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Acts 1:8 … and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”.
Acts 1:8 … and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
In Acts 9:31 there is a transition; a shift of focus from the Jewish church, and the calling of Paul to the expansion of the church to areas outside of Jerusalem and Judea, that includes the Gentiles.
gRaceRelations (Acts 10)
Acts 10:1-8 Cornelius was one of the “God fearers” • People who believed and worshiped the one true God, but were not of the Hebrew line, and did not hold to Jewish rituals, laws, and ceremonies • There are many “God fearers” in our culture today, who are not practicing “Christians” and have not experienced the gospel of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.
Acts 10:9-16 Peter’s vision of the sheet • An allegory, not meant to be taken literally (we’ll talk more about this next Sunday) • Rather than religious dogma, God was teaching Peter about legalism vs grace • The vision came THREE TIMES • Peter had to be reminded of other 3s in his life • God was once again stretching Peter, and the church out of their comfort zone; out of the box of religion
Acts 10:17-23 • While Peter was processing the vision, three men arrived at Simon’s gate • God’s timing is always perfect • God confirmed by the Spirit that Peter was to receive the men “without misgivings” • Peter was instructed by God to GO! He was SENT! • He entered their house – placing himself in their cultural domain and breaking down walls of separation
Acts 10:34-43 Peter proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ • Jesus anointed with the Holy Spirit and power • His ministry of healing and deliverance • His death on the cross • His resurrection on the third day • Appointed by God as Judge of the living and the dead • Forgiveness of sin comes through believing in Him
Acts 10:44-48 • The Holy Spirit fell • Something visible/audible happened • Water baptism was administered immediately
A paradigm shift • The gospel is not just for practicing Jews • Religion is being challenged • The fulfillment of the Law through Christ is being manifest • Prejudice and racism are being confronted • The Dispensation of Grace is born
Are we all called to be “cross cultural” missionaries? Who are our modern day “Gentiles or Samaritans? Why shouldn’t we just expect them to come to us, and become like us? What rules or “social norms” would we have to re-think, in order to go to them?
Romans 10:14-15How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? How will they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!”