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Colette Heald Advisor: Daniel Jacob TRACE-P Data Workshop #2 June 24, 2002

Daily Inventory of Biomass Burning Emissions using Satellite Observations and Using Satellite Observations of CO from MOPITT. Colette Heald Advisor: Daniel Jacob TRACE-P Data Workshop #2 June 24, 2002. Fire Activity and CO Emissions during TRACE-P. BB > 50% of Spring CO Emissions in Asia!.

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Colette Heald Advisor: Daniel Jacob TRACE-P Data Workshop #2 June 24, 2002

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  1. Daily Inventory of Biomass Burning Emissions using Satellite Observations andUsing Satellite Observations of CO from MOPITT Colette Heald Advisor: Daniel Jacob TRACE-P Data Workshop #2 June 24, 2002

  2. Fire Activity and CO Emissions during TRACE-P BB > 50% of Spring CO Emissions in Asia! AVHRR Firecounts during TRACE-P • Main Features: • Most significant burning • in SE Asia and NE India • Relatively little burning • in China Climatological March BB CO Emissions BUT, fire activity (and therefore emissions) are highly variable…

  3. Concept: Daily Biomass Burning Emissions Fire Activity ADD TEMPORAL VARIABILITY CONSTRAIN TOTAL EMISSIONS Annual BB CO Emission Budget AVHRR Daily Satellite FireCounts Daily Fire Activity (correct for coverage) Monthly BB CO Emission Budget Incomplete Daily Coverage Daily BB CO Emission Budget Data: gridded (0.5°x0.5°) AVHRR daily product World Fire Web (1998-2001 data, no longer operational)

  4. AVHRR Coverage Limitations Coverage limited by: • Polar Orbit • Ground Station Data Submission • Clouds • Scan Angle fire detection dependence! First Order Correction (for 1-3): • Defining the Fraction on Fire (FOF) Percentage of days observed in Spring 2001 Average Cloud Cover during Spring 2001 fi = # pixels on fire ci = # cloudy pixels ti = # total pixels

  5. Issue: Spurious Periodicity in Fire Products • Problem: Fire pixels increase in size as scan across track (see fewer pixels) and fire detection algorithm less efficient at large scan angles • Plan: Remove large scan angle observations and correct remaining fire observations Nadir observations Satellite polar orbit 8-days until repeats to same nadir point Fire detection efficiency drops as scan across track USE THESE FIRE OBSERVATIONS TO PARTITION MONTHLY BB CO EMISSIONS

  6. Attributing Source Type to Observations Multivariable fit to aircraft CO: • PCE (C2Cl4) ~ fossil fuel • HCN ~ biomass burning, biofuel • Background term ~ chemical production BLACK=OBSERVATIONS RED=FIT 5 minute merge, O3<100 ppb, no transit flights

  7. Observation and Model Location of Source Influenced CO TOTAL CO HCN=BB/BF PCE=FF BB, BF and FF model CO diagnosed with tagged tracers BB, BF and FF observed CO diagnosed with PCE and HCN MISSING BB AND FF SOURCES? FORMALIZE WITH INVERSION STUDY MODEL OBSERVATIONS

  8. AIRCRAFT EMISSIONS MOPITT CO Source Inversion: MOPITT and TRACE-P Objective:Investigate how satellite and aircraft observations can be integrated to quantify large-scale sources of pollution to the atmosphere Use a top-down approach to verify regional emission estimates for Asian CO

  9. MOPITT Validation Profiles during TRACE-P V2 Retrieval: ~20% bias V3 Retrieval: Better agreement • V3 Changes: • Calibration • Recovered data (40%) • Clouds from MODIS • New a priori BLACK=AIRCRAFT RED=AIRCRAFTxAVG KERNELS BLUE=MOPITT Courtesy: Louisa Emmons (NCAR)

  10. Comparing MOPITT (v.2) and GEOS-CHEM CO20010324 MOPITT adjusted for bias

  11. Evolution of CO Features in MOPITT March 24, 2001 March 25, 2001 March 26, 2001 GEOS-CHEM MOPITT

  12. Ft. 4: Aged Asian PlumeMOPITT validation (40N, 132W) GEOS-CHEM (6.2-7.4 km) MOPITT Aircraft 12 hours later… MOPITT overpass 20:00GMT (Solid stratus deck)

  13. Future Plans 3 papers • Biomass Burning emission inventory with daily resolution: Application to aircraft observations of Asian outflow • Correct for scan angle dependence in fire product • Implement new emission inventory in GEOS-CHEM model to characterize variability in CO concentrations associated to daily BB inventory • Employ PCE and HCN as tracers for FF and BB/BF respectively to validate the influence of variability in BB. • Quantifying Asian sources of CO: An integration of satellite and aircraft observations during TRACE-P • Assess the consistency of the aircraft and MOPITT data sets • Investigate how aircraft and satellite observations can be optimally combined • Perform an Asian source inversion during TRACE-P • Characterizing trans-Pacific transport events of Asian pollution as observed by aircraft and MOPITT during TRACE-P • Collaborate with Louisa Emmons (NCAR) to investigate a case of transport of Asian pollution as observed aboard aircraft, by MOPITT and simulated by GEOS-CHEM

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