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Foreign Words and Phrases

Foreign Words and Phrases. carte blanche. MEANING: Complete freedom PRONUNCIATION: cart blanch French. tabula rasa. MEANING: empty slate or clean slate PRONUNCIATION: ta bu -la ras –a Latin. déjà vu. MEANING: a feeling of having experienced something previously

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Foreign Words and Phrases

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  1. Foreign Words and Phrases

  2. carte blanche MEANING: Complete freedom PRONUNCIATION: cart blanch French

  3. tabula rasa MEANING: empty slate or clean slate PRONUNCIATION: ta bu -la ras –a Latin

  4. déjà vu MEANING: a feeling of having experienced something previously PRONUNCIATION: de ja vu French

  5. bon voyage MEANING: have a good trip PRONUNCIATION: Bon - voy - azh French

  6. femme fatale MEANING: disastrous or dangerous woman PRONUNCIATION: fem - fa –tal French

  7. E pluribus unum MEANING: One out of many ( U.S. motto) PRONUNCIATION: e plu·ri·bus u·num Latin

  8. status quo MEANING: the way things are now PRONUNCIATION: sta tus kwoh Latin

  9. caveat emptor MEANING: buyer beware the principle that the seller of a product cannot be held responsible for its quality unless it is guaranteed in a warranty. PRONUNCIATION: kav-ee-aht emp-tawr Latin

  10. hoi polloi MEANING: the ordinary people or the masses of people PRONUNCIATION: hoi puh-loi Greek

  11. prima donna MEANING: The lead female operatic singer self-important, difficult person, self-absorbed PRONUNCIATION: pree-muh don-uh Italian

  12. alma mater MEANING: the school one attended PRONUNCIATION: ahl-muh mah-ter Latin

  13. esprit de corps MEANING: fellowship, camaraderie PRONUNCIATION: e-spree duh kawr French

  14. faux pas MEANING: a social blunder, something absurd or socially unacceptable PRONUNCIATION: foh pah French

  15. Fashion Faux Pas

  16. joie de vivre MEANING: Exuberance, love of life PRONUNCIATION: zhwaduh vee-vruh French

  17. alpha and omega MEANING: the beginning and the end PRONUNCIATION: al fa and o may guh

  18. ad nauseam MEANING: to the extreme PRONUNCIATION: ad naw-zee-uhm, -am Latin

  19. RSVP MEANING: please respond or please reply PRONUNCIATION: French

  20. du jour MEANING: of the moment “The soup du jour is tomato basil.” PRONUNCIATION: duh zhoor French

  21. cum laude MEANING: with honor PRONUNCIATION: koom lou-dey Latin

  22. verbatim MEANING: word for word or exactly like the original PRONUNCIATION: ver-bey-tim Latin

  23. avant-garde MEANING: new and unusual PRONUNCIATION: uh-vahnt-gahrd

  24. carpe diem MEANING: “seize the day,” enjoying the pleasures of the moment without having concern for the future. PRONUNCIATION: car-pay dee- im

  25. tempus fugit MEANING: Time flies PRONUNCIATION: Latin tem-pus fu-get

  26. c’est la vie MEANING: That’s life; such is life PRONUNCIATION: French Say-la-vee

  27. bona fide MEANING: 1.made, done, presented, etc., in good faith; without deception or fraud: a bona fide statement of intent to sell. 2.authentic; true: a bona fide sample of Lincoln's handwriting. PRONUNCIATION: Latin Pronounced like it looks

  28. savoir faire MEANING: Instinctive knowledge of the right course of action in any circumstance. PRONUNCIATION: French sav-wire-fair

  29. non sequitur MEANING: a statement having little or no relevance to what preceded it Example: Someone saying something extremely random that has nothing to do with the current topic of conversation. You could say, “Wow, that was non sequitur.” PRONUNCIATION: Latin non sec-wit-ur

  30. id est MEANING: the full form of i.e. i.e. means : “that is to say” It indicates that an explanation or paraphrase is about to follow: “Many workers expect to put in a forty-hour week — i.e., to work eight hours a day.” PRONUNCIATION: Latin Like it looks

  31. enfant terrible MEANING: 1.an incorrigible child, as one whose behavior is embarrassing. 2.an outrageously outspoken or bold person who says and does indiscreet or irresponsible things. PRONUNCIATION: an-fant- ter-ree-bluh French

  32. terra firma MEANING: firm or solid earth; dry land (as opposed to water or air). PRONUNCIATION: Latin ter-uh fir-muh

  33. voxpopuli MEANING: the voice of the people; popular opinion. PRONUNCIATION: vox pop-u-lie Latin

  34. Now, practice quizzing a buddy. Give the definition and have them give you the word, or you may tell them the word and have them give you the definition.

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