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COMMON GOOD APPROACH. “ What is ethical is what advances the common good.”. Theory Definition cont’d. --presents a vision of society where: Members of community are joined in pursuit of their common values and goals.

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  1. COMMON GOOD APPROACH “ What is ethical is what advances the common good.”

  2. Theory Definition cont’d. --presents a vision of society where: • Members of community are joined in pursuit of their common values and goals. • Community is comprised of individuals whose good is inextricably bound by the good of the whole.

  3. Richard Cumberland(1631-1718) • He Defines ‘Good’ as “that which preserves, or enlarges and perfects, the Faculties of any one thing, or of several”

  4. Richard Cumberland • Includes both happiness and perfection • Development of faculty • Inseparable elements in the Good

  5. Richard Cumberland • His conclusion: • Best method of securing it is that of benevolence • Regard for the common good • As opposed to selfish preoccupation with our own individual interests

  6. Repeatedly Points Out • “That the good of all rational beings is greater than the like good of any part of that aggregate body, that is, that it is truly the greatest good.”

  7. Repeatedly Points Out • “That in promoting the good of this whole aggregate, the good of the individuals is contained and promoted.”

  8. Repeatedly Points Out • “That the good of every particular part requires the introducing and settling of distinct property in such things, and such services of rational agents, as contribute to the common good.”

  9. Plato • His philosophy was marked by the usage of dialectic. • Belief in the capability of the human mind to obtain the truth • He believed conflicting interests of different parts of society can be harmonized.

  10. Characteristics of a good political society • Justice • Wisdom • Moderation • Courage

  11. Criticisms of Common Good Approach • Takes away individual rights and freedoms • Doesn’t take into consideration rules of law, multiple party systems, elections

  12. Ethical Dilema • AFFORDABLE HEALTHCARE!!! • The United States, to its shame, has some 45 million people without health insurance and many more millions who have poor coverage.

  13. Ethical Dilema • Food • Clothing • Healthcare • Meaningful work • Education • Medicaid • Medicare • Welfare

  14. IN CONCLUSION In general, the common good consists of all the conditions of society and the goods secured by those conditions, which allow individuals to achieve human and spiritual flourishing.

  15. Questions • Does the common good apply to every situation? • Who decides the common good for the masses/majority? • Can the common good be agreed upon?

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