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USATLAS and STAR Grid Computing Facility Overview

This document provides an overview of the RHIC/USATLAS and STAR Grid Computing Facility, including hardware and software configuration, list of gatekeepers, and future plans. It also details the computational clusters, user and account model, and ongoing R&D projects.

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USATLAS and STAR Grid Computing Facility Overview

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  1. RHIC/USATLAS Grid Computing Facility Overview Dantong Yu Brookhaven National Lab

  2. Overview • US ATLAS Computing Facility Overview. • Star Computing Facility Overview. • Future Plan

  3. BNL USATLAS Grid Configuration HPSS giis01 Information Server LSF (Condor) Server1 amds Mover LSF (Condor) Server2 AFS server Globus RC GDMP Server aftpexp00 Globus-client Gatekeeper Job manager aafs 70MB/S GridFtp atlas00 Grid Job Requests 17TB Disks Submit Grid Jobs Internet

  4. BNL USATLAS site status • hardware and software configuration • list of principal gatekeeper and specialized gatekeepers • gremlin.usatlas.bnl.gov: • Dual PII 550, 18GB local disks, Fast ethernet • Redhat 7.2,Globus 2.0 Beta suite, Condor, lsf software. BU:ATLAS packages • spider.usatlas.bnl.gov: • Dual PIII 700, 36GB raid disks, Gigabit Network connection • Redhat 7.2, Globus 2.0 suite, Globus Replica Catalog, Patched version of GridFtp which supports stable parallel data transfer. • GDMP 3.0.11. • Aftpexp.bnl.gov • PIII 800, 72 GB Cheetah SCSI, Dual gigabit network connection • Redhat 7.2, Globus Replica Catalog, Patched version of GridFtp. • Giis01.usatlas.bnl.gov • BNL MDS site organization server, Backup USATLAS giis server. • Participate ivdgl testbed • BNL VO Server.

  5. Continued • computational cluster (type, size, queues) • Lsf, two worker nodes (Dual 700Mhz, 9GB), can be scaled up to 50 worker nodes. • Condor, two worker nodes (Dual 700Mhz, 9GB), • user and account model: each user has NIS account. Some of Grid users are mapped to grid_a (group account), some of users are mapped to their local accounts. • software environment: • http://www.acf.bnl.gov/UserInfo/Facilities/Grid/bnl-atlas-pacman-installation.html

  6. STAR Grid Configuration HPSS giis01 Information Server rmds Mover LSF & Condor rftpexp00 Stargrid Globus RC GDMP Server Globus-client STAR Gatekeeper Job manager AFS server 70MB/S GridFtp HRM Submit Grid Jobs NSF Server Disks Cabinets Grid Job Requests Internet

  7. BNL site status • hardware and software configuration • list of principal gatekeeper and specialized gatekeepers • Stargrid01.rcf.bnl.gov: • Dual PII 450, 62GB local disks, Fast ethernet. • Redhat 6.2,Globus 2.0 suite, Condor, lsf software. • HRM software. • Stargrid02.rcf.bnl.gov: • Dual PIII 1.4GHz, 146GB raid disks, Dual Gigabit Network connection • Redhat 7.3, Globus 2.0 suite, Globus Replica Catalog 2.1, GDMP 3.0.11. • Patched version of GridFtp 1.0 which supports stable parallel data transfer. • HRM Software • rftpexp.bnl.gov • PIII 800, 68 GB SCSI, Dual gigabit network connection • Redhat 7.1, Patched version of GridFtp 2.1. • Giis01.usatlas.bnl.gov • BNL MDS site organization server. • Participate ivdgl testbed • MDS 2.0, 2.1

  8. Current and Future Works • List and brief description of Grid related R&D project your site (and people) are participating in or supplying resources • Deploy HRM & SRM: storage resource management. Can be used to replica data from HPSS to another HPSS, Dantong • HPSS enabled GridFtp. Enhance GridFtp to copy files from/to HPSS, Dantong • Facility (Grid) Monitoring, use home grow monitoring tools and Ganglia to monitor the local fabrication (, Integrate it into MDS, Jason Smith and Dantong Yu • Network research: network performance monitoring, tuning. Work on difference network tools, iperf, netperf, network weather server. • Near future plans for upgrades and projects: Deploy VDT 1.1.2, increase the size of Grid lsf and condor pool to all available atlas computing nodes. Continue on Grid Monitoring Project.

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