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http://dope-review.com/traffic-fresh-review/ TRAFFIC FRESHREVIEWis The Most Traffic Inducing “Influential Marketing” App That’s Going To Get Your Tons Of Viral Traffic, Leads & Sales Within Minutes! What if you could see exactly what type of content will get read, get shared, and even go viral and who wants to share it before you even begin? Well, now you can with Traffic Fresh. It’s a brand new app that shows you the exact content your competitors are using to get traffic, and the top influencers who are sharing it. TRAFFIC FRESHREVIEWis a desktop application that helps you strategically get tons of free traffic by leveraging top influencers in your niches using their ‘Sky Scraper’ strategy. It helps you create content with ‘built-in’ traffic that is strategically made to be shared by top influencers. It also helps you find social (Google+, Twitter, FB, Linked-in) and forum discussions happening in your niches for you to participate and get more traffic, more leads, and content ideas from. It also helps you with link building by finding guest post opportunities, comment opportunities and by letting you find submissions opportunities at rounds up and review sites. Plus, TRAFFIC FRESHREVIEWis 100% whitehat, forever. Nobody can shut you down and this traffic-getting approach will never die and it available for Mac and PC I have a question for you: What’s the longest amount of time you’ve spent creating a single piece of content? And did that content get you the viral flood of traffic, subscribers and sales you hoped it would? Chances are, it didn’t. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Way too many of us spend way too much time creating content that most people ignore. In fact, many people are now PAYING to promote their content on TRAFFIC FRESHREVIEWor Google (ouch… spending days creating content and now paying to get it seen?!) It’s rough out there. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
TRAFFIC FRESHREVIEWtired of SLAVING over content that doesn’t get seen or shared, and if you’re tired of “paying to play…” then it’s time you knew the truth. There’s an incredibly powerful traffic technique that experts like Neil Patel, Mark Schaffer and GaryVaynerchuk are raving about. And, there’s also a brand new app that makes this traffic-getting technique a gazillion times easier than ever. Traffic Fresh is a brand new, different software that can: Instantly find pockets of relevant traffic you can tap into Help ‘crowdsource’ content & videos for guaranteed, instant engagement Go beyond just ‘keyword research’ to help create content top influencers will share, guaranteed TRAFFIC FRESHREVIEWSearches & grades influencers you can reach out to in any niche Allows you to find trending topics about to go viral for easy traffic Traffic Fresh Finds the best sites/opportunities to submit your videos, posts, etc. for instant, relevant traffic FAR MORE… built for today’s more saturated internet in any niche. Again get it right here for a giant discount (available limited time) It’s time to stop guessing. Stop staring at a blank screen. And stop hoping people will magically find your content. It’s time to strap on the “X-ray goggles...”...and see the exact content your competitors are secretly creating behind your back, and who’s sharing it for them, so you can do the same. Try Traffic Fresh now before the price hike Traffic Fresh Instantly uncover content your niche wants to read, watch and share and find influencers across social media, in-cluding Facebook, Twitter, Google+, TRAFFIC FRESHREVIEWand more, who want to share that content with their followers! Traffic Fresh Discover content that’s already popular. Enter a keyword and uncover thousands of popular content ideas. No more guesswork. No more time wasting. No more writers block! Discover the people who want to share it. Find the top influencers in your niche and the content they’re sharing on Google+, Twitter, FB, TRAFFIC FRESHREVIEWand forum discussions. Create similar content, then hook yourself up with the people most likely to share it.
TRAFFIC FRESHREVIEWUncover golden guest post opportunities. Find high traffic blogs that are accepting guest posts for you to exploit. Even from Twitter. See which blog posts are getting the most traffic and shares, and follow their lead! Select “do-follow” to only show blogs that give you a backlink from your guest post. Traffic Fresh Tap Into trends. Keep your finger on the pulse in your niche with fresh content and product ideas. Then add your voice to buzzing blog comments and forum threads, or create your own blog post or YouTube video to tap into these trending search terms. TRAFFIC FRESHREVIEWFind Hidden Pockets of Traffic. Quickly and easily find “Hidden Pockets of Traffic” across the web and leverage those. Find discussion forums where you can join in the conversation and start getting traffic by recommend-ing them the right content. Discover “do-follow” blog comments. Increase your Google rankings with more backlinks, and get direct traffic from commenting on big traffic blog posts Reveal red-hot review opportunities. Fresh reviews from influential bloggers can send tons of traffic. If your competitor’s are getting reviews, you can too! Traffic Fresh Uncover hidden traffic groups. Find the best free groups and communities to share your content for easy traffic! Find round-up blog posts. Search for link round ups (where bloggers round-up the best resources in your niche) and get your website added to the TRAFFIC FRESHREVIEW! Uncover FAQ’s in any niche. Perfect for understanding your niche, and getting great content and product ideas! Built in long tail keyword finder. Get endless, fresh ideas for con-tent, emails, products and more ! Traffic Fresh Organize all your fast, traffic opportunities in the workflow dashboard, with simple to-do lists that keep TRAFFIC FRESHREVIEWon track
WHAT TRAFFIC FRESHREVIEWCAN DO FOR YOU Does your business feel like it’s stalling? Like it’s gonna take forever to get that list built, or that website earning ad revenue? Whatever business you’re in, whatever you’re selling, you know how tough it can be to get seen, get heard, and get traffic. It’s a bloodbath out there. Everybody wants attention. And fewer and fewer people want to give it to you. For these reasons, it can take months to grow a simple little niche blog these days (… or hundreds of dollars in advertising.) I thought that was “just the way TRAFFIC FRESHREVIEWis”. Until I heard how one dude managed to get 1000+ views, hundreds of shares and 179 targeted subscribers for his brand new Cross Fit blog in just 2 days (…without SEO, PPC or affiliates!) Traffic Fresh Instantly find pockets of relevant traffic you can tap into Help ‘crowdsource’ content & videos for guaranteed, instant engagement Go beyond just ‘keyword research’ to help create content top influencers will share, guaranteed Traffic Fresh Searches & grades influencers you can reach out to in any niche TRAFFIC FRESHREVIEWAllows you to find trending topics about to go viral for easy traffic Finds the best sites/opportunities to submit your videos, posts, etc. for instant, relevant trafficAutomate 100%, fast whitehat traffic strategies Algorithm update friendly, never worry about being ’slapped’ ever again Traffic Fresh Organize all your fast, traffic opportunities in the workflow dashboard Leverage & automate the ‘skyscraper’ traffic strategy used by 7 figure traffic consultants like Neil Patel WHAT IS TRAFFIC FRESHREVIEW? There's been some great video and content creation tools launched, but the major complaint of JVZoo (and many marketers in general) is that it's too hard to get cheap, targeted traffic to them.
TRAFFIC FRESHREVIEWads are too expensive to send cold traffic, and backlinking/ranking tools simply don't work anymore. Instead of trying manipulate rankings or spam communities for traffic, this software takes a new, value added approach for modern times. Traffic Fresh is a software that helps automate 100% whitehat traffic strategies to allow users to quickly get fast, relevant, and free traffic to their videos and content. These includes the 'skyscraper' strategy used by traffic gurus like Neil Patel & Brian Dean to help guarantee content gets shared & linked to by targeted influencers. I think this will be a great tool to help marketers create better content and leverage influencers to get quick, targeted traffic to their videos, squeeze pages, or other content. TrafficFresh takes the right approach at getting high-quality, targeted traffic quickly to your videos & content without paying for ads. Blackhat bogus ranking software and tactics just don't work anymore. We are taking our business mainstream- and TRAFFIC FRESHREVIEWis the first stop to get free traffic. I highly recommend this to anyone struggling to get traffic quickly to their page. TRAFFIC FRESHREVIEWis one powerful software. Think of BuzzSumo but 10X better and 10X cheaper. I can put my content right before the top players in my niche and leverage their authority and audience to get traffic. This is simply amazing! Pick it up before these guys change their mind and stop selling it at this crazy price. Instead of fighting for scraps over SEO, churning out daily blog posts, or trying to compete against thousands of other Facebook ads, I figured out what the real traffic experts do. Top marketing gurus like Neil Patel, Mark Schaffer and Gary TRAFFIC FRESHREVIEWagree…… the best way to get traffic is by getting your content infront of influential people. Why? Because when influential people share your content with their audiences, you get mass
TRAFFIC FRESHREVIEWEasier Than SEO, PPC or Daily Blogging! In fact, you can tap into tons of free traffic right now, in just 3 simple steps How do I know? Because I'm getting thousands of views, shares, and hundreds of subscribers to my videos & blogs in different niches now, without SEO, PPC, Facebook or affiliates! After seeing the power of this method for myself, we decided to create a powerful software to quickly automate these exact strategies called… THE MOST TRAFFIC INDUCING “INFLUENTIAL MARKETING” APP THAT’S GOING TO GET YOUR TONS OF VIRAL TRAFFIC FRESHREVIEW, LEADS & SALES WITHIN MINUTES! What if you could see exactly what type of content will get read, get shared, and even go viral and who wants to share it before you even begin?! Well, now you can with TrafficFresh. TRAFFIC FRESHREVIEWis a brand new app that shows you the exact content your competitors are using to get traffic, and the top influencers who are sharing it. Watch How Easy It Is Makes It Easier Than Ever To Get Free Traffic! With the push of a button, you can see exactly what people want to read, watch and share… where to share it and who is ready to share it for you! Forget writer’s block now you can finally create content that your niche is hungry for and get the top influencers in your niche to share it for fast and easy traffic. PROOF! How I Used TrafficFresh to Get 1000+ Views, Hundreds of Shares & 179 Targeted Subscribers forMy Brand New Blog in Just 24 hours… (…without SEO, PPC or affiliates!) Don’t Have Time To Create Daily Content? Good news! TRAFFIC FRESHREVIEWreveals hidden traffic goldmines without needing to write endless content each day Plus, It’s An Awesome Market Research Tool! You’re in Full Control Plus, TrafficFresh is 100% whitehat, forever. Nobody can shut you down and this traffic-getting approach will never die Available for Mac and PC You see, big companies like Hubspot have hired entire content marketing teams to do exactly what TrafficFresh does for you. Using TrafficFresh is literally saving your $1000s in outsourcing and the pain of hiring, training and managing a team.
TRAFFIC FRESHREVIEWisn’t any other type affordable whitehat content marketing and research software in the market that does what TrafficFresh does for you. The ones that come close to TRAFFIC FRESHREVIEWcost over $97 per month and were crafted ONLY for bigger companies Here's what BuzzSumo Charges for a Fraction of What TrafficFresh Does How to Get Targeted, Free Traffic in 2016 & Beyond Free Traffic Strategies BETTER Than SEO SEO is Dying (Do This Instead for Free Traffic) Google & YouTube have made it impossible to manipulate your SEO rankings now & PPC ads are way too expensive! If you’re struggling to get lost cost/targeted traffic fast, watch this video below asap: You’ll learn brand new techniques on how to get fast traffic the WHITEHAT way. see an amazing new software called Traffic Fresh launching soon. Unlike spammy, backlink tools that help you ‘trick’ your way to the top..This revolutionary software can Instantly find pockets of relevant traffic you can tap into Help ‘crowdsource’ content & videos for guaranteed, instant engagement Go beyond just ‘keyword research’ to help create content top influencers will share, guaranteed Searches & grades influencers you can reach out to in any niche TRAFFIC FRESHREVIEWAllows you to find trending topics about to go viral for easy traffic Finds the best sites/opportunities to submit your videos, posts, etc. for instant, relevant traffic FAR MORE… built for today’s internet in any niche. Again, go here now for free, modern traffic strategies that work FAST Does your business feel like it’s stalling? Like it’s gonna take forever to get that list built, or that website earning ad revenue? Whatever business you’re in, whatever you’re selling, you know how tough it can be to get seen, get heard, and get traffic. TRAFFIC FRESHREVIEW a bloodbath out there. Everybody wants attention. And fewer and fewer people want to give it to you. For these reasons, it can take months to grow a simple little niche blog these days (... or hundreds of dollars in advertising.) I thought that was “just the way it is.”Until I heard how one dude managed to get 1000+ views, hundreds of shares and 179 targeted subscribers for his brand new Cross Fit blog in just 2 days...
TRAFFIC FRESHREVIEWtired of creating content that people don’t read, like or share? What if things were different? What if you could just push of a button, and instantly see what people want to read, watch and share where to share it and who is ready to share it for you? It’s time to stop guessing. Stop staring at a blank screen. And stop hoping people will magically find your content. It’s time to strap on the “X-ray goggles...”...and see the exact content your competitors are secretly creating behind your back, and who’s sharing it for them, so you can do the same. Check this out, before the price hike If you’re anything like me, you have a hard time with TRAFFIC FRESHREVIEWfreakin’ hard work. Time consuming. And, of course, expensive. I’m not saying it doesn’t work, but have you ever wondered WHY getting people to click your ads is so HARD? It’s this: The internet was not created for ads it was created for content! Nobody opens their laptop or whips out theirphone thinking, “Hey, I wonder what adsI can read today...”They come online to read content! Problem is, creating the right content is often a guessing game. and if you’re not a big name guru in your niche, it’s hard to get people to pay attention at all. And, creating content is pointless if nobody ever sees it. But that’s about to change. Thanks to TRAFFIC FRESHREVIEW, you can create sure-fire content that people already want and quickly connect with the people who want to share it with their huge, trusting audiences! Which means No more writer’s block and no more creating content that gets ignored.Let’s face it, content marketing SUCKS. Staying up late, staring at a blank screen scouring the web looking for ideasdesperately trying to come up with that one blog post or TRAFFIC FRESHREVIEWvideo that will send a flurry of traffic your way. Only to repeat the process all over again the next day.Sucks. But what if there was an easier way to knock out winning content in minutes? What if you knew, with 99% certainty, that your next piece of content would be a raging success? What if you knew actual people who would