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Day To Day Trade Adjustment Assistance

Day To Day Trade Adjustment Assistance. TAA Services Standard Operating Procedures. Tracy Bunch, TAA Specialist – East TN Region | July 2019.

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Day To Day Trade Adjustment Assistance

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  1. Day To Day Trade Adjustment Assistance TAA Services Standard Operating Procedures Tracy Bunch, TAA Specialist – East TN Region | July 2019

  2. The purpose of the TAA Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) is to create a clear understanding of the steps needed to be taken when an eligible trade impacted worker requests services at the American Job Center under the Trade Adjustment Assistance Act.

  3. What is a “File Naming Convention” and what does that mean to me? • It is a uniform structure for naming your files in a way that describes what they contain and how they relate to other files. • When saving files to upload to www.Jobs4TN.gov, save them in the TAA File Name Convention format on your computer. • The TAA File Naming Convention for all TAA files that are going to be uploaded to www.Jobs4TN.gov is: • Lastname, Firstname (Item) mm-dd-yyyy • Reynolds, Malcolm (TAA Training Packet) 06-14-2019 • Washburne, Zoë (Weekly Cert) 07-06-2019(use the Saturday date that is on the certification)

  4. Uploading Documents to www.Jobs4TN.gov • Upload documents as ONE file whenever possible. Examples: • The complete TAA training request packet. • The benchmark AND measurable skills gain WITH grades. • The RTAA packet. • Enter a case note when uploading documents. • Upload the document IN the case note. • Create the case note IN the benchmark.

  5. Benchmarks and Measurable Skills Gain • Go to www.menti.com on your cell phone! • Enter code: 22 44 39

  6. Emailing your TAA Specialist • Who should you include in the email when you email your TAA Specialist? • TAA Specialists Edward Jenkins, Karen P. Carter-King & Tracy Bunch • Your Team Lead • Your One-Stop-Operator (OSO) • TRA Representatives Angela Carnahan & Chris Burton • Tiffany Kerstetter, Assistant Director of UI/TRA • IF the email is RTAA related you ALWAYS include TRA Representative Marcus Warren.

  7. Case Closures and Creating A Credential • Do you create a (training) credential if you have the follow-up form but not the credential? • Yes, you create the credential and link the follow-up form, but you will still need to upload the credential once you receive it. • Who updates the Individual Employment Plan when the participant completes TAA services? • The TAA Representative is responsible for updating the IEP to reflect completed objectives.

  8. 30/60/90 Day Follow-Ups • My participant has completed theirTAA service, do I need to do anything else? • YES!You need to follow up with your participant every 30 days for the next 90 days. • Document in case notes your contact, contact attempts, and information obtained during these follow-ups. • If participant finds employment, request: • Employer name • Hire date • Full-time or part-time • Wage amount • Document all of this information both in case notes AND in theirTAA application.

  9. Questions?

  10. TN Trade Adjustment Assistant Specialists Edward Jenkins TAA Specialist – West TN Region Direct Line: (901) 543-2054 Edward.C.Jenkins@tn.gov Karen P. Carter-King TAA Specialist – Middle TN Region Direct Line: (615) 206-6642 Karen.P.Carter@tn.gov Tracy Bunch TAA Specialist – East TN Region Direct Line: (615) 494-4260 Tracy.Bunch@tn.gov

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