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“The Body Change First” (By the Supernatural)

“The Body Change First” (By the Supernatural). I CORINTHIANS 15:53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption , and this mortal must put on immortality.

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“The Body Change First” (By the Supernatural)

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  1. “The Body Change First” (By the Supernatural)

  2. I CORINTHIANS 15:53 For this corruptible mustput on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. I CORINTHIANS 15:54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. I CORINTHIANS 15:55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

  3. I CORINTHIANS 15:56 The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. I CORINTHIANS 15:57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. I CORINTHIANS 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

  4. I THESSALONIANS 5:5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. I THESSALONIANS 5:6 Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.

  5. I THESSALONIANS 5:7 For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. I THESSALONIANS 5:8 But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.

  6. The Supernatural Body inside a flesh body is a concept that most people in the message can not fathom. Therefore they search and try to fight and disprove this fact. However, we are Supernatural Beings if we are of God! We believe that John was correct when he said, “What manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us that we should be called Sons of God.” We are his children.

  7. The Father (Pillar of Fire) is supernatural and therefore we are supernatural. The principle of offspring is simple; Dogs have dogs, and cats have cats, and horses have horses, and God has Gods! We are his gene, his offspring, his children and we are eternal. Eternal in his thought and expressed in His Word Body. We came from a Supernatural Father passing through the flesh of a natural father until our Supernatural Father glorified us. Now we are his flesh.

  8. EXPECTATIONS_53-0507 See, we're human. And we're supernatural also. Every person in here is a supernatural being. And in your body dwells a spirit. And if that spirit is either of God or it's not of God.

  9. QA.HEBREWS.PART.3_ 57-1006 311-631 See, in your body, inside of you ... Inside of you is a spirit, another man. The outside of you is one man; the inside of you is another man. So the inside of you is the supernatural; the outside of you is the physical.

  10. We are supernatural and we are human. Now we can begin to understand that we are just as Jesus in St. John 11 – a little human frail man stood at the tomb and wept as he looked in a cold dark cave and knew that one of his best friends lay on the other side of that rock. And as a man he wept when he looked at his loved ones around him and realized that they didn’t know he was supernatural and therefore were pointing to a future resurrection. Yes, as a man that was truly heartbreaking.

  11. However, as the Supernatural Being he looked at his loved ones and said, “I Am the resurrection and the Life” and he looked into the tomb of Lazarus and cried with the Voice of Almighty God, “Lazarus, come forth”. Both man and God, “A God-man”! We are glorified by the baptism of the Holy Ghost and have God, the Theophany dwelling inside, yet we are frail man in human body form! The Supernatural Body is in the flesh body to charge your flesh body and give you new strength as you gain your experiences in this fallen realm.

  12. GOD'S.PROVIDED.WAY.OF.HEALING_54-0719A E-47 Let's take it down cell by cell. The arm comes off, the head comes off, the body comes off, on down until it's one little cell. That's where it started from. Then that little cell drops down to a germ. Well, what is that one germ? That one germ is a teeny, little, visible cell, the smallest of all cells. Now, what's beyond that? His spirit, the life. The life is in itself, supernatural, as it comes out of the supernatural, and the cosmotics, and the so forth, and the petroleums that make up the body swells and produces itself, moving out, but the first thing is a life.

  13. LAW.HAVING.A.SHADOW_54-1203 E-42 You're just a little teeny germ. Before it was a germ... What's after that germ? Is a life. Then you're in the supernatural; you're in the sixth dimension. You're plumb out of human reasoning. You're into spirit life.

  14. We came from Spirit Life, a Body in the 6th dimension and we took on a germ in our mother’s womb. As we expressed in this cosmos we took on the different elements and began to swell and produce flesh. This is not eternal, however, the Spirit Life that we came from is in fact eternal. This cosmos is fallen and we must leave this mix of darkness and separate from it. The prophet shows us how we entered and how we are in a fleshly body wrapped around us while we are here.

  15. HE.SWORE.BY.HIMSELF_54-1212 146 And now we are sons of God, part of God. Deity Itself lives in every believer. Every man that's borned of the Spirit of God is a part of God. No wonder he believes in the supernatural. No wonder he can believe in anything. Why is it? In him is a portion of God, wrapped up in that mortal body there, where there's sin and everything else, has created this body.

  16. FELLOWSHIP.BY.REDEMPTION_55-0403 109 I've never believed that heaven was a place where there's a bunch of buildings, where there's a bunch of houses up there made with mortar, daubed up with paper, paint on the wall. I've never believed that a supernatural being would have to live in a literal house. I believe, when Jesus spoke in John 14 said, "In My Father's house is many mansions," He meant, "a body, a dwelling place."

  17. For the Scriptures verify the same thing, they say, "If this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting." You see it? Mortal beings is the only one who lives in mortal habitations. Immortal beings live in immortal habitations. And the place that we go into until we return back, is not a place of brick, mortar, and clay, or precious stones, or jewels. It's a place, a condition, that we move out of this dimension that we live into, into another dimension. And it's a house, a tabernacle, a dwelling place.

  18. We are living in a fleshbody that was mortal but now has put on immortality. It is not promised the condition of the “Word Body”. The Word Body is another dimension. We move out of this flesh body into another dimension to understand the celestial. We don’t go out into a myth or some Supernatural Spirit, but it is an actual Body, a dwelling place. It is right here in a realm like the radio or television waves but it is a realm that science can not reach!

  19. The Word Body is of the 6th dimension, a dwelling place of the Eternal Person and it is fixed by God alone. We are immortal beings and we live in immortal habitations. Moses and Elijah did not reappear in flesh bodies in the first coming nor did they in the second coming. Another fleshly coming is not the promise! We are receiving from their Supernatural Being every thing we need for the journey. Mortal put on immortal in creation and the Word Body did it for us by making a new creation.

  20. QA.HEBREWS.PART.3_57-1006 342-837 You're borned in the world. You come by a nature, and your whole being is black, and smutty, and damned, and cursed and going to hell. That's right. But when you're borned again, then the Light of God shines down into that soul (Hallelujah); then it's no more a dark valley, but it's a valley with a shadow in it.

  21. You may be veiled here with the flesh, and with things known by faith, but there's enough Light in there. And someday that Light and darkness has to separate. And when the light shines, darkness flees. And when we go to be with Christ in that body, darkness and death vanishes, and we burst out into perfect Light.

  22. 342-840 Right now we have both sickness and joy, and have health and strength, and we have ins and outs, and ups and downs, and joy and sorrow, so forth. Well, it's just a shadow. We got enough light to know that there's Light there; and we're still in the body, in flesh. But someday the day's going to break. That's when the death angel sets at the foot of the bed; that's when the doctor says it's all finished;

  23. and this natural comes away from the supernatural, and the light springs back to Light, and darkness goes back to darkness. Then this mortal puts on immortality. That's when this corruption puts on incorruption. That's when this mortal puts on immortality, and we become from a creature of time to a creature of eternity. You cannot go out there with total darkness; you've got to have light in the darkness. There you are. That's that body you receive.

  24. The dimension of the terrestrial brings a dark body. Your whole being is black, smutty and damned! That’s the way you come by nature in this terrestrial and then you are born again or the flesh-manis baptized with the Holy Ghost and cleansed, burned out, redeemed from the pawn shop, and your fleshmanis made a fit place for God, the Theophany to live. That 6th dimensional Being takes over the fleshman. Then there is enough “Light” in there. And some day the Light and darkness will separate! The terrestrial and the celestial are not meant to remain together throughout Eternity.

  25. We separate from this terrestrial andare no longer darkness and Light mixed. We burst out into Perfect Light! We are mixed with the terrestrial darkness right now and we carry the Light to take over the darkness.When this natural comes away from the Supernatural, when “these two bodies separate”, the Light springs back to Light and the darkness flees! We movefrom a creature of time to Eternity. You have Light in the darkness and that Light will burst into Perfect Light – That’s The Body You Receive! Wife, you have already received that Body of Light and it is bursting out of the darkness now!!

  26. SUPER.SIGN_61-0430 E-37 And faith is supernatural; it does supernatural things. And through Abraham's faith, as he was here, hundreds of years later, come the supernatural Seed that he believed in. And when this supernatural Seed come on earth, He done the supernatural sign of a supernatural prophet. He was greater than a prophet. He was a God to us to give a natural people a supernatural birth. What did He do? He went before us. He died, but they couldn't hold Him. Abraham's grave's still there. Isaac's grave's still there. But there's an empty tomb on the supernatural Seed that done a supernatural work, that had a supernatural resurrection.

  27. A.PARADOX_ TAMPA.FL SATURDAY_ 64-0418B 222 And then when that little seed dies in the ground, then you might take a handful of the dirt and take it to the laboratory and examine it, you couldn't find that germ of life if you had to. There is nothing scientifically there, show it's there. But just let the sun rock around in its right position. Watch what happens. It comes from somewhere. That's a paradox. They can't explain it. See, everything in it dies but the life, and the life is unseen. And wherever the little life is, it is supernatural. And the natural body is completely gone, but the supernatural still lives.

  28. Did you notice the prophet said, “Abraham’s grave’s still there, Isaac’s grave is still there, but there is an empty tomb on the Supernatural Seed, a Supernatural Work, and a Supernatural Resurrection! If you can truly understand his word then you will understand what kind of Body resurrected for Abraham and Isaac and FOR YOU!

  29. The germ of life, God’s own Life is in your dust body, your fleshly body, but scientifically there is nothing there! There is no material or element that you can point to in this dust body and say there is the other body! Every thing in the dust body dies but the Life, and the Life is unseen! The Life is Supernatural, it is a Being and when the natural body is completely gone – the mortal is back in the elements where it belongs, the Supernatural Person still lives.

  30. We were first Attribute of His Thought and we were all in ONE. Secondarily, He became then the Word. He moved from Logos to Word Body and then to flesh. We separated into the darkness of flesh to be tempted and tried by going from Logos to the fleshman. Then we heard from our Theophany, our Word and it formed into the Word Body of the age by eating the Word of the Age. Now we are the Word Formed Body of the Age, Word Age Children because we heard and received our Word Body.

  31. The form is living in us now. This Supernatural Being was the Logos in us from our natural birth but had not taken form in the flesh yet. There had to come a new birth.Then hearing the designated Word of the age, the Supernatural Being formed a Supernatural Body by the Word of the Hour. Our flesh body materialized around that Word Body! We came here for our experience! Shalom, a great Light has shined in the darkness. To the world it is total darkness around us, but to you Wife of Christ, I say, “Shalom, Peace”!

  32. ABRAHAM.AND.HIS.SEED.AFTER.HIM_61-0423 E-79 When Abraham's body was changed, Sarah's body was changed, like it never had been changed before... Now, when we all know that when Jesus comes we'll be caught up in a rapture. And we know our bodies will have to be changed first. And it'll... It won't have to be just go back to young men and women, but it'll have to be changed,

  33. because Abraham and Sarah's body had to be changed in a way that they could receive the promised son. That's Abraham. His body had to be changed to receive the promised son, after being justified, sanctified, filled with the Holy Spirit, called by election, manifested God of glory in the midst of him. And then his body was changed in order to receive the promised son.

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