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Reflexive Verbs

Reflexive Verbs . Craig Thomas B.A. What is a Reflexive Verb?. A verb is reflexive when the subject and the object are the same. I wash myself. subject: I verb: wash object: myself Since the subject and object are the same, the verb is reflexive.

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Reflexive Verbs

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  1. Reflexive Verbs Craig Thomas B.A.

  2. What is a Reflexive Verb? • A verb is reflexive when the subject and the object are the same. • I wash myself.subject: Iverb: washobject: myself • Since the subject and object are the same, the verb is reflexive. • I wash the car.subject: Iverb: washobject: car • Since the subject and object are different, the verb is not reflexive.

  3. How to Recognize a Reflexive Verb • When a verb is reflexive, the infinitive ends in "se." • lavarto wash (non-reflexive) • lavarseto wash oneself (reflexive) • rascarto scratch (non-reflexive) • rascarseto scratch oneself (reflexive)

  4. Verb Conjugation Review • When you learned to conjugate regular verbs, you needed to learn a set of pronouns called "subject pronouns." • lavar • yolavotú lavasél, ella, usted lavanosotros/aslavamosvosotros/aslaváisellos, ellas, ustedeslavan

  5. Reflexive Pronouns • To learn to conjugate reflexive verbs, you need to learn a different set of pronouns called "reflexive pronouns." These pronouns are positioned before the verb, while the ending "se" is dropped and the verb is conjugated normally.

  6. The List! • Reflexive Pronouns: • me (myself) • te (yourself) • se (himself, herself, yourself) • nos (ourselves) • os (yourselves) • se (themselves, yourselves)

  7. Examples • yomelavoI wash (myself) • túte lavasyou wash (yourself) (informal) • élse lavahe washes (himself) • ellase lavashe washes (herself) • ustedse lavayou wash (yourself) (formal) • nosotrosnoslavamoswe wash (ourselves) • nosotrasnoslavamoswe wash (ourselves) (feminine) • vosotrososlaváisyou-all wash (yourselves) (informal) • vosotrasoslaváisyou-all wash (yourselves) (informal, feminine) • ustedesselavanyou-all wash (yourselves)(formal) • ellosselavanthey wash (themselves) • ellasselavanthey wash (themselves) (feminine)

  8. Who Cares? • The purpose of the reflexive object pronouns is to show that the action of the verb remains with the subject. • Juan se lava la cara.Juan washes his face. (reflexive) • Juan lava sucarro. (non-reflexive)Juan washes his car. • Note: When referring to body parts, use the definite article, thus "la cara" not "sucara."

  9. Making Verbs Reflexive • Note that many, many verbs can be made reflexive. All it means when a verb is reflexive is that the action remains with the subject. • wash the dog (non-reflexive)wash your face (reflexive) • raise the book (non-reflexive)raise your arm (reflexive) • put the baby to bed (non-reflexive)go to bed (reflexive) • wake up your son (non-reflexive)wake up yourself (reflexive)

  10. Direct Object Pronoun Review • In the lesson titled Direct Object Pronouns Part III you learned that when there are two verbs, you have two options on where to place the pronoun: before the conjugated verb or attached to the end of the infinitive. • I want to see it. (querer, ver)Lo quiero ver.Quieroverlo. • Lo debemoscomprar.Debemoscomprarlo.We should buy it. • Maríanosdebevisitar.Maríadebevisitarnos.Mary should visit us.

  11. Placing Pronouns With Reflexive Verbs • The same is true regarding reflexive pronouns. When the sentence has two verbs, the pronoun can be placed directly before the conjugated verb or attached to the end of the infinitive. • I want to see myself.Me quiero ver.Quieroverme. • John needs to wash his hair.Juan se necesitalavar el pelo.Juan necesitalavarse el pelo. • Maria can wash her face now.AhoraMaría se puedelavar la cara.AhoraMaríapuedelavarse la cara. • I have just gone to bed.Acabo de acostarme.Me acabo de acostar.

  12. Reflexives and Prepositions • Whenever a verb directly follows a preposition, it remains in the infinitive form. For reflexive verbs, the ending -se changes to agree with the subject. Observe the differences in the following sentences, all of which are about counting burros before falling asleep. • Antes de dormirme, yocuento burros. • Antes de dormirte, túcuentas burros. • Antes de dormirse, la chicacuenta burros. • Antes de dormirnos, nosotroscontamos burros. • Antes de dormiros, vosotroscontáis burros. • Antes de dormirse, los chicoscuentan burros.

  13. Transitive and Intransitive Verbs • In Spanish, these intransitive constructions frequently employ the reflexive form. • The sun dried the clothes. (transitiveDO)El sol secó la ropa. • The clothes dried in the sun. (intransitive IDO)La ropa se secó al sol. • Sometimes, the reflexive construction is used merely to emphasize who is performing the action of the sentence. • The cake? Maria ate it.¿La torta? María se la comió.

  14. Reflexive Verbs • A few verbs are always used reflexively. • arrepentirse (e:ie) - to repent • atreversea - to dare • darsecuenta de - to realize • jactarsede - to boast • quejarsede - to complain about • suicidarse- to commit suicide

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