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156 自伯大尼 SINCE LONG AGO AT BETHANY. 自伯大尼 祢 與我們分手後, Since long ago at Bethany we parted, 我心有個真空無可補滿; Within my heart there is a ceaseless void; 我坐河濱,將琴掛在柳枝頭, How can I take my harp down from the willow? 祢 不在此,我怎有心鼓彈? How can my songs without Thee be enjoyed?.
156 自伯大尼SINCE LONG AGO AT BETHANY 自伯大尼祢與我們分手後,Since long ago at Bethany we parted,我心有個真空無可補滿;Within my heart there is a ceaseless void;我坐河濱,將琴掛在柳枝頭,How can I take my harp down from the willow?祢不在此,我怎有心鼓彈?How can my songs without Thee be enjoyed?
當我深夜孤獨安靜的時候,And when at night I‘m keeping lonely vigil (此時我無忍受,我也無享受,)Grown numb alike to sorrow and to cheer 不禁嘆息,我想著祢是多遠,Then I recall the promise of Thy coming,我想著祢應許已久的歸旋。But sigh: O Lord, why, Thou dost not yet appear?
(二)祢的馬槽使我生無家之想,Thy manger wakes the thought: I too am homeless;祢的苦架使我無所欲喜;Thy cross strips earthly pleasures from my soul;祢的再來使我懷未見之鄉,Thy coming bids me seek a better country,祢的自己成我追求目的。For Thou Thyself art now my final goal.
祢不在此,喜樂已減它滋味,Since Thou art gone,my joy has lost its flavor;詩歌也缺它所應有的甜美;My song the sweetness I would fain convey.祢不在此,終日我若有所失,Since Thou art gone, the sense of void o‘erwhelms me.主阿,我要祢來,我不要祢遲。Oh, how I long that Thou wilt come and not delay.
(三)雖我在此也能享受祢同在,Though even now I know Thy loving presence,但我深處依然有個缺憾;Yet in my heart there‘s still a sense of lack.雖然有祢光照,也有祢撫愛,Enlightening and tenderest sustaining有個什麼我不知仍不滿!Can no more satisfy: I want Thee back.
平安裏面,我卻仍感覺孤單,Despite Thy peace within, I still feel lonely;喜樂時候,我仍不免有吁歎;Despite Thy joy, there still remains a sigh;最是足意中間,也有不足意,When I feel most content, the silent yearning就是我還不能當面看見祢。To see Thee face to face becomes an uttered cry.
(四)亡人怎不想見生長的鄉邑?What exile cannot but desire his homeland俘虜怎不想見故國故人?And long his people once again to greet?情人分離,怎不一心羈兩地?What soul on alien soil forgets his kindred?兒女遠遊,怎不思家思親?What parted lovers never yearn to meet?
主阿,我想見祢面的心意,O Lord, how can these earthly loves and pleasures還非這些人間情形可比擬;With all the joy of Thy return compare?現今在此,我無法見祢豐采,Then, if I cannot here behold Thy countenance,是否只好嘆息等到祢回來!What can I do but sigh till Thou,my Lord, appear?
(五)主,祢能否忘記祢曾經應許,Could’st Thou, O Lord, forget Thy word of promise祢要回來,接我與祢同在?Soon to return and take me unto Thee?但一天天又一年年的過去,Yet day by day and year by year I’ve waited,我仍等候,祢卻仍未回來!And still I wait, and no return I see!
求祢記念,我已等得好疲倦,Remember, Lord, the years I have been waiting而祢蹤跡好像當初一樣遠!While Thy dear footsteps linger far away.多久?多久?還有多久的時候,How long? How long? Oh! Must I wait still longer祢才應驗應許來把我提走?Till Thou shalt come again in glorious array?
(六)日出日落,一世過去又一代,From generation unto generation祢的聖徒生活、等候、安睡;Thy saints have come and gone, but have not seen一位一位,他們已逐漸離開,Thy glorious promise pass into fulfillment.一次一次,我們望祢快回。How long, how very long the time has been!
我主,為何祢仍沒有顯動靜,Why cannot we, dear Lord, discern Thy footsteps?天仍閉住,我們觀看仍對鏡,Why are the heavens still so closely sealed?我們在此依然等候再等候,Oh! Must our waiting be prolonged still further哎呀,是否我們等候還不夠?Before Thou in Thy matchless splendor art revealed?
(七)當我回想,我已等候多長久,Lord, I recall the many years I‘ve waited不禁嘆息,低頭獨自流淚;For Thy return - yet, Lord, not I alone,求祢別再遲延不聽我要求,But Thy dear saints through many generations –現今就來接我與祢相會。Beseeching Thee to come back for Thine own.
來罷,我主,這是教會的求呼!To countless tears and countless fervent pleadings,來罷,我主,請聽聖徒的催促!By Thine appearing haste to make reply.來罷,歷世歷代累積的共鳴,Oh, may Thou come, the echo of the ages,我主,能否求祢今天一起聽!Come, come and answer now This mighty corp'rate cry!