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Self-Service Content

Learn cross-functional collaboration, focusing on quality over quantity, and designing for core tasks. Discover the importance of structured content, testing quickly, and cohesive digital strategy for improved user experience satisfaction.

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Self-Service Content

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  1. Self-Service Content Barcelona, Oct 1, 2014 Gerry McGovern gerry@customercarewords.com www.customercarewords.com @gerrymcgovern

  2. Cross-functional collaboration • Quality, not quantity • Design first for core / top tasks • Pair writing / collaboration • Start with strategy, not tool • Process for content

  3. Cohesive digital strategy • Cross-functional collaboration • Content & UX collaboration • Test quickly, test often • Findability • Structured content

  4. Structure / metadata • Internet of things & people

  5. 5 million visits NO TIME TO UPDATE

  6. 100? In a year, how many pages can Susan professionally manage?

  7. 200?

  8. 300?

  9. 500?

  10. 700?

  11. 1,000?

  12. Self-Service? Speed & Repetition Perfect for Self-Service A Mix of Channels SLOW TO DO FAST TO DO Best Over The Phone Face-to-Face Most Suitable HIGH REPETITION LOW REPETITION

  13. Self-Service? Control vs Complexity Perfect for Self-Service A Mix of Channels HIGH COMPLEXITY LOW COMPLEXITY Best Over The Phone Face-to-Face Most Suitable HIGH DEMAND FOR CONTROL LOW DEMAND FOR CONTROL

  14. Self-Service? Implications & Vulnerability Perfect for Self-Service A Mix of Channels HIGH IMPLICATIONS LOW IMPLICATIONS Best Over The Phone Face-to-Face Most Suitable ENABLED CUSTOMERS VULNERABLE CUSTOMERS

  15. Self-Service? Service vs Self-Service Costs Perfect for Self-Service A Mix of Channels LOW SERVICE STAFF COSTS HIGH SERVICE STAFF COSTS Best Over The Phone Face-to-Face Most Suitable LOW SELF-SERVICE COSTS HIGH SELF-SERVICE COSTS

  16. Sweet Spot for Web Self-Service Standard contract questions Planning permission Self-service Sweet Spot Complex Complicated Simple HIGH SELF-SERVICE COSTS LOW SELF-SERVICE COSTS Phone Sweet Spot Divorce Face-to-Face Sweet Spot LOW ONLINE DEMAND HIGH ONLINE DEMAND

  17. Task 5 – Cloning Does Microsoft support producing multiple copies of a Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 image, using cloning? Task Performance Critical Issues Median time on task (sec) = 162 TPI = 0 Target time on task (sec) = 30

  18. And the answer is .... YES

  19. Online self-service principles Simplicity Convenience Control Speed Price Continuous improvement


  21. “Streamline" experience Prevent "distractions"

  22. Whatever……

  23. Content Publishing activity TOP TASKS TINY TASKS


  25. “dublin sunrise”


  27. SPEED

  28. 2 second delay 4% reduction in ad revenue 2009

  29. 7 Seconds of Orientation 2009

  30. PRICE


  32. We focus on user needs. RELENT LESSLY

  33. Password recovery = Minor Issues (50-59) TPI = 59 November 2012 : Pretend you have forgotten the password for the Cisco account and take whatever actions are required to log in. Success/Failure Rates Completion Time

  34. Password Recovery = Fair (60-69) TPI = 68 May 2013: Pretend you have forgotten the password for the Cisco account and take whatever actions are required to log in. Success/Failure Rates Completion Time Good 0-2.25 x Target Minor Time Issue 2.25-3.25 x Target Major Time Issue 3.25-5.75 x Target Critical Time Issue Above 5.75 x Target * All Failure times treated as 300 seconds

  35. AND EVEN CONTENT EDITORS!!! “Implementing the improvements required coordinated effort from multiple IT teams, usability and experience design people, and even content editors.” Martin Hardee, Director for Cisco.com

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