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Club Leadership Training Session. Achieving Success As Vice President Public Relations. 1311A.4. Foster Self-development. Helping officers clearly understand their roles Helping members understand what to expect from club officers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Club Leadership Training Session Achieving Success As Vice President Public Relations 1311A.4

  2. Foster Self-development • Helping officers clearly understand their roles • Helping members understand what to expect from club officers • Aiding members when evaluating officers and candidates for office • Facilitating communication when expectations differ 1

  3. Outside the Club Meeting • Publicize the Toastmasters brand • Promote the club to local media • Maintain a club website • Join a Toastmasters-moderated social networking website 2

  4. Outside the Club Meeting • Produce and distribute a club newsletter • Promote membership programs • Attend club executive committee meetings • Attend other Toastmasters events • Arrange for a replacement if unable to attend a club meeting • Prepare your successor for office 3

  5. At the Club Meeting • Report on recent publicity • Announce upcoming events and programs • Gather information for the newsletter or website • Greet members and guests 4

  6. Your Leadership Opportunity • Set realistic and attainable goals • Plan how to accomplish the goals • Delegate tasks as needed • Monitor progress toward goals • Coach team members when necessary 5

  7. Your Leadership Opportunity Five Steps of Motivation • Understand what motivates each person • Focus on the benefit to the individual • Make expectations clear • Recognize their work • Be a leader 6

  8. Your Leadership Opportunity Five Steps of Delegation • Decide what to delegate • Decide who will do the task • Assign responsibility • Grant authority • Establish accountability 7

  9. Your Leadership Opportunity Barriers to Delegation • Lack of confidence in others • Fear of losing control • Selfishness • Insecurity • Reluctance 8

  10. Your Leadership Opportunity Four Steps of Coaching Step 1: Identify and define goals Step 2: Define strategies to reach goals Step 3: Establish a timeline and milestones to measure progress Step 4: Follow up 9

  11. Toastmasters' Brand Project an imageof excellence. 10

  12. Maintain a Club Website A club website can: • Show off your club’s personality • Attract new members • Keep current members updated 11

  13. Maintain a Club Website FreeToastHost.org • Is a Web service specifically for Toastmasters clubs • Provides the tools needed to run a successful club • Uses a standard, professional template • Is easy to use 12

  14. A responsibilityanda privilege 13

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