale, Tuscaloosa, Pickens, Sumter, and Marengo in the same color.
Now… • Use this as practice time for Monday’s Quiz. • States song 1 • States song 2 • You will need to know the following: • All 50 states (practice sheet) • Locations, spelling, abbreviation • Alabama • Important cities (with spelling) • Borders • Counties (the shaded ones) • Vocabulary • Relationship between them (look over vocabulary practice, 1-11)
Objectives • SWBAT write their HW: • Read/annotate notes on page 7 (I-III) – due tomorrow • Read/annotate pg. 9 (“History”) – due tomorrow • US Capitals quiz: Monday, 09.16 • Unit 0 Test: Wednesday, 09.18 • 9/11 Essay: due by email on Tuesday, 09.24 (midnight) • SWBAT take/grade their Unit 0 Map Quiz. • Put everything away except a pen/pencil. REMAIN SILENT. • You will have 25 minutes. • You can listen to your own music as long as (1) you have headphones, (2) I can’t hear it, and (3) it is not on a cellphone. • SWBAT identify state capitals.
Grading Corrections • Be sure you tracked each section of the quiz by writing in the total amount of points for the section next to the section title. • Add up all of your points. Write it on the first line in the box below your name. Be sure to include the bonus (since this is a quiz). • Divide your total points by 50. You will get a decimal. • Multiply decimal by 100. This is your score. Write it on the percentage line. • 102%-90 = A • 89-80 = B • 79-70 = C • 69-60 = D • Below 60 is an “F” Silently pass up your quiz and red pen. Once you have passed it up, take out your packet and turn to page 6. REMAIN SILENT.
Objectives • SWBAT write their HW: • Read/annotate notes on page 8 (IV – “Geography”) – due tomorrow • Read/annotate notes on page 10 (“Geography”) – due tomorrow • EXTRA CREDIT QUIZ A: Watch Obama’s interview tonight on Syria. Summarize the interview in one page. Basic questions to answer: Why does he believe the US should intervene in Syria? What challenges are there in entering the war? Who are his opponents and why? • US Capitals quiz: Monday, 09.16 • Unit 0 Test: Wednesday, 09.18 • 9/11 Essay: due by email on Tuesday, 09.24 (midnight) • SWBAT analyze History and time notes. • SWBAT practice creating timelines.
Unit 0 Test Capitals quiz MICHEL ABSENT MICHEL ABSENT MICHEL ABSENT 9/11 Essay due @midnight (email)
State Capitals • Remember, by Monday you need to know: • Every state capital and the correct spelling. • The location of each state. • The correct spelling of each state. • The correct abbreviation for each state. • List of state capitals (click)
“History,” pg. 9 • Last night, you were supposed to read and annotate the article on pg. 9 of your packet entitled “History.” • In your bellringer notebook, answer the questions from the article. Be sure to follow all directions. Answer in complete sentences. • This is NOT the time to try to annotate your work now. • You will have 8 minutes. (annotations)
Pg. 7: Notes • “He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” – George Orwell (annotations) • Take 30 seconds to analyze (break down) the quote. • Then, turn to your group. Take 1 minute to try to analyze it as a group. • Then, take 2 minutes to evaluate (judge; form an opinion) on the quote – Do you agree? Why/why not? Give proof. • Then, we will turn as a class and spend a few minutes discussing it.
Right Now… • Keep in mind you are about to change seats. While you are waiting, please write down your HW for tonight: • Read/annotate pg. 12 “Dreaming Upside-Down” by Tom Peterson – due tomorrow • Remember: Quiz on Monday! • NOTE: TOMORROW WE ARE MEETING IN THE MAC LAB – ROOM 102. Don’t be late.
What’s on Monday’s quiz? • You will need to know the following: • All 50 states • Locations, spelling, abbreviation • All 50 state capitals • Spelling • Be sure to use your practice sheets!
But what about that project we have due on 9.24?3 parts to project 3 grades • Timeline (physically brought in on Wed., 9.25) • Create a timeline with 9/11 intersecting with your own life (example to be shown on Monday). Must have at least 3 visuals (pictures, drawing, graphs, etc.) • 9/11: Must include Sept. 11, 2001 + 3 other events related to 9/11 (causes/effects). • You: Must include your birth + 5 other important events that changed your life. • Interview (emailed to me) • Must interview one relative or person in the community who is old enough to remember the events of 9/11 as they took place. • Must include your actual interview questions that you wrote ahead of time (at least 10 questions related to 9/11). Must be typed. • Must include the transcript (written or printed version)of the interview. Must be typed. • Written: Essay (emailed to me) • 2-3 pages + cover page + works cited page. Must be double-spaced. • Part 1: Analysis and Evaluation of 9/11 (must include link to war in Iraq) • Part 2: Effects of 9/11 on real life (summary of YOUR interview compared/contrasted to summary of FIRST-HAND account of 9/11) • EXTRA CREDIT Presentation of interview and timeline (3-4 minutes) • Must sign up ahead of time
Objectives • SWBAT take out last night’s HW: • B/R notebook – “Geography” questions • Annotations of pg. 8 (V-VI) • SWBAT analyze opposing sides of a debate. • SWBAT evaluate how our senses create perceptions and prejudice.
Take out your B/R notebook • Title the next PAGE “Mercator vs. Gall-Peters (pg. 11)” • Turn to pg. 11 of your Unit 0 packet • Begin reading and annotating the text. • Then complete the chart as you see it here. • You will have 15 minutes to complete everything.
Have out your Unit 0 packet. Turn to pg. 7. • Evaluate (give an opinion on; judge) the following quote by analyzing it (2pts) and then giving your opinion with EVIDENCE (2pts). • “He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” – George Orwell • Analysis translate both sentences. • According to George Orwell, (1) whoever controls the way the past is being told creates the future. (1) Whoever is in charge NOW gets to decide the way the past is being told. • Evaluation give an opinion AND a great example of why you agree/disagree with it. • (1) I agree with Orwell because (1) …. • (1) I disagree with Orwell because (1) …. • HINT: Hmmm…I wonder if this will pop up on Wednesday’s Unit 0 test? I think it might…Maybe I’ll pay close attention.
Now turn to pg. 13: Timelines • Using the basic parts of a timeline, build Timeline A using the following information: • Jennifer is doing a project on her life for class. In order for her to do this, she needs to turn in a timeline with her project. She has decided the information she wants to show: • Born – 1992 • Accepted into UAB – 2010 • Moved to Birmingham – 2006 • Becomes best friends with Kiara – 2000 • Enters 1st grade – 1997 The GIVEN information
Good, basic timeline needs: Title Markers Event Event dates GIVEN INFORMATION • Born – 1992 • Accepted into UAB – 2010 • Moved to Birmingham – 2006 • Becomes best friends with Kiara – 2000 • Enters 1st grade – 1997 Jennifer’s Life 2010: UAB acceptance 2000:Best friend 1992: Born 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 1997: 1st grade 2006: Birmingham
Now on your own… • Using the basic parts of a timeline, build Timeline B using the following information: • DeAndre is making a gift for his parents’ anniversary. He is using the following information: • Mom and Dad get married: 1995 • Mom and Dad had first kid (DeAndre): 1999 • Mom and Dad had second kid (Marcus): 2007 • Mom and Dad meet at UA: 1991 • Mom and Dad buy first house: 2003
Kevin Cosgrove’s last call • Video
Right now… • Have out a pen/pencil, AND your: • Unit 0 Packet • All articles, notes, and stories should be annotated and highlighted. • Pg. 13: Timelines A and B should be complete with Jennifer and DeAndre’s story. (Thurs., 09.19) • Bellringer notebook • Unit 0 Articles Analysis Questions (Wed., 09.18) • Unit 0 Basic Notes Application Questions, Continued (Fri., 09.20) • Unit 0 Skills Practice (Tues., 09.24) • Unit 0 Skills Practice, Continued (Wed., 09.25) • Binder • HW/Misc.: “Response to Dreaming Upside Down, Pg. 12”– 3 paragraphs (Tues., 09.17)
Today, we are quickly reviewing: • Timelines (pg. 7, 13) • Orientation (pg. 8) – use maps from pgs. 3-5 • How to analyze/evaluate Orwell’s quote (pg. 7) • How to answer questions based on documents (from the articles – all articles will be tested)
Good, basic timeline needs: Title Markers Event Event dates Jennifer’s GIVEN INFORMATION • Born – 1992 • Accepted into UAB – 2010 • Moved to Birmingham – 2006 • Becomes best friends with Kiara – 2000 • Enters 1st grade – 1997 Jennifer’s Life 2010: UAB acceptance 2000:Best friend 1992: Born 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 1997: 1st grade 2006: Birmingham
Good, basic timeline needs: Title Markers Event Event dates DeAndre’s GIVEN INFORMATION • Mom and Dad get married: 1995 • Mom and Dad had first kid (DeAndre): 1999 • Mom and Dad had second kid (Marcus): 2007 • Mom and Dad meet at UA: 1991 • Mom and Dad buy first house: 2003 Mom and Dad’s Married Life 1995: Get married 2003: First house 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 1991: Meet at UA 1999: DeAndre born 2007: Marcus born
Timeline Practice (pg. 7) Bellringer notebook, 09.24 • Jonathan is creating a timeline on the life of Tupac Shakur. Jonathan needs to use 5 years between this markers. He will use the following information in order to complete the timeline: • Tupac’s birth 1971 • Tupac’s death 1996 • Tupac moves to California 1988 • Tupac releases album “Me Against the World” 1995 • Tupac enters Baltimore School for the Arts 1986 • Tupac shot 5 times 1994 Bellringer notebook, 09.25 • Create a timeline using the following information about Aaliyah’s life. There should be 5 years between the markers. • Aaliyah born 1979 • Appeared on “Star Search” 1984 • Released second album “One in a Million” 1996 • Graduated from high school 1997 • Appeared in movie “Romeo Must Die” 2000 • Died in plane crash 2001
Orientation Practice (pg. 8 – maps from pgs. 3-5) Bellringer notebook, 09.20 • Draw a compass rose with the 8 major points. • Which continent is directly north of Africa and west of Asia? • Which continent is directly southeast of Asia and northeast of Antarctica? • Which ocean is west of North America and east of Asia? • Which US states are directly north of Florida? • Which US state is southeast of Tennessee? • Which US state is west of Canada and northwest of the United States? • Which US states is north of the Gulf of Mexico and east of Texas? Bellringer notebook, 09.24, #2 • In which direction is Canada from the contiguous United States? • In which direction is Europe from Africa? • In which direction is the Pacific Ocean from North America? • In which direction is the Gulf of Mexico from Alabama? • In which direction is Louisiana from Texas? • In which direction is the Indian Ocean from Asia? • In which direction is Washington state from Alabama? • In which direction is Maine from Alabama? • In which direction is the contiguous United States from Mexico?
Analysis/Evaluation Practice of Orwell’s quote – pg. 7 • Evaluate (give an opinion on; judge) the following quote by analyzing it (2pts) and then giving your opinion with EVIDENCE (2pts). • “He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” – George Orwell • Analysis translate both sentences. • According to George Orwell, (1) whoever controls the way the past is being told creates the future. (1) Whoever is in charge NOW gets to decide the way the past is being told. • Evaluation give an opinion AND a great example of why you agree/disagree with it. • (1) I agree with Orwell because (1) …. • (1) I disagree with Orwell because (1) ….
More Orwell Practice • For many generations, Gray people have been told by the Pink people that Grays are stupid and have never done anything good. The Pink are the most powerful group in Imaginary Land. Gray people begin to believe they are stupid. If Orwell’s quote is true, what will the Gray people probably do in the future for Imaginary Land and WHY?
Objectives • SWBAT write their HW: • Study for Unit 0 Exam • Monday (Sept. 30): States/Capitals • Tuesday (Oct. 1): General Exam (including general maps, vocabulary, articles, orientation, timelines) • 9/11 Project due dates: • Timeline: Friday, Oct. 4 (in class) • Interview and Essay: Thursday, Oct. 3 by midnight (by email) • SWBAT practice for their Unit 0 Exam.
B/R: Unit 0 PracticeDo not use your notes/any help. • Create a timeline using the following information about Aaliyah’s life. There should be 5 years between the markers. • Aaliyahborn 1979 • Released second album “One in a Million” 1996 • Graduated from high school 1997 • Appeared in movie “Romeo Must Die” 2000 • Died in plane crash 2001
Practice Timeline • Create a timeline on Cynthia’s life with 5 years between the markers using the following information: • Graduates high school (2002) • Marriage to Tyrone (2005) • Birth (1984) • Becomes doctor (2009) • Gives birth to Tyler (2010) Orientation • In which direction is Asia from the Indian Ocean? • In which direction is Australia from Africa? • In which direction is Africa from the Atlantic Ocean? • Which continent is south of North America? • Which continent is west of Europe? • Which continent is southwest of Asia? • Which state is north of Alabama? • Which US state is west of Georgia?
Vocabulary Practice • If “A” represents city, “B” represents county, and “D” represents country, then “C” will represent ____. • If “F” represents Earth, “E” represents continent, and “C” represents country, then “D” will represent ____. A C F E D B
Orwell Practice • For many generations, Gray people have been told by the Pink people that Grays are stupid and have never done anything good. The Pink are the most powerful group in Imaginary Land. Gray people begin to believe they are stupid. If Orwell’s quote is true, what will the Gray people probably do in the future for the progress of Imaginary Land and WHY? • If Orwell’s quote is true, the Gray people will probably do nothing for the progress of Imaginary Land in the future because they have begun to believe the limitations that the Pinks have set upon them.